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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. I find that More people are Toxic, than the toxicity of alcohol.

    And usually alcoholics cause less problems to others, than they do to themselves.

    May the Lord save from "normal" people...

    And yes, work is the curse of the drinking classes...

    but getting out-and-about (some execise of the brain) can make you feel refreshed

  2. Chinese girls would say "hansum boy" - "but he No speak Ingrish"

    To climb up the social-ladder: Use liberal amounts of Skin-Whitening cream or marry a Farang.


    A whore who marries a farang is still a whore, however her husband becomes a man who married a whore.

    ie, she stays the same, he goes down a notch.


    if they are poor issarn bar girls and marry some old smelly fart on a uk pension then they are still considered the low of the low despite what they think

    however if some mid or hiso girl married a David Beckham type of guy, i would assume its an upgrade

  3. Wow - logic continues...

    Why not set up a sort of Dutch Auction...

    But offer the highest price of the day for Quality Thai Rice.

    The farmer can sell his rice at THAT DAYS PRICE (What ever that is at the "end of Trading")

    The price being guaranteed for 3 days (Government Intervention, of sorts but gets the rice to market asap, to maintain freshness...)

  4. SIR! I will accept your challenge, with a slap in the face with a Wet Cod fish (Guantlet)

    There are 1,500, 000, 000 ENGLISH speakers in the World - who use the word/term "Football":

    Around 300,000,000+ who use "Soccer"

    Think outside the "Bubble!"

    Happy NO Curfew!

    • Like 1
  5. ..it's worth a try.

    But I have noticed many people chewing Yaba(?) But they seem addicted - with brown stuff ousing through their teeth, with a silly grin,

    whilst their eyes look far gone...

    You will never get rid of drugs, if you can't even get rid of it in prison... When are these fools going to realize that

    so whats your solution carry on as normal,there is some awful drugs out there nowadays..i dont mean grass..wai.gif

    Well legalising Grass / Marijuana would help a lot so as to concentrate on the really harmful and dangerous hard drug trafficking. Actually, and truly factually, marijuana is, from all reports and serious open minded documentaries I have ever seen, proven to be far safer to the body than alcohol and a much nicer more pleasant feeling than being drunk and out of control. Many US states are now legalising marijuana and some other countries are either legalising it or decriminalising it and with similar to alcohol responsible controls that IMHO is very sensibly.

    My view is if any person (adult only that is) wants to take any drug however harmful then as long as they are well informed of its dangers then that si down to them surely, their body and nobody else needs to be involved in their stupidity. Sure those pedalling in death and illness causing drugs need to be hunted down but the sensible thing is to legalise marijuana to be sold under licence and charge tax on it the same as alcohol and tobacco (both truly more damaging drugs than pot BTW). Laws should be there just to protect other folk from irresponsible and dangerous actions by individuals or groups. Things like taking drugs are down to each individual (called individual freedoms) but sure make the dangerous drugs even more strongly illegal to trade in and thus difficult to get hold of. So just the personal taking of any drugs by any adult should not be illegal if in private (no not driving under the influence of course as that endangers others). Legalising marijuana will give the police far more time to concentrate on the really harmful hard drug trafficking as well as raise revenue from marijuana as a safer drug than tobacco and alcohol.

    Personally anyone taking hard drugs is stupid and/or suicidal but it has to be their choice if they want to use drugs not the choice forced on them by others. Sure I have had marijuana in my life and know its effects and it was always a very good non-addictable experience, and far nicer than alcohol. I wish it was legalised and sold over the counter here in Thailand as in other countries and some states in the USA now, rather than alcohol which definitely does and indeed has in the past damaged my kidneys and liver, it also buggers up my diabetic blood sugar control and causes other serious physical damage to my system. I have also never taken any other drugs as I love my life too much to destroy it but as I keep saying that should be entirely my free choice, just glad that hard drugs are not easily available though thanks to strict worldwide laws on trafficking in such hard drugs.

    Sorry but so much crap banded around about marijuana and yet we seem to refuse to see the truth about the real dangers of highly addictable tobacco and alcohol. Very stupid IMHO.

  6. I think of the top 5 richest entrepreneurs in the UK 3 are originally from another country (family migrated to UK, at some point)

    And many/most UK "family" companies are now owned or partly owned by outsiders

    eg Rolls Royce, Cadbury/Schweppes, Rover (Range)

    Not to mention New Town Swindon - built by Nissan

    And Sunderland Rejuvenated by Toyota...

    A country with less population but 3X the GDP

  7. ..OR did he mean Carpet Braggers?

    I got dis carpet selling drugs

    I got dis carpet selling young girls

    I got dis carpet wiv di Taxi cartel

    I got dis carpet extoring bar ownerz


    ...he meant Carpet Baggers...

    Good idea, I'm all for it, this way it will be easier to "deport" all the undesirables,

    scheme artist, thieves and murderers and rug dealers to Phuket on a bus....

    ... what have you got against carpet salesmen...?!

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