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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. I changed to Firebox which was much better but then it started to get slower.

    Yahoo for example can sometimes take up to 10 minutes to load - meaning: able to compose or delete an email!

    Any further ideas? It sometimes is very upsetting (To save a DELETE)

    I have 5 bars on my AIS 3G

  2. Very Logical.

    But if a teacher leaves - the WP is cancelled right?

    And why do so many leave without notice...?

    Many schools have paid for visas, visa extensions and work permits in the past and then had the teacher resign or walk out with no notice. A sensible school would make the teacher pay and then refund the cost conditionally on the successful completion of the terms and conditions of the teacher's employment contract.

  3. Congratulations - you are a Winner!

    First Maroon Badge on it's way!

    ... and it's Captain... if you pleazes.

    Congratulations to the Maroon of the week...

    And it's only Tuesday!

    Almost, no matter where you were in the world ... it was Wednesday when you penned that gem ... giggle.gif

    Happy to be convinced otherwise ... back to you Watcher of the Mighty Maroons.

  4. ...because inherent corruption at ALL levels takes away real education.

    The school in question is making money - they just don't want the people who work there to have a life....

    Many schools do not pay their teachers what is being claimed for.

    And some even charge for free services. I suppose the children should be grateful too?

    Education in Thailand needs a long term shake up - just like everything else.

    "Who in their right mind would work for this kind of money in Thailand (Any where)?"

    30K is a big salary to many Thais especially up here in the North. I think they would be more grateful than you.

  5. Who in their right mind would work for this kind of money in Thailand (Any where)?

    Quote " from Monday to Thursday
    (day and evening work) and all day on the weekends.
    Part time English teacher required ASAP"

    30,000! before tax and no doubt WP expenses...

    Desperados sexaholics alcholics..

    (I Note ASAP)

  6. Yep - make the most of it - see the natural beauty - have the place to yourselves.

    I went at Christmas and was surprised that it was so quiet.

    Had it been packed it would have probably put me off.

    BUT the Monoply airline Bangkok rarely has Offers,

    it would help the island to have better competition.

    Even a private boat that was quicker and more comfortable would help...

    Quality tourists?

  7. Well that is one. Go to almost any intersection or tourist locality anywhere in Thailand and you will see tiny children peddling wares into the early hours of the morning. They are not hard to find as they are everywhere.

    Many countries have the same...

    If they have more children than they can feed - they are put into service.

    In China they are given to an Aunty, who looks after them like their own but they work 7 days a week 10/12 hours

  8. TAXIs are an exception to relaxed Thailand Rules:

    they need to know:

    You cannot sit around ALL day waiting for a Rip-off fare. (Especially in tourist areas)

    If you get off your ASS and help customers (Guests in your car) -

    with their shopping or heavier stuff, they will will usually return that favour with a TIP

    (Or at least feel obliged).

    If you find the fastest route (efficient) without resorting to Tolls - you will get a Tip.

    (If they don't tip - Tell them how much you saved them...)

    Do NOT turn the meter off because the last train just left - If it's late or a long way, you will get a tip.

    (If you don't, ask yourself why!)

    Note: There are still good taxi drivers around who do this

    (One even charged me less cos we got stuck in traffic!)

    • Like 1
  9. General Ruls COPY Everything - better now than....

    Especially passports, and insurance...

    When travelling take a copy of the birth certificate with you.

    As a family you can use the Thai national lines and in the UK the lines for UK-nationals, you don't have to go through seperate channels.

    Thanks for that advice. What's the birth certificate copy for? I hafe electronic copies, do I need a hard copy for something?
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