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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. Bupa is 5 * when you don't need it

    Hostile when you do...

    Try Bupa International. Won't be cheap but will be comprehensive.

    Though, sure you understand that you'll soon struggle to find half the coverage, if at all, as you get older.


  2. ...c'mon guys/girls?

    "I'm from America/Australia/Canada/Ireland/New Zealand/South Africa/UK"

    just means N.E.S.

    But increasingly worldwide advertised jobs are including:

    "No descernible accent" - this would rule out some people from all the countries above...

    including England, Scotland and Wales.

  3. Quote: from a recent correspondence from a frien (Really) who has lived here for over 10 years...

    "We got stuck in a taxi the other day, when the (so called) anti-government protesters were marching through Sukhumvit.
    Khun Suthep did a 'walk by' with his mafia-esque security clearing the way, and chaps with dark glasses and black shirts checking everybody out.

    Can you imagine if the same thing happened in England? The whole cabinet, protesters, and counter-protesters would be in prison.

    The whole thing is utter crap, it's unbelievable that they all 'buy' it.
    Anyway, the point is that the (so called) red-shirts and (so called) yellow shirts will continue opposing one another, and it might get a lot worse.

  4. wow is this true (seems logical - ooops Thailand)

    Is that why there are so many "cottages"....???

    The only property a non-Thai can buy in his own name is a condo (not an apartment), and that must be part of the 49% foreign-ownership allocation.

    Not true.

    A foreigner can own a house in Thailand, if it is a seperate legal entity to the land that it is on.

    It is easier to do this if the house is not yet built.

    The house can of course be a wooden house built on stilts, a prefab house, etc etc, getting away from the notion that all houses are concrete and completely connected to the land (un-movable).

  5. On the same topic...

    It seems all the market sellers have the same price - no one will negotiate even a few Bart lower.

    I tried it a few times for the same shirt. Even one that had a mark on it - the may or may not have been removable?

    They certainly stick with price solidarity - but they lost sales from me...

    In China they always have a "last price", until you walk away for the second time....

    Bottom line is they are prepared to make more profit from you (& the owner?)

    But you cannot get a bargain, even when they are desperate (A few weeks ago there were less than a dozen people "Lookers"
    in Mikes and others - at any one time...)

    A few actually advertise the [lowest/asking] price

    They scowl at you for going lower - but you get an ever widenning smile - the more they rip you off.

    "No Sale" bye, bye

  6. Please let me know what happens - I have a similar house... I would like to pass it on to my son....

    I asked the original question of the lawyer. I plan to live up north in the countryside so not many condos around there. The plan is to have a 30 year lease on land or an usufruct and then build a house. If I find a house already built then the land will be in the girlfriends name and the house in mine. From the research I have done and the other threads I have read this is all perfectly legal. I certainly don't want to take a risk and try to buy land through a company.

  7. Give a teenager a gun and.... (Or is it Allow a teenager ...)

    Why not start a new Campaign: Juthamas Law or Kiangsri's Law

    to get guns off the streets, especially from teenagers - who can often avoid any type of justice.

    The TV stations/All Media could give free air time to this cause.

    Police should be accountable (publically) for their action to solve these cases.

    Posters in Public places - Schools

    with a Free phone Number to inform about possession guns

    The teenagers involved should lose freedom by being placed in "boot" camps (Not training camps)
    or school "summer' camps.

    citizen training, Religious training...

    Loss of phone, loss of week-ends.... Any ideas????

    She was 21 - young people should be involved in her mourning, to protect the lives of others.

    (And for the negative people - an annua "birthday" l re-launch and Report of actions...)

    Can the organisers of this blog help?

    • Like 1
  8. ...yes! Can't get the staff these days!

    They are are always sloping off


    Who's the boss ??

    I don't know what kind off business you do, but if they lock me in, my staff will know what to do ( jump and run for getting me out )

    Mistakes can happen, errors be made, but an answer as you described will never be tolerated...

  9. In many businesses it is the responsibility of the "key holder" to open up in the morning and close at night.

    In China this is a strict resposibility, and a legal get-out for the boss/company (for any break-ins etc)

    But the boss will have a secret key anyway....

    This boss shouldn't need a key - but he shouid get one now. (No need to tell them)

    It is a basic Management rule: "What if, [something happens] "Then" [what is your plan] ...

  10. Can someone clarify/expand this request just placed in the Legal forum...

    "... I currently work overseas and spend my leave in Thailand. I am never in Thailand for more than 30 days so being from the UK
    I enter under the visa exemption rule. Can I buy property entering the country like this? "

    The reply being "yes you can"

    But did they mean Property described as Non commercial, not a house/villa or Land -

    Or did they mean He can buy... an apartment or Condo...only?


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