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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Said with thick Natasha accent: Russian friends, kill each other.
  2. The Russian Volunteer Corps releases video announcing that they are joining the coup. LINK English dub Heard on the net: It's not a coup, it's a Russian election ...
  3. Video of a Russian Ka-52 helicopter just missing a hit from a Wagner Strela-10 SAM system by firing flares. This high speed SAM passes through the flares. VIDEO Two Russian helicopters bombed and destroyed a large oil depot in Voronezh to keep it from Wagner. VIDEO1, VIDEO2. Russian air strike on Wagner column on M4 highway. VIDEO Edit: Sorry, one more. Civilians welcoming Wagner in Rostov with food, explaining the pack is not open and presumably not poisoned. What a country. VIDEO
  4. New terminology, 'Kremlin soldiers' vs other Russian soldiers. Video: Battle between Wagner and Kremlin soldiers in Voronezh. LINK Edit: same video as above.
  5. Putin runs a false flag against himself and Russian Military leadership to get rid of them for their failures? Remember the long table meetings? Hard to know anything in Russia except that it's all a lie,
  6. Prigozhin's first public address. Watch Video A bit sobering where he mentions Ukraine but: 1. He previously said the war was contrived by Russian military leadership. 2. He's addressing Russian people, both for against the war. He must be cautious.
  7. Holy Cow Chechen leader Kadyrov's Akhmat 'special forces' battalion has been tasked to stop Prigozhin from reaching Moscow. LINK What army doing?
  8. It does. But may be more about different factions making choices after a little shooting. My gut feel is there a whole lot of people in Russia tired of Putin. Reports now that Wagner PMC has taken the downtown of Rostov-on-Dov without any resistance. So Russian military didn't do anything after it had one helicopter shot down. LINK -- There is a Russian police car at the end of Wagner's column, assisting ... -- Wagner PMC tanks have surrounded the Defence Ministry building in Rostov-on-Don (displacing Russian military who surrounded it not long before.) LINK Igor Sushko is posting a lot of videos real time.
  9. Disloyalty goes deep. Didn't think all those people really support Putin. VCHK-OGPU - from their source: "The attempts to act against Prigozhin come solely from FSB and Russian Guards. The Ministry of Defense has withdrawn itself, lower-rank officers either simply refuse to follow orders, or openly support Wagner. LINK You can follow Anton Gerashchenko who is tracking events.
  10. More on coup attempt. Special Operations Forces (SSO) commanded by Major General Valery Flustikov have taken over control of the Ministry of Defence headquarters on Frunzenskaya in Moscow. LINK It is reported that Wagner's column has passed the first checkpoints. They say they are on their way to Novocherkassk, where the army headquarters are. It is also known that a column of 400 vehicles left Millerovo in the direction of Moscow. LINK Russian military convoy heading toward the Ministry of Defence headquarters in Moscow LINK (video!) first blood Prigozhin: a military helicopter just opened fire on Wagner's convoy and was shot down by Wagner PMC. LINK (note lots of garbage in these links, presumably from Russian cyber ops?)
  11. As I've often said, Thai wear masks when and where appropriate, nor do they have hangups about them. Thai are therefore normal. Thursday a week ago two members of my family unit again caught Covid, both adults in their 30s, one rather lax about masking. Just 3 days before someone called and cancelled an appointment because he had Covid. So the residual mask wearing in Bangkok is for a reason. Thus Thais are also reasonable.
  12. Yes, I saw that! But the Wayback archived page (bottom of my post) seemed an easy way to show what happened. Agree completely, and thanks for noting the issue. I was unaware they had changed the number and removed "and forms" from their fax instructions. I was tempted to note that everyone returning 3 copies could triple their workload leading to worse problems, in turn leading to people returning more forms, and so on. In reality, multiple forms would mostly be from overseas folks and eventually die down. Considering all, I may call and ask if there is a proper way to return forms by fax, and if not then why not. I would not blindly send a fax.
  13. Well, if the Titan crew were really crushed ... the banging must have been from, the original Titanic ...
  14. United States Coast Guard will hold a press conference at 3:00pm Boston time. MEDIA AVAILABILITY: Coast Guard to hold press briefing to discuss ROV findings
  15. SSA Office of Earnings & International Operations (OEIO). https://www.ssa.gov/foreign/ Note, they changed the fax number from last year, the new number is 1-877-385-0645. However, they also changed the wording ! (2022): You may send inquiries and forms to us by fax at 833-719-0632. (2023): You may send letters to us by fax at 877-385-0645. So it's possible they no longer accept 7162 by fax because covid disruptions have passed. I would call before faxing to see if they still accept the forms. NB: Last year's SSA page: www.ssa.gov/foreign Nov 17 2022
  16. Below is from my post in last year's thread: Just to be safe, I faxed my 2nd letter to them today. A tip, the only fax machines I found were limited to A4 size (no adjustments). The personalized barcode is on the letter's edge so the fax operator shrank the letter to A4 size before sending. The SSA's fax machine received the letter with no problem. Their fax number is 1-833-719-0632.
  17. Received mine June 17 Saturday. Considering last year's experience, I will fax back one copy, then post 2 copies via regular international mail spaced a week apart to avoid excessive mail registration charges.
  18. I think you have it backwards. From all we know about the human body, airway resistance, like all resistance training, helps develop better lungs especially when young. Think sherpas. Airway resistance training, including resistance breathers, is popular among athletes and health enthusiasts. It has even been found to significantly lower blood pressure. Next time the doctor complains about my blood pressure I'll say "Sorry, haven't been wearing my mask." https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-09-resistance-breathing-blood-pressure.html
  19. Country A: Traditionally wears masks when ill to protect others or when there is reasonable exposure to respiratory disease such as an outbreak or pandemic. Has little fear about masks. Country B: similar until recent crippling political polarization where half support mask mandates, punishment, and claim non wearers are murderers, and the other half make wild claims that masks don't work, cause illness and lasting damage. Obsessed about masks. Question: Which country is normal. Which country overall has a more reasonable medical view.
  20. This what many (non bar) Thai women have explained to me for nearly 40 years. This is also the prevailing experience of my broad Thai family over decades. Woman good man bad. Any your evidence is?
  21. If the medication is causing her insomnia then its name is the most essential question that can be asked. If you are sensitive about discussing it, then Google "<medicine name> WIKI" and find any paragraphs mentioning insomnia or sleep problems, then post them here without the medicine's name. If you see a generic name, then better to wiki that.
  22. Kyiv keeps quiet, Russia lying, there is very heavy fighting but what's going on? Jake Breo has an excellent new video putting it into perspective. Apparently not bad. Note Jake's comment about progress after the Allied Forces broke through Normandy lines versus before.
  23. Sorry, you missed my point. I was agreeing except that: In Thailand, virtually all Thai men treat women very poorly. Thus, many Thai women (not bar girls) eventually gravitate to foreigners because they will be treated better.
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