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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. OK to help you answer the nice people of Thailand... from real experience (& listening):

    Long sataying visitors (Not just short-term tourists...) want:

    To arrive, Possibly on a single/flexible return, or "Open" ticket.

    Or in a Thai way... A single ticket. and maybe NO booked accomodation

    (I did this in Laos - I forgot the legal need for, at least the 1st nights accommodation -
    why because the school was... er... not thinking either,,,)

    Anyway, the Long term people dont want/need a schedule/itinerary...

    (This is the idea of a long term Thailand visit?)

    So perhaps a rule (For the benefit of the visitors/family/police) could be:

    Proof of Return Ticket OR Credit Card (Expiry date being more than Visa/s)

    Or proof of money in their account. (Debit/International ATM)

    Proof of 1st nights stay/accommodation address (Or at least area of destination, i.e Khao San Road or Samui?)

    with advice to inform the hotel of forward destination (Like sailing...)

    Back packers etc may not be the perfect "Quality tourist"... but one day they maybe,

    and whilst they are here, they help the low income providers to grow too...

    Good people come to Thailand to learn, grow, be happy and yes, spend money.

    they don't come to Thailand for greed

    It's the Bad guys that need to be ring fenced

    Please remember that it is very expensive, just to arrive in Thailand, and to welcome all honest, hard working, visitors -

    Not "Once in a Lifetime" but to return as friends (There is plenty of competition closer to 'home')

    The USP of Thailand is the relaxed/easy going nature of the people, along with low prices/food and weather...

    (And the bottom line is, treat them as guests now and they will then return, with friends, with husband/wifes and children...)

    I don't think the laws are changing, just the enforcement of them. This describes the tourist visa quite well:


    If you want to be in Thailand for really extended periods of time, this is not the visa for you. If you can't quality for the type of visa that allows for extended periods of time, you'll have to leave the country. Same with me when I want to visit the EU. 90 days in, 90 days out.

    Perhaps the days of bumming around Thailand for a year or two are gone???? I'm lucky I did that years ago and never had a problem.

    A couple of days ago I met with several high ranking Thai Immigration Officials from Chaengwattana and Soi Suan Phlu at their request (to my surprise). One of the questions I asked was at what point do tourists become someone who is living in Thailand. How long can someone be a tourist before they are no longer really a tourist. They acknowledge this is a difficult question and they are mulling it over. I do plan on following up on this.

    I just put up a video on

    and in ThaiVisa. It is the first of a series of videos on
    I'll be doing on our conversation. They have asked me to convey their information to the public. I can also ask any question of them I feel worthwhile.

    Their recommendation is to do what has always been required but rarely asked for:

    1. Return ticket.
    2. Cash
    3. Proof of accommodation
    4. A detailed itinerary.

    They also admitted that for now, there are going to problems for those with tourist visas simply because some checkpoints are unaware of some of the new/old guidelines and how strictly to enforce them. They are working on setting standards that can and will be followed by immigration officials at the checkpoints. They made it a point to let people know that the people they are after are those abusing the visa exemption system. They are not out to deny those with tourist visas.

    The extension of visa exemptions is going to go from 7 days to 30 days.

  2. Only 2/3 weeks ago in broad daylight at Victory Monument, a nice looking lady (Dressed like a Teacher?)
    could not get in a Taxi - because he only offered Ferang Price.

    She was very angry at his arrogance, slammed the door and gave him the finger,

    followed by, "F... You TOO!"

    Still every-day Bangkok

    But as an infrequent taxi user, I have found many more Taxis saying "yes"

    to my second question "Meter?"

    Last year I visited a place 3 different times (Day Light)

    Usually THB 80. But on one occasion, 4/5 Taxis refused anything less than THB 200.

    (I gave up on Night-Time Mafia, long ago - Piracy on the High Road)

    Hope Taxis become user friendly again -

    I always tip the honest ones 10- 30%

  3. It's about poor training of Management and staff -
    even officials shake their heads in disbelief that they get it wrong time after time - No system...


    but we don't need a system...

    ("It's always worked this way before...")


    Or worse he is just Farrang - who cares


    (The teachers who leave, do. And the students who get left behind do/should do)


    Personally I think the worse of Thailand than before I arrived...






    There is a good point in the article about the schools having to get themselves in order too.


    This is so true.


    When I was teaching, I taught the first 3 months on a tourist visa as the school ensured me that the policy was for all new teachers to work a probation period, after which they'll sort out the Non-B.


    When the 3 months was up and I needed to get my Non-B they sent me to Laos but they left out some crucial documentation that meant my Non-B visa was rejected upon application. I then had to re-enter Thailand on a 15 day visa exempt stamp (as it was then) to go back to the school so they could correct the mess.


    Under the new rules, I wouldn't be able to re-enter and all because the school messed up the paperwork for my Non-B visa.


    It turned out that a school director had forgotten to sign 3 pieces of paper! I then had to go back to Laos afterwards, which was like two trips in the space of a week, where I eventually got my Non-B but the whole episode was a major headache.


    I'm confused. Was it like two trips in a week or was it actually two trips in the space of a week?



    Dear confused !    Why is this so amazingly important. And why the "like" between it and two. Do you call this good English, i was never taught to keep slipping "like" into my sentences, which is what i hear a lot of today from young English speakers.




  4. It is time schools do the right thng for Teachers and Student.

    Taking the easy way? out is not medium or long term easy!.


    This is Thailand - people like living here because the rules are not too tight...

    But having No rules in Education /training is bad for Thailand's furure.

    It will get left [further] behind.

    (But this has not mattered before because eveybody was told that Thailand was an advanced culture...)


    A (Real) 120 hour+ TEFL from a recognised source should be OK for a
    Teacher "assistant" or assisting with English (ESL Teacher)

    But this was abused as an alleged way of "Filitering" the true wage into the wrong pockets..


    Paying a Fair wage to qulified teachers and obtaining the correct visa permits can only be good for Thailand.

    (But not for some protesters pockets?)


    Having a real education is a right not a ploy.

  5. There was a report on seasonal hotels, that they should drain AND clean water tanks "Headers" etc.

    The problem then is bacteria and mould growth on any damp areas.

    The shower head/rose can be a surprising source of bacteria.

    If you have a holiday home/villa it is worth cleaning the pipes

    when you 'open-up" as Bars do.

    Any suggestions for proprietary brand or alternative

    (Bleach being be highly corrosive...)

  6. So schools and businesses will not employ foreigners before they arrive in Thailand.

    (Saying they [foreigners] don't arrive is an excuse! The few that don't turn up,
    are probably not worth hiring or more likely have problems with incorrect paperwork, excuse!)

    Foreigners leave businesses/schools, because the foreigners make mistakes.(Cover-up/Excuse)

    (So they have to employ Thais, at a lower rate - because they "Don't have the budget: [for foreigners?])


    The businesses/ schools hire a foreigner, then hire another/or a Thai, at a lower rate.

    (Using an Excuse to Not refund the "sign on fee"/visa costs)

    Businesses/schools change contracts at the last minute, forcing foreigners (And Thais?)
    to accept lower rates and/or higher hours?

    Or don't inform of contract changes until it's "too late" [to apply for a renewal visa]

    Or there is a "mistake" in the visa application, so the foreigners have to do a Visa run.............

    ALL of the above is a summary of the things I have read in Tv or from Personal/friends experience.

    ALL of the above excuses are the biggest "losing face" I have ever heard of...

  7. It is noticeable that when ac units that are used as heater in the winter there is are increased incidence of "colds"

    (And visa- versa in summer)

    Best to jet wash the screen and use a micro filter or disposable tissue over intakes

    Just curious. Are standard room AC units used in individual apartments and small offices also prone to Legionaries bacteria or is it restricted to large, high volume units?

  8. Yes -

    My advice is to get a low cost hotel for 2 weeks
    (Tourist visa 2 months is a must for slow paperwork provision)

    Do your research for addresses and try to meet a person with Director access

    Get a Rabbit card for 'subway' travel.

    Universities "Should" ask for a real Masters but May pay less than a High school!!

    Once you have got contacts at your preferred location get back-up -

    Like this:
    from your hotel get a Taxi to the nearest large school:

    drop off your CV/Resume PHOTO (To show you are "Western/Foreign"), with Local phone number...

    After that get another taxi to next nearest school and so on,
    until you form a circle back to your hotel.

    Then relax and wait for the phone calls - whilst looking at Ajarn.com etc.

    If all else fails ask an agent

    PS Have you survived on McDonalds wages before?

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