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Everything posted by Pmbkk

  1. Just think what may be lurking inside - my builder had me set up an inch diameter camera that he can see with his smartphone ( on a pole so he could see tight areas - can zoom in etc ). I'd just tell him I'm covering when we are in the covered areas - simple !
  2. Go out and buy yourself a lottery ticket then - than should readdress the balance...
  3. Andy, don't be too optimistic, if you're a little more pessimistic you'll be fine. Problem sorted...
  4. Marry an Immigration officer - preferably a senior one as many threads say they can overrule anything.... ????
  5. Burglars always say the best place to store valuables is hidden in the loft. That's what I do ...damn, secret out
  6. Beaten to a pulp, left in jail, blacklisted and deported after several excruciating nights in jail with the local Thai gangs - or that's what some on this forum would like ????
  7. Simple, if they really want to find him - offer a sizable reward for his whereabouts and you'd get his address in a week. Should save the Thai govt' a fortune compared to a 10 year investigation.
  8. Brilliant isn't it - team mates helping each other out. If you put army vests on them - he'd be a hero and awarded medals... But I'm with you he should be given one ????
  9. Surely your download speed is normal when it matches the speed you paid for ,,,,,
  10. The worst union I can think of - Conte and Levy. One wanting to show & spend millions and the other who could give Fagan a run for his money. I'm amazed he signed - can't see anything but trouble,
  11. GoFundMe....no wait ... NHS Planning - be born in the UK to an Irish parent (EU passport) and marry a Thai doctor - I really don't see why people don't plan...????
  12. I thought it was illegal to post fake information....
  13. They need to improve that death trap of a motorway from BKK. In 15 years not once did I not see a crash from BKK on our journey
  14. Try living in Spain, Portugal or Greece,,,, Some of that post is a joke - I'm sure you don't live in a quality apt in Bkk - maybe a pay as you go cheapie. There are many place you can live in Morocco/Africa/Ghana for nearly nothing - all of which your heart seems to desire...
  15. Considering COP26 is going on - interesting that non of these cyrpto warriors are so silent... I have a pair of flip-flops - I'll cut them into 50 a piece and sell them for £1 million a piece, I will not replicate the same flip-flops - you don't have to waste energy, I'll post them.. Cash by real money bank transfer - don't accept monopoly money My accountant says HMRC doesn't accept anything that is not regulated - I did ask could I pay my business tax in playdo currency but unfortunately not. I blame Johnson - he's a bit of a clown so I thought he'd like fake money ????
  16. People's minds are a great starting point.... Honest, honest, believe me, etc...
  17. People are still stupid enough to buy something any salesman will tell them - 99.99% loss on cyrpto.. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-59129466
  18. He obviously doesn't get out and about on the roads much ????
  19. Buy a couple of Rottweilers and bury them in a safe under their feeding bowl...
  20. I'm surprised there is nothing in the contract from your agent to cover this. I know when we got our first rental contract years ago there was. I now rent out properties in BKK and there is a clause in there for both parties where one party wishes to break the contract and the subsequent penalty fees ( this covers if I wish to sell/terminate or the renter wishes to leave early ).
  21. Probably one senior training a junior colleague, pointing out what to look for "on the job". As you say it wasn't busy, so no big queues or wait time - all innocent. But saying that - "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you" ????
  22. I'm trying that too, whilst showing my Thai wife brochures/ TV programs of living in Spain/Portugal/Greece.
  23. You could just slit your wrists and reduce all them.... Can you state your age and do a catch-up every year.... BTW - don;t cross the road, use any electrics - or come into contact with anyone with Covid...
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