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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. I had a fairly serious issue with them over my quarantine but in view of the service over a fairly long period I wouldn't hold it against them, just a bit more cautious in the future.
  2. That is a bit misleading. Normally there is a full refund period and when that expires only the first night will be charged up until 24 hours before booking starts. Obviously you are of the opinion that "payment on arrival" removes any obligation to turn up. Good luck on finding any reputable hotel that will take a booking without a guarantee of some partial payment.
  3. Discretion is the order of the day. If seen it will be confiscated little risk of being "thrown off". I usually try and get first class, you have your own cabin and once the ticket check and bed is done you are not disturbed by security again.
  4. You would be wrong. I have seen many that thought the same have it confiscated.
  5. Check with the office, my office takes them up to one year old.
  6. UK paper notes have been phased out in favour of Polymer, a growing trend. When I first came here in 1999 the 50 baht note was polymer but it wasn't popular and witdrawn from circulation in 2011 with a paper note being introduced. Earlier this year the 20 baht note was issued as a polymer note.
  7. "Chonburi police admitted that the two sides had a personal conflict." Since when did personal conflicts make a city savage? Didn't Trump have a bit of a personal conflict?
  8. Well said. I have been in the area for many years and really like the place. I used to stay at the Yanadin Apartments in the years prior to my marriage in 2008, had our wedding reception at the Tide Resort. Have lived in Chonburi since then and regularly go to Bang Saen but never witnessed any trouble. Bang Saen has grown quite a bit in recent years and it would be extremely surprising if there wasn't some issue now and again. I grew up in a very small town in the north of Scotland and brawls were a fairly regular occurrance. Bang Saen can hardly be described as a "tourist area", particularly for foreigners. If it wasn't for the expat community on the outskirts the foreigner would be as common as a nine bob note. I go to the hospital there and the number of foreigners I have seen over the years you could count on one hand. As far as I am concerned, one of the best places in Thailand to live, ticks most of the boxes.
  9. Not the case, there has been a multi entry Non O in various types for long enough. I spent my first 6 years here full time on MEs, forced on to an extension in 2014 when my passport got caught up in the UK fiasco, I got another at HCMC in Dec 2019, managed a border bounce just as the pandemic started but again forced on to a 12 month extension in the May when I couldn't leave the country. In recent years they have become less readily available.
  10. Only the £20 and £50 paper notes will be withdrawn from circulation at the end of the month. Any other denominations were withdrawn some time ago and can only be exchanged at a UK bank. Internationally exchangers are only obliged to exchange the latest version of a banknote so the ability to exchange in Thailand disappeared a long time ago. Only viable option is to sell to someone returning to the UK.
  11. Steel. Last week I went to Global and bought 1 length of 2x1 and 1 length of 1x1 coated mild steel hollow section. About 500 baht but the price is a bit academic, just not something you can do in the UK. DIY in general is very good value.
  12. They do not remain valid, they get 2 years to change the warrant or remove it.
  13. No, it would depend on whether you could get through airport security. The policy is no liquids over 100ml.
  14. The only way you could do that is if you can purchase it "airside" but something makes me think there is no duty free in domestic departures. PS. It would be ok in a suitcase.
  15. It is not the moving on but the moving away that would be the concern.
  16. About as special as your claim to have met so many ex-service Brits. The only "Special" forces I encountered were being measured, with a standard resistance box and a null reading galvanometer.
  17. As a further comment on this from the OP. "Upon arriving at Pedang Besar station in Malaysia, there seemed to be an area for Thai immigration, but it seemed closed." The immigration offices(Thai & Malaysian) are on the platform and are only open from an hour before the Thai trains are due to leave and close when the train leaves. There have been several comments from people saying they couldn't find immigration at the station or it had been closed down.
  18. I did it on the train 5th Feb 2020, arrived on the morning Hat Yai shuttle and came back on the afternoon one , no problem but was on a ME visa. The shuttle was suspended during the pandemic but started running again on the 15th July 2022.
  19. Did you apply in the UK from Malaysia and then come to Thailand from Malaysia?, or did you apply in the UK from Thailand, go to the UK and come back to Thailand via Malaysia? Nothing wrong in what you say but not in line with the OPs scenario.
  20. Do keep up. Read the thread and avoid superflous posts, the OP had already responded.
  21. That is a misleading statement. A UK national is quite entitled to apply for an E-visa while in another country using the E-visa platform. Foreign nationals have always been allowed to apply for visas at a foreign embassy. Twice I have obtained visas for China here in Bangkok. On the application evidence would be required as to why the application was being made from that country. It is certainly not disallowed.
  22. At the moment the e-visa platform is only available in a relatively few countries, about 12 I think, and the only 2 in Asia are China and South Korea. In other words you cannot apply for an E-visa in Vietnam, still has to be done the old way and with the speed of rollout that is likely to be the case for some time. If you are suggesting applying for an E-visa in one of the existing countries and then doing a quick out/in with the E-visa there is fairly high risk the IO will query why visa not from the country you have traveled from. I did a Non O marriage at HCMC shortly before the pandemic and that was a lot more straightforward than the E-visa I have just obtained. If you need to leave the country I would suggest the travelling is more of an issue than getting the visa, I was fortunate I got into Vietnam visa exempt.
  23. There was no wire calculation. The original query was could 13A cable be used in Thailand, some seemed to think that the 13A cable could only be used for some figure around 7A , sticking your nose in it would appear you agree with them.
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