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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. Well, before that moment happens and you have had friends here or a Thai family be prepared. I have provided my friends here a copy of my passport, important documents if you have a pension etc.. and contact numbers back home.

    If you have every had to attend the burning of a western friend at the Temple, you'll see the most barbaric act of sending you to your maker. Some are buried with respect to get to the other side, well you have to see it to believe it and don't eat before you attend.

    If you die as a tourist, don't worry you'll be in an overstay situation for 500 baht a day until someone ships you home in a carry-on plastic bag.

  2. I never thought I would defend taxi drivers, BUT, it seems a valid reason to reject a customer if they have to return the taxi and fear they will miss the deadline (assuming its the truth). I for one would support financial help such as a lease to buy system for taxi drivers to purchase their own cars and eradicate such excuses and at the same time reduce the number of wealthy individuals/firms who own fleets of taxis, one would hope you would also see a drastic improvement in driving if they actually own their vehicle.

    Drink some more whiskey Dean and keep riding the buses. Improve driving, first get a license. April Fools Day has passed.

    • Like 1
  3. Contrary to what most farangs on this forum think I believe China should follow the China model. There are two programmes absolutely worth watching on CCTV if you wish to be well informed about and have a good understanding of what is going on in China and the massive impact this will have on the "Rest of the World" in this day and age of what many already call the "Asian Century". One is called "Dialogue" where anchor Yang Rui discusses geopolitical issues with guests from "both worlds" and the other is "Closer to China" with host R.L. Kuhn which is mostly about the "Chinese Model" and discusses if this could be a far better system than our failed western liberal democracy in particular in Asian countries.The only thing democracy in particular in Thailand has lead to is that they have embraced the worst of both worlds.

    ​Meritocracy is a far better system as long as it is based on Confucianism or Buddhism. Of course needs checks and balances but if it is based on traditional values it is so much easier to benefit all. Singapore is a shining example of how this can be achieved .

    This is what General Prayud is trying to achieve. Most of the Thais understand what he trying to accomplish and are backing him. They also realise that so much damage has been done to the system and the economy over the last decades that this can not been done in a day. It will take at least 5 years.

    In the short run -yes the Philippines will certainly outperform Thailand based on economic data. In the long run thy will lose out.

    i'm guessing your Thai with limited knowledge of international affairs.

    April 14, 2015 7:00 pm JST
    'Great wall of sand'
    Chinese reclaimed land worries US

    HIROYUKI AKITA, Nikkei senior staff writer


    A photo taken by the Philippine government in February 2014 shows China's reef reclamation and construction of a military base in the Spratly Islands.

    TOKYO -- An influential U.S. Navy official made waves recently with an unusually open criticism of Beijing. "China is creating a great wall of sand, with dredges and bulldozers, over the course of months," he said.

    U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander Adm. Harry Harris' remarks highlight a growing sense of crisis among American military about Beijing's recent behavior in the South China Sea.

    Harris was referring to land reclamation work China has been carrying out at a breakneck pace. The country is locked in territorial disputes with the Philippines and other countries in the area.

    Edited for Fair Use

  4. Not again! Get your jollies and then kill the victim seems to be the national pass time here. How many rape and murders have their been here in the last six months... We can start with Kho Tao if you want to start a bit earlier. No one seems to be excluded... British tourist, child asleep in a truck in Hua Hin, child on the train... woman waiting behind the factory to meet her brother. There seems to be no end to it of it here. Enough!

    As a white man, I would safer living in Harlem then being a tourist here ( I live here and know how to protect myself with a little extra insurance) . I'm safe when I walk around not only are the Thai's afraid my 28kilo pitbull the Thai dogs run from her. I think next time I go to Pattaya or Patong I'll lend my services as an free escort with my pet from the hours of 12 mid-night until 4am , that should be fun on Bangla Rd.

    Any takers?

  5. I'll have to extend my visa and work permit by the end of the month and will see if there're any changes.

    But being on a Non-B seems to be the same procedure, except applying for visa first, then extending the work permit.

    Just found out that the director won't be available on Friday to get the documents sorted out and will have to meet them this Sunday.

    i can only hope that our coordinator will have the documents ready. Visa and wp expire on the 30th this month.

    The hub of surprises....

    You know there is a 5 day holiday the first week of May, somethings open and some closed. Good Luck!

  6. Big trucks have air brakes and if you lose air pressure, the brakes apply automatically huh! Full speed, in traffic? How about the USA DOT take over training these people.

    Sad for the injuries and death. One good thing this driver couldn't run away like visa run drivers or bus drivers this time. Does Thailand know what Vehicle Homicide is? Not a fine, or warning>

  7. Yes, great job by him. But, being mostly western tourist we have been educated about trash disposal and re-cycling. How about larger trash bins for re-cycling or (dumpsters), be place in more areas.

    Secondly, vendors who sell items that create waste chip in some Bhat and hire workers to police these areas better or like locally I see many of the poor and handicap are biggest heroes here as I watch them daily go through trash for items to provide $$ for their food and drink.

    But, as in my country USA, sometimes when you break the law not only the fees by courts but they put your ass to work policing highways, parks, other areas picking up trash to help reduce their time. And businesses adapt areas or clubs, churches, schools etc.. and they make it a family outing on weekends to keep their neighborhoods clean. I said it before here, all those young and old Monks walking each day for handouts, well bend over and pick-up some trash and just perhaps if a respected Monk does it , just maybe the locals will feel some shame and learn to respect their land, in fact in temples it should be taught as they believe so much in Buddhism. Funny, years ago (30) went I came her I step on a cock-roach I thought they put me in jail, now I watch them leave 7-11's throwing wrappers on to the street even when ever 7-11 has a trash bin outside the door.

    Thailand has many people in jails and prison for minor violations so, get their ass to work and just maybe some will learn to show that mystery Thai goodness we hear about but hardly see. Bright orange suits like home. In fact, they should be brought to schools to explain and show students the error of their ways and how a simple thing like not littering the beaches, countryside, villages water supply ( market vendors dumping waste in city drains) , is causing environment damage to their own country and health risk to themselves and others.

    I was a teacher here in a H.S. and most of the classrooms look like slums from Nigeria or someplace. The students would bring snacks into the classroom and as I stood there teaching they throw the waste onto the floor or stick it in the desk area. I've stopped my class many times during teaching and made them clean the room before I start again. After that the students who would do this remained standing the rest of the period. And if caught by me the second time for a week during class they stood-up in the back of the room during the period.

    They would complain to the Thai teachers and my reply was I will not teach in a pigs home. Its bad enough with no working fans or A/C, poorly lite rooms, desk from hell, writing on the walls etc...

    They are not taught at home and when you try to teach at school human social skills besides subjects the Thai management does not support you. It was OK to hit a student about homework, but God forbid make them pick-up their trash is corporal punishment. Try this in Washington State and some jerk with a smart phone sends your picture to the transportation office, you'll question that $500-1000 littering fine where did that come from. Throw a cig butt out the window and someone tags your license plate, move.

  8. Contrary to what most farangs on this forum think I believe China should follow the China model. There are two programmes absolutely worth watching on CCTV if you wish to be well informed about and have a good understanding of what is going on in China and the massive impact this will have on the "Rest of the World" in this day and age of what many already call the "Asian Century". One is called "Dialogue" where anchor Yang Rui discusses geopolitical issues with guests from "both worlds" and the other is "Closer to China" with host R.L. Kuhn which is mostly about the "Chinese Model" and discusses if this could be a far better system than our failed western liberal democracy in particular in Asian countries.The only thing democracy in particular in Thailand has lead to is that they have embraced the worst of both worlds.

    ​Meritocracy is a far better system as long as it is based on Confucianism or Buddhism. Of course needs checks and balances but if it is based on traditional values it is so much easier to benefit all. Singapore is a shining example of how this can be achieved .

    This is what General Prayud is trying to achieve. Most of the Thais understand what he trying to accomplish and are backing him. They also realise that so much damage has been done to the system and the economy over the last decades that this can not been done in a day. It will take at least 5 years.

    In the short run -yes the Philippines will certainly outperform Thailand based on economic data. In the long run thy will lose out.

    Oh yea, those quality products from China and chaining factory doors and don't forget the card board in the beef patties you enjoy in China or maybe the quality of their milk products impress me. Hey, let's put Wal-Marts here , who needs Lotus or Big "C" foreign influence proper corporations to provide products to the poor here.

    How many times must even a poor Thai farmer buy cheap plastic products to try an improve their families quality of life. Huh! funny my parents still have cloths, electronic items, appliances they purchased decades ago from the western manufacturing world and still work. Show me something China has produced that can last for 20 years of use. You get what you pay for. Quality is not in the Chinese business model. How many cell phones and computers do you own from there and how many times have you replaced them.

    You mention P.I. up and coming, sorry dude check India, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Who do you think when ASEAN is in full cycle will be investing in Thailand. Not China or don't forget Japan as a major player. China needs to fix itself before being a world Dragon leader.

    China has vast territories, so why are they renting farm land in Africa , mineral development in disputed water areas for fishing and oil. How about the new airport in those disputed areas, whose the land developer adviser, Putin? Don't forget the new highway going through Pakistan, you think that is to benefit Pakistan.

    When religion dictates economical policies that is were corruption takes root. Every fine the Jet the Monk flew out of Thailand in or cash. Have you not noticed the police, government, and teachers own large houses and the businesses, where and how were they able to get finanicing on their salaries affort this? Does the word " Nepotism " mean any thing to you.

  9. Ok, Hilton, Holiday Day Inn, Chang advertising department, Leo and all of those who show alcohol products for consummation beware the Thai. alcohol commission needs a pay raise. So then, all posters and banners and 7-11 coolers need to block the site of the alcohol product they are selling.Does this include the Thai whiskey signs at all of the Little corner shops will be patrolled and fine equally.

    Tourist complain that sometimes their bill get's padded, this restaurant now has the most expensive beer in Thailand to date.

    Fix crime not improper advertising material. Watch out F-1 fans next time you have a beer in a pub.

  10. Banning for "life" is a little excessive. The Japanese guy "a long time Bangkok resident" must have pull to get this kind of response. The Thai taxi authorities should call a strike to support their colleagues. A heavy fine and suspension would have been sufficient. If a lifetime ban is called for in any case it should be three strikes you're out not two.

    So, with the many problems facing Thailand and tourist industry with murders, robberies, fights with tourist is something still be be fixed. But, upon arrival a smooth and warm welcome to the cash cows should be enforced.


    I'm assuming you haven't been to Changi airport in Singapore, as I lived and worked there for years. In my profession I traveled many times to Japan as part of my work for weeks I had to bring a wardrobe with many bags, I never had a taxi driver not use his or her meter or charge extra for luggage because those Asia's live in the 21st century and work in the customer service business to earn their living as do the Japanese Taxi drivers who wear white gloves and no smell of whiskey on their breath or any rudeness.

    So, it seems your a bleeding heart whom believes that like the farmers ( former beach chair vendors) , turn hustler taxi drivers should strike and be given a smack on the hand when upon arrival to the LOS to begin the horrible experience tourist will experience with their hard earn cash as their begin a holiday this way. Strike 3 began for them the moment they refused to provide a regulated service.

    So, tell us when as a resident here of 5 ( 17 years traveling South- East Asia) , should I tell tourist what to expect here on holiday, not even getting into the Tuk-Tuk guys behavior at the tourist areas, Phuket, Pattaya etc..

  11. Some Thai's like others in the world will do anything for a $. The ones I feel sorry for are the young girls forced by the family to work bars and other places because the village leader wants material things they can't do themselves because they are too lazy to be educated and yet the outside world comes here to help like teachers to boarden their chances but the system doesnn't support these goals.

    Again, not all Thai's but to many.

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