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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. ... just giving an alternative suggestion - in case of emergencies break (out) a glass at home?

    If he's lonely use face book/email/call people/ switch on the radio...

    If he needs the "company" of women - they are still open...

    Carry a hip flask of Vodka etc and share...?

    But I am just filling in until the right answer appears whistling.gif

    ^^^^^ Which is great for you, I am sure smile.png

    But doesn't answer bergens question rolleyes.gif

  2. I always like to be topped up just in case.

    I have a locked down procedure:

    Keep lap top/phone/game battery topped.

    Have music/movie on standby (headphones ready)

    LED light display

    Aray of snacks...

    AND a spare box of beers!

    • Like 1
  3. ... but from what I have read these people actually fear being killed.

    (Just like cowardly bullies fear being confronted)

    And from what I've read in Tv - there is no real deterrent for minor crimes,

    until such crimes become serious, as in this case.

    There is no natural law of the jungle - if you have a knife and a silent family...

    Size and Innocence mean nothing.

    Thankfully he got found out - AND HAS to be MADE AN EXAMPLE OF!

  4. ... or in an area where they want to smell and taste their food - not your smoke

    Well, despite my apprehension that they will able to actually enforce this, I wish them luck. Nothing worse than getting stuck behind some selfish bastard trailing his second hand cig smoke on a crowded pavement bah.gif

    I don't think the law stops you smoking while walking down the street

    You're right, but common courtesy should dictate that if you do you should ensure you don't blow it directly into the face of following pedestrians who have as much right to expect to not have smoke in their faces as selfish bastards have to smoke the bloody things.

  5. It's the main student/teacher/school/University holidays around about now,

    in many Asian (China 2 months) and Western countries

    so should be no low season?

    Khao San was very busy especially on Saturday for the WC.

    But traders were still saying "no business"

    (Saturday, you couldn't walk down the road, it was so packed) -
    maybe they don't want down market/Same-Same merchandise

    or they were just back packers.

    All tours are still maked "special price" (Original crossed out)

    But one U.S. guy was happily explaining he had "spent $500 Last night" (Friday)

    Maybe he was in the Ping-Pong bars?

  6. The Rules of Engagement are:


    Marry in haste, repent at leisure.


    You don't have to get married to have sex, a relationship, even a baby...

    I have every intention to remarry but am concerned that the divorce will drag on. Meanwhile the gf is eager to move to the next level as am I. Just worried about legalities. Appreciate all advice.


  7. There are those who are Stupid Drunk

    Those who are Drunk Stupid

    And those who a boringly Stupid.


    If your over 40 and don't smoke - "They" say 3 units a day (850ish mls/  - someone don't correct me?)


    I don't drink Monday and Tuesday and Monday to Thursday 1st week of the month (Liver restoration)-

    unless there is (Usually in Thailand) a High day or Holiday.


    OR Boring "Normal" people decide to try to make me as miserable as they are.


    OR the wife has bad PMT.... Yes dear, No dear.... one in the fridge is there dear?


    Then I average 1.5 litres! OMG!


    It's hot here and I am from Jorvik -


    I have never missed work because of drinking (But wished I coulder)

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