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Everything posted by Pmbkk

  1. We use https://www.deemoney.com/ to transfer money. Simple to set-up and use via app to Europe. Not been back for nearly 2 yrs but there was a place on the corner of Suk' 8 in Bkk.
  2. Hi We're applying this week for ILR in Croydon/London. We'll be doing it via ISA savings ( anybody doing this method I'd like welcome input ). The normal period they say is up to 6 months. The Fast-track is £800+ for a day or two service. I'm willing to pay this as we've not been back for nearly 2 years and my wife wants to see her family - her gran is frail. Has anyone experience of either normal or fast-track option in the last year re date of applications and receipt of ILR ? Cheers P
  3. My wife mentioned line groups & reasoning, not by name and not too detailed e.g. work, family Don't forget social media is easily searched & checked so don't put anything down that could contradict the application and can be easily checked. Cheers
  4. So your paying for flight tickets - then applying for visas and then awaiting to apply for the Thai pass ( 1 day hotel ) etc before you know if you can even go?
  5. Many rental companies require you to hand over your passport for the duration of the rental as a guarantee - how can it be with you and at the rental company ...???? Ahh, I see the perfect scam as it can't be in two places at the same time....
  6. BTW - I rent out properties and if you turn it off - I bet he won't have a lens to stand-on
  7. Just think what may be lurking inside - my builder had me set up an inch diameter camera that he can see with his smartphone ( on a pole so he could see tight areas - can zoom in etc ). I'd just tell him I'm covering when we are in the covered areas - simple !
  8. Go out and buy yourself a lottery ticket then - than should readdress the balance...
  9. Andy, don't be too optimistic, if you're a little more pessimistic you'll be fine. Problem sorted...
  10. Marry an Immigration officer - preferably a senior one as many threads say they can overrule anything.... ????
  11. Burglars always say the best place to store valuables is hidden in the loft. That's what I do ...damn, secret out
  12. Beaten to a pulp, left in jail, blacklisted and deported after several excruciating nights in jail with the local Thai gangs - or that's what some on this forum would like ????
  13. Simple, if they really want to find him - offer a sizable reward for his whereabouts and you'd get his address in a week. Should save the Thai govt' a fortune compared to a 10 year investigation.
  14. Surely your download speed is normal when it matches the speed you paid for ,,,,,
  15. The worst union I can think of - Conte and Levy. One wanting to show & spend millions and the other who could give Fagan a run for his money. I'm amazed he signed - can't see anything but trouble,
  16. GoFundMe....no wait ... NHS Planning - be born in the UK to an Irish parent (EU passport) and marry a Thai doctor - I really don't see why people don't plan...????
  17. I thought it was illegal to post fake information....
  18. They need to improve that death trap of a motorway from BKK. In 15 years not once did I not see a crash from BKK on our journey
  19. Try living in Spain, Portugal or Greece,,,, Some of that post is a joke - I'm sure you don't live in a quality apt in Bkk - maybe a pay as you go cheapie. There are many place you can live in Morocco/Africa/Ghana for nearly nothing - all of which your heart seems to desire...
  20. Considering COP26 is going on - interesting that non of these cyrpto warriors are so silent... I have a pair of flip-flops - I'll cut them into 50 a piece and sell them for £1 million a piece, I will not replicate the same flip-flops - you don't have to waste energy, I'll post them.. Cash by real money bank transfer - don't accept monopoly money My accountant says HMRC doesn't accept anything that is not regulated - I did ask could I pay my business tax in playdo currency but unfortunately not. I blame Johnson - he's a bit of a clown so I thought he'd like fake money ????
  21. People's minds are a great starting point.... Honest, honest, believe me, etc...
  22. People are still stupid enough to buy something any salesman will tell them - 99.99% loss on cyrpto.. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-59129466
  23. He obviously doesn't get out and about on the roads much ????
  24. Buy a couple of Rottweilers and bury them in a safe under their feeding bowl...
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