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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Yes, I did. I renewed my five year licenses in September in Bangkok (Jatujak). I was told the system has changed and now you must first get a queue number. Thai can get a Q number on line, foreigners must go in person to get it, at which time you must take all your paperwork except the medical certificate. They check the paperwork, and if correct give you the Q number. The queue wait at Jatujak was 2 weeks. Can be longer elsewhere. Good luck. Edit: Now see the article above about new nationwide LDT walkin. You might still want to ask if it applies to foreigners though.
  2. The last U.S. airline to use the 747 for passenger flights was Delta, which stopped using the jets in 2017, though other international carriers continue to fly the popular plane. There is speculation that retiring 747s may be bought up by a new airline, Omicron, to carry on the Delta line.
  3. A true measure of Russian military ability, offering huge bribes just to shoot the enemy.
  4. You're right, I only remembered the BP article. That source was 15.7 TeraBecquerel (420 Curies), 1000x times stronger that the lost Australian source. Three dead and many more suffered serious radiation poisoning. The source's initial radioactivity when new was 196 TBq, 10000x stronger than the Australian source. It was replaced because it had decayed to 10% its original strength.
  5. I was wondering the same. I think the capsule is 19 giga-becquerel or 1.9x1010 becquerels wiki. That's equivalent to 0.51 curies and would be a danger to some one who picked it up and kept it close for a significant time. Global headline news seems to be an overreaction. Several years ago Thailand lost track of the source of a radiation therapy machine abandoned in a junkyard. That would have been significantly more radioactive. Only made the Bangkok Post.
  6. DePape opened the door, probably at Pelosi's request. You can see his hand retract from the door handle area then travel underneath Pelosi's right arm. He then places his hand at his side, only later on the hammer and Pelosi's right hand (also on hammer), Look at the bottom of the door, DePape's feet are at the exact distance required for the door to swing open. Note Pelosi's demeanor. He first stares as DePape (som nam na) then to the police and begins smiling as if humored. The whole time Pelosi is carrying a glass in his left hand. DePape had been in the house just over 21 minutes. Looks like Pelosi, an intelligent man, was working hard to keep the situation with a crazy as relaxed as possible after having called the police unbeknownst to DePape. Pelosi's demeanor is understandable as he had just outwitted a crazy guy threatening him. Unfortunately, this likely triggered the hammer attack, which likely would have happened at some point without the police. Nothing inconsistent with the reported news.
  7. Probably to mount an 'offense' against Russian forces illegally occupying parts of Ukraine.
  8. If you want it to stop, please address your concerns to: Mr. Vladimir Putin 23, Ulitsa Ilyinka, 103132 Moscow, Russia
  9. Quick, what's the diameter of a small truck? Asteroid danger chart ---------------------------------------------- meter megaton megaton kilometer diameter kinetic E airburst crater ---------------------------------------------- 2 0.001 0.001 0 daily, around world 3.3 0.002 0.002 0 trivial 4 0.004 0.004 0 very small 5 0.008 0.008 0 small 6.5 0.017 0.017 0 notable 8 0.032 0.032 0 notable 10 0.063 0.063 0 scary, but safe 13 0.14 0.14 0 window breaker 16 0.26 0.26 0 20 0.5 0.5 0 Chelyabinsk 25 1.0 1.0 0 more: asteroid-size-danger-chart
  10. Poland has 240 Leopard tanks, other NATO countries have many more. The important thing is that Germany has given permission for these to be sent to Ukraine.
  11. There are no legitimate targets in Putin's criminal war.
  12. I have long time Russian friends who recently arrived in Thailand after fleeing Putin's war of horror. They first fled to Georgia (remember the news about vast numbers of Russians fleeing to Georgia?) but decided to come here when their visa options ran out. They have never to Thailand before. Do you know what they told me? Never believe anything from Putin's Russia, ever. It's all fake propaganda, even videos of old rural women saying kill all the Ukrainians. Probably good advice for you too.
  13. She is rated the no. 1 most famous nobody. Launched her nothing career by leaking a sex tape. She was formerly an assistant to Paris Hilton, another famous nobody who also sex taped her way to fame. Do keep up. (jeez, sorry I even looked that up)
  14. Your statement: "Vaccine's are not working with new variants and may be detrimental to those already vaccinated" is false, nor does your lead quotation suggest it. Please see my post to you in the other thread here. Unless you have some scientific proof, you might consider a retraction.
  15. You continue to repeat the nonsensical idea that vaccines 'cause' people to get infected, or that 'a person' is more susceptible after vaccination. In support, you post poorly interpreted media statements and publications like the Cleveland study, which does not say this. To be clear. There is no scientific evidence showing vaccines make an individual physically more susceptible to catching or dying from Covid, nor have scientists suggested they do. None. As oft explained, there are many reasons a vaccinated cohort may be more susceptible to Covid than an un-vaccinated cohort. Trivial reasons include they were vaccinated because they were more exposed, like hospital workers, or because they were more susceptible to begin with. Even the Cleveland study explains this, did you read it? So before you repeat this false claim again, the burden of proof is on you to prove it, not others to prove a negative. I await your proof.
  16. Good for Sweden. Although a million tons is significant for Europe, it's not huge on the scale of things. China's 44 million tons is just 38% of the world's total 116 mt reserves. The problem is more about complex and dirty refining. A quote from the article: 'The newly discovered raw materials may not reach the market before 10-15 years' time, LKAB mining company's CEO said. Permitting processes take time due to environmental risk evaluations. China dominates world production of refined REMs because of environmental issues, which are many. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/rare-earth-elements-where-in-the-world-are-they/
  17. I don't think they are bricks. Zoom in as far as possible and look at the bricks on the outside corners near the door and particularly just above the chair. What should be the face and side of a single brick are misaligned and appear the be cemented.
  18. Put on a per capita basis, the Soviet Union and more so Russia nearly disappear. The USSR had almost 300 million people. Even from Soviet days, the Russian economy is mostly a weapons factory funded by oil and resources with abysmal consumer production. That's why they are stealing washing machines.
  19. Many ran away to escape the war. I recently got a surprise call from the daughter of long time Russian friend. She and her husband had initially escaped to Georgia, when their visa options there ran out they thought of Thailand though they had never been here. At the end of the call she deplored me to never believe anything that comes from the Russian state. I told her I know, I was there during the Cold War and I know her father well. Her parents are vehemently anti Putin and hated the Soviet system. Many Russians are but you would never know that from state propaganda. Putin has only improved on Soviet misinformation.
  20. Mutations. It's much too early to know what new mutations have/will occur in China as the outbreak just began. The time from a new variant occurring in a person to being detected by national surveillance can be long, especially from rural areas. Even longer to find it in a planeload with a few people from a country of 1.4 billion. They still have no idea where and how omicron itself started. With 1.4 billion people mostly unprotected against omicron BF.5 etc., China could see nearly a billion new cases. As of today worldometers reports 667,861,371 total worldwide cases. Without some super magic, there will be many mutations in China. The question is what will they do. The answer is no one knows. If you remember, the beginning of the pandemic saw many experts suggest mutations were not a worry, partly because corona viruses have a special 'proofreading' mechanism to greatly limit errors, unlike influenza. Coronavirus mutations: Much ado about nothing March 3, 2020
  21. Pakistan had A. Q. Khan, the infamous father of Pakistan's atomic bomb. Originally from India and educated in the metallurgical engineering departments of Western European universities where he pioneered studies in metallic alloy phase transitions , uranium metallurgy, and isotope separation based on gas centrifuges. All the technologies you need to make an atomic bomb. wiki And yet Pakistan has not come anywhere even close to N. Korea in terms of depth and breadth of development of modern strategic type weapons. Lil' Kim destroyed an entire mountain with his miniaturized hydrogen bomb, vastly more difficult than a simple atom bomb. Just being smart is not enough. Point being that it's just not possible for a place like NK to do all that without outside assistance. And who benefits the most strategically from an advanced nuclear state pointing nukes at the US? Vladimir Putin.
  22. How can North Korea, one of the world's most isolated, least developed, and impoverished countries develop all the latest nuclear, thermonuclear, ballistic missile, cruise missile and submarine launched missile technology, including both uranium and plutonium bomb grade material volume production? These things are all very difficult. When sanctions are on, who provides North Korea with illicit deliveries of oil and other essential materials? Vladimir Putin. Who is Iran's primary strategic partner? Vladimir Putin. Who is actively developing some of the most horrific doomsday weapons ever envisioned? Vladimir Putin. This name keeps coming up.
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