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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. Quite. You would need to provide a 12 month bank statement to support proof of transfers. If the statement shows the balance say for the first 6 months of the period to be over 800K there is a good chance they will only look for deposits in the months where the balance has reduced below that level. You can forget the pay slips, will only complicate the issue. What would be more relevant is the remittance advice from your UK bank. I use HSBC and they can be downloaded from the account. Suck it and see, hope for an IO in a reasonably good mood.
  2. During the 50s regular vaccination was the norm, and if you took the Queens shilling, repeated all over again, and again, and again with little choice in the matter. Modern day complacency has created the perfect environment for any virus to make hay while the sun shines. Even those that were supposed to be eradicated. People infected with polio, or who have been vaccinated with a live version of the virus, shed traces of the virus in their stool – which eventually end up in sewage wastewater. So the current hypothesis is that an infected person brought the virus into London and then spread it to others who weren't immunized. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/06/22/1106711204/polio-found-in-u-k-for-the-first-time-in-nearly-40-years-heres-what-it-means
  3. Apologies, never seen those, just get the standard 24 bottle packs, which have jumped very significantly in the last 6 months. I get my Archa from the local wholesalers but the soda water is cheaper from the supermarket than the wholesaler.
  4. Of course you were right. A septic tank is one that is intended to hold toilet waste and can be from concrete, plastic or fibreglass. It is the starting point in a waste water system. The standard Thai arrangement is 2 concrete tanks in the ground side by side, one for the toilet waste, known as black water, and the second for water from showers and basins, grey water. Overflow from the black tank passes to the grey tank and that can be leached or pumped away The gray water should never go into a black water tank and I am surprised the builder even suggested such an arrangement. Grey water invariably contains soap and detergents that upsets the biological process in the black water tank. When I had my house built in 2009 I opted for plastic tanks, a cheaper option. With plastic tanks there is a difference between black and grey tanks with pipe connections and the black water tank has a mesh arrangement inside to help break down the solids. The builder installed the normal 2 tanks but shortly after I added a third myself to take the overflow from the grey tank. I pump the output from the system onto the garden and straight from the grey tank it smelled a bit, the third tank reduced that quite significantly. Anyone starting off should be aware that you should put about 5kg of digester into the black tank to get the biological process started otherwise it will be necessary to empty the black tank on a regular basis. In over 14 years my black water tank has never been emptied. What you can get away with will depend a lot on the planning department. Here in Chonburi they were quite strict and leaching on to the surface wasn't an option. Good luck, building your own house is quite an experience.
  5. I was responding to another poster, you stuck your nose in with an irrelevant comment.
  6. You shouldn't believe what you read in the media. The word "scrapped" implies a finite end. What they meant was "suspended", as supported by the word "temporarily". At the time that was published there was no fixed timeframe for implementation.
  7. You would have to show me where I said they were. The poster that said " like a Thai national does", should have said "like a Thai national did".
  8. The TM6 was scrapped for Thai nationals in 2017. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30326711
  9. Rhetorical question. "asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information."
  10. The point was different airlines, different approach. But why not truncate the post and go off at a tangent.
  11. You will have to tell me where, around here they have jumped from around 150 to the 175/180 mark. Rock & Singha keep leap frogging and leading the way.
  12. Singha is a subsidiary of the Leo brewery, as is U and Asahi. Archa is an offshoot of Chang. The Heineken brewery(TAP) also does Cheers, Tiger, Guiness & Kilkenny. Spoilt for choice?
  13. I traveled to the UK fairly recently, went with Emirates and came back with Austrian Airlines. With Emirates it was a condition of carriage to wear a mask throughout the flight, also a requirement in Dubai airport. On the return journey, on boarding at Vienna everyone was told to put a mask on as it was a requirement of the Thai authorities that masks were worn throughout the flight.
  14. Like it. I remember some years ago my wife and I went for a meal in Sailor Bar, I ordered a European meal and my wife something Thai. I had finished mine before my wife's had shown up so I walked up to the counter, called the boss over and cancelled my wife's order. I put the money down for mine and walked away, followed by a string of obscenities. We walked round the corner into Soi 7 and spotted the balloons, my wife had a better meal there than she would have got in Sailor Bar for free, would have bought a beer somewhere.
  15. You are quite right. I have my own home and we have no mains sewage or mains water. The home, garden, septic tank, well and water collection all require maintenance but unlike money, time is not in short supply.
  16. Obviously you do not have much contact with ordinary Thais.
  17. An incoming payment is also a bank transfer. As for the exchange rate, just the cost for using probably the world's oldest payment processor. I am not a great fan of Paypal but it cannot be denied they brought international purchase to the masses long before their current competitors. Ebay wouldn't have got where it is without Paypal, but like most things, time moves on and choices have to be made.
  18. Why Thailand is different to almost every other country in the Paypal fiscal empire. https://www.bot.or.th/English/FinancialMarkets/ForeignExchangeRegulations/FXRegulation/Pages/default.aspx
  19. This PayPal User Agreement applies to you if you reside in one of the countries/regions listed below. You are required to register your PayPal account in the country/region in which you reside. https://www.paypal.com/ga/webapps/mpp/ua/residence-full
  20. I made a suggestion which may or may not have worked, not having been there I couldn't know for sure. Of course you are perfectly correct, it is a Paypal requirement that you open the account in your country of residence. Paypal, it would now appear, have forced to take the view that foreigners do not reside in Thailand unless they can prove they do so, now the bone of contention. The UK government however take a more open view on residency, because it suits them to do so, and reduce your pension. Reminds me on an old Pink Floyd number.
  21. My response was to another, but when it comes to finances decisions are very seldom stupid. We can only do what we think best at the time, but the passage of time can often indicate it may not have been the best decision. Those of us that have come here from other parts of the world have a tendency to forget that the BOT has Currency Exchange Regulations in place and have a legal obligation in respect of those regulations. Not surprising that the rules for Thailand may be somewhat different to what they would be in other countries. I suspect the BOT have put pressure on Paypal.
  22. Apples and oranges, and I fail to see what would represent a payment system. Paypal is a payment processor with effectively a built in prepayment arrangement. Wise is more of a financial & banking institution, Wise payments are bank transfers. You can link a Wise account to payment processors such as G pay and Paypal. My Wise account is linked to Paypal, I prefer the Paypal arrangement for recurring charges than a bank direct debit.
  23. If you have a UK bank account i would assume the address for that account is not in Thailand. You should be able to change your Paypal address to that address by adding an address and then making it the primary address. I can't remember how long I have been using Paypal, must be well over 20 years and never had a problem. When I came to live in Thailand I changed the Paypal address to a UK postbox, as I did with my UK bank account. My UK bank has been linked to Paypal since I started and a couple of years ago also linked my Wise account. I use my Thai telephone number for verification.
  24. Just when you think it's over. Covid fifth wave: Hospitals bring back masks on wards just weeks after rules relaxed https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/hospitals-masks-covid-surge-b2111021.html
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