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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. ...she man is just taking her tensions out on the little wo-man at home.

    Do you wear a Tutu too!

    Man up - be more clever than she is - they hate that even more...

    but she will see you as a MAN, they get over that.

    AND just because she's got a degree and/or a bit of money - she still lives in a poverty stricken country

    that reminds me of Kingston Downtown! (Jamaica)

  2. ...then go to UK/EU and look for work - get work promised then Exit, as with all countries.

    If you are happier in warmer weather concentrate on Europe for jobs.

    Europe is 'open movement' as we know to our detriment -

    so you can also move around EU for work. (Even seasonal)

    Good grandparents may be needed for temporary situations

    One place to look for "Married couple" jobs is Jobsabroad.com

    Once you established and have savings - you can then try the same for Thailand (If you want to come back)

    I know couples with children who teach around the world

    Get a (Quality) TEFL and Teach, with spouse visa...

    And even a Part-time degree?

    If you teach in the UK - you will get far better paid than Thailand.

    The first thing that needs to be done is to get your partners status in Thailand sorted out. To do that he will have to go back Laos and get a passport and then legally enter Thailand. His status is a big obstacle to doing anything here.

    Or he could go back to Laos and get a passport and apply for the visa for the UK at the embassy in Vientiane.


    to adapt, / renew RECYCLE.

    Not to mention the simple BUT SEEMINGLY IMPOSSIBLE task to ACTION the use of RENEWABLE energy

    that is "FREE" and provided by the very NATURE - People wish to destroy...

    Or should I spell it out - as many have been doing for for 30 years+

    In ASIA there is an abundance of NATURAL POWER:
    Solar: Wind; Wave; Tidal and (In most areas) Water

    But Hey! Let's bury our heads in WASTE cos we know better than Nature...

    Are you sure?

  4. New Horizons

    ... what ever has been done - needed to be done...

    this is a good time to make things right - A new beginning for all sides.

    According to most people on this blog Thailand needs to change.

    (back to core values of the Kingdom - socialy developed Democractic people, within modern International inclusion)

    I hope it does, for everyones sake - it's a big responsibility ordering the change...

    but it was going "down hill"...

    If Everyone is not part of the solution...

  5. ... you don't want to talk about politics but...

    Nice wind-up.

    I thought you were talki about Britain!

    Really am hesitating to comment on any posts today because I do not want to be involved in any responses about the politics and who was at fault and how/why etc. None of my business to be honest and as someone schooled in UK left of centre/liberal leaning/card carrying unionist style politics what happens here in Bangkok is totally different to anything I am used to. However I have a certain amount of sympathy for idealistic students, spent enough time of my student years carrying placards on student demos not to recognise the frustrations they are feeling.

    My main emotional feeling today is one of distaste to be honest, having taken for granted all my life the ability to vote for the political party of my choosing, but abide by what the electorate at large decides, to see how easy that can be lost in a country like Thailand just leaves me saddened, and unhappy to find myself living in country where the courts and army have removed a government voted into power by a one person one vote electorate. Somehow Thailand has been tainted in my mind and heart by all of this. Sorry, just how I feel.

    Oh the naivete! It's all very well to talk about democracy and one man one vote.......but why have you not considered that when votes are bought, it is not a true reflection of the will of the people?

    These students too, I have no doubt were influenced. Not by money, perhaps, but by weasely words. This march was not done by critically thinking tertiary students, it was done by students who were swayed by something.superficial.

    " Oh the naivete! "

    are you talking about yourself ?giggle.gif

  6. If People want change they have to vote with their feet - not pay people to sit on their backsides and demand.

    They should convince the majority of people to vote for a "better future"

    Thailand is modernising - politics has to reform and more importantly conform too.

    (A bad system that "works", is better than no system at all)

    Send these pavement (sidewalk)t sitters to deliver the "New" message -

    by any fair means: Media, door- to door (canvasing), leaflets, parties, parades, sponsorship...

    And convince people in business that this will work,

    Convince the new middle class and the poor that they will be better off - Not worse off.

    Not with bribery, but with quality of life and Freedom of choice - AND the RIGHT to choose.

    Only then will you get a "Free" vote for Democracy

    (As far as is possible in Thailand)

  7. Tv censored, media censored, freedom of movement banned, constitutuion suspended, economy ruined - woohoo this must be the great victory so many on here have wanted all along. Let the party start, North Korea style thumbsup.gif

    Chinese style too, I rather think. Let's not forget that the Chinese oppress the majority of the population.

    ...and there are more Tha-Chinese, than Thai-Thais in Bangkrup

  8. More mainstream Islam as you see in Brunei.

    Get off your PC tower because this is coming to a theatre near you. The acceptance of wilful ignorance is fighting back like a cornered rat nut we do not have to allow it to bite us if we can bat it down.

    "The acceptance of wilful ignorance is fighting back like a cornered rat nut we do not have to allow it to bite us if we can bat it down."

    This Video is exactly what the world would be like under such ignorance and Tyranny -

    Burn the learned and their technology - then everyone will be ignorant - except the leaders who will know exactly what they crave -

    and amass great wealth.

    But it's been said before...

    wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony and vanity.

    The Power grabbers and control freaks NEVER change...the more you give - the more they take.

    Everyone from ALL Nations and Faiths should act now - to stop this disease spreading.

    (If they don't reject these "people" - they are just as deceiving, and guilty.)

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