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Everything posted by Pmbkk

  1. Go to Switzerland and break a 1000 at the bar for a couple of beers - never had an issue
  2. I prefer them as I like to keep them in business - they serve when I want. They scratch my back and I scratch theirs - I can afford the extra baht
  3. Imagine you're actually living in paradise to start with - then imagine you're having a beer on the beach... never a non-alcohol day... As for Monday in Thailand it's a Budhha day so I expect so.
  4. I have it on very good authority that there are no over-stayers or illegals ( from the Thai govt) I'm now questioning who I can trust ????
  5. So it's true - farmers are rich around the world... ????
  6. Chatrium hotel riverside bangkok is good - you have Asiatique next door ( shopping / restaurants ). I'd split my time. Obv' you know Suk' Soi 11 - always a good starting place.
  7. Maintenance guy of the Juristic dept' Is it so bad it can't be used to launder money ? ????
  8. A little reminder - you could lose everything even if the coin doesn't crash - Coinbase says anything invested with them could be lost if THEY go bankrupt - it's quite nice as your money is their money - it's like sharing where everything that is yours is theirs... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10807233/Coinbase-warns-customers-lose-crypto-company-goes-bankrupt.html
  9. They'll all ask that now - incl' BA if they were still flying to BKK - it's called enhancing the customers experience. Direct only Thai I believe. Don't know if Eva is back on-line for passengers. Layover - maybe through Zurich with Swiss if you don't want to go via middle east. You have expedia/bookings.com. I'd personally only book direct with the airline after getting a guide price from the above. With BA I always found it cheaper. The missus went via Dubai with Emirates - @2 hr 30 mins layover which she enjoyed.
  10. I have a piece of A4 paper which I have cut into 100 pieces. You can have any one piece for £100,000 ( all numbered, coloured in with a pound sign ) Better for the environment as no data mining and wasting of electricity .. ????
  11. People losing their life savings: https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/terra-luna-ust-crypto-price-crash-b2076655.html
  12. He probably asked for a Condo - but got a Condo-m ????
  13. Go live in Greece/Spain/Portugal where the standard of living is good and they treat their old folk well.
  14. Don't be fooled - it's just paying you to go away ????
  15. How long were you in Thailand before and on what visa & which visa did you apply for this time ? Maybe that plays a part. It's only May 11th - if email isn't working why not write a quick letter asking them to reply via email, they'll have it in a day or two - maybe worth a try and will cost the price of a stamp - esp' if you register it.
  16. No - too much hassle - as someone that owns several BKK CBD condos ????
  17. Cha-Am on a weekend and a holiday is a nightmare in my opinion. It's completely filthy the next morning with trash everywhere. Beach is ok. Just large party busses with blaring music until the early morning - which clog the road up to/back to Bkk.
  18. I'd be more afraid of an illegal driver killing someone driving my car. Can still do that obv' - but they may not go straight to jail without passing "go". And maybe not weigh on my conscience by allowing them to do it. I would disallow it 100% in my car or my wife's.
  19. I don't think I'd want my wife driving on a motorway with that. As a quick fix to replace it ok - long term no chance.... A tyre is cheaper than a life ( yours or someone else's )
  20. Was the same in England - your mask had to be worn whilst not seated e.g. entering/exiting, even if you were going to the toilet. However, that all stopped what seems years ago - over a year anyway ???? They'll catch up soon
  21. Only if travel dictates... My next door neighbour, fit 55 year old died of it. Saw him get into an ambulance one day - dead of Covid the next ( London )
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