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Posts posted by gigman

  1. Putin is not that stupid as is "painted" on world media.

    I wish to know real deep deals they are fighting for and I think Putin could say more truth then anyone else could.

    Definitely both of their hidden agenda's is not for us to be able to know or understand....even if we go to the war.sad.png


  2. When I was 17 I was experimenting with nitro-glycerine trying to prove myself that I am doing progress in chemistry which was terrible subject for me because of lack of understanding. It has happened in communistic time of some European country where I could be punished by the law but definately not as terrorist against USSR..... This days probably Australia would treat me like those young fellows .... to plant me some black fabric would be not a problem.... Society must not forget that they must keep up be scared... as long some people need it to continue for own reasons. Always I wander why .. I do not get another or full story ....from Media.... always same....

  3. I think an active rail line is a restricted area, sooner or later a train will come and you either get out of the way or you could end up having a bad day.

    The lucky thing here is that the train was going slow enough for the driver to apply his brakes and stop short of the old dear, if travelling at most line speeds it would have probably been a differant outcome unfortunatly as in most cases.

    So good on the drivers keen eye and observations (defensive driving technique) Hopefully the old bag knows what danger she was in for next time she takes a walkabout

    Old bag you are disgusting sir!!

    One day you will be old, and maybe deaf.

    Not only disgusting ...this fellow one day will be judge by younger and even worst generation then him.

    We can find some ...this days but much younger generation is more hard on oldies (this days ) hence let him and wish him live very very long time....giggle.gif

    He will find his match for sure.


  4. Does anyone really think that 9 Israeli's just walked into Police Headquarters and demonstrated their equipment without having been invited?? I am quite sure they would have had the necessary clearances to bring their working samples into the country!!

    Not heard a word from the Israeli's on this!!!

    Israeli's are NOT the same as Thai.

    They know that every business is hard and have obstructions.

    Now they have free advertisement .

    That's clever compare to Thai's.

    Saying anything here or elsewhere only can damage their business specially with dumbness .

    Why to give away "gifts" by nature of situation ???? by commenting so idiotic situation .

    It pay's for them ..NOT Thai's..... It is simple why they said nothing


  5. Somehow everyone is focusing on those who got punishment ....

    Humanity is getting more and more ugly face ...

    Punishment is punishment but by death ? like eye for eye...?

    And some is calling them self's civilized.???

    Not so long ago people burned on stakes because of same kind who today wants death penalty.

    Nothing changed .....even today

    In one hand with mobile phone and laptop and axe in other....clap2.gif writing "smart" thoughts....

    Bravo nothing more to say... Just like in Armstrong song... "Beautiful world"wink.png


  6. Just to much effort to move I guess,

    better to run down a cop and slaughter an elderly couple for doing their job to keep the peace for all tenants. so much for the respect for their elders.

    "Thailand, the most religious country in the world"

    Religious or not ...? (actually Buddism is not really a religious believe.)

    Because of strong religious in the world we have always wars in our history ...just do not have knowledge of Buddist's leading to wars..coffee1.gif

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