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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. Never had that problem whether it be family members or any other Thai person, mind you I try not to go to places with large farang population

    You nailed it, Sabaidee Mai.

    Treat Thais with respect and - with very few exceptions - that's the way they will treat you.

    Farangs are a different breed; many more seem to be arrogant and clueless here in Thailand.

    I find that those that are socially hopeless or mildly put 'losers' back home are the ones who come to a third world country and expect to be treated like a king......

    Especially if they have somesort of income/pension that is peanuts back home but considerable in thailand

  2. Only on thaivisa /thailand

    Boasts about how long theyve been there

    boasts about being choosy

    Boasts about choosing a girl with a former fsrang hubbby

    boasts about knowing her for two years married for one

    blames loan sharks for all their problems

    Sometimes i think a mirror would be the best medicine

  3. No offence. But two marriages and you are looking for another one online with a person youve met three times!!!! Thats insane

    Would you even consider having a baby eith a girl you met in australia three times!?!?!

    A lot of farang say i have no assets so she isnt in it for the money. But the woman are probably preying on the fact that farangs will man up with daddy responsibilities and pay up 200 aud per week which is almost hitting thr jackpot

    The amount of headache with the scenario makes me want to reach for another pain killer

  4. <deleted>##ing thais are so stupid when it comes to money. Very stupid in this case hope its not the once in a lifetime money grab from you. Super scam the farang... Sounds like one of those dragged out long scams that people wait for the perfect oppertunity to strike the big one. Youve got to wonder in a third world country, is there such a thing as love or is it just a tool for leverage.

    In either case she has messed up either a money grab or just being untruthful and unable to be upfront asking you for the cash. You wont be the worst farang in her life if you do a runner, the first one left her with a kid.

    so how stupid does it make the person who falls for it wai2.gif

  5. Before I left my wife asked me for a thousand baht so she could play lottery and prayed that she would win a million baht to help her dying father. I have explained to her often that playing the lottery is as good as throwing money away. "would you ever bet on the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or 5 5 5 5 5 5 5?"(or how ever many digits it is). I would ask her. She would reply' Of course not! How could anyone win on such an unlikely number!" I would respond, " Absolutely correct!

    Thats just makes me lost for words on many levels for the BOTH of you

    Lottery is a very low odds investment. Every investment is a gamble

    Why would the odds of 1234567 be less then others. If the prize is split then thats a different story

    If a dying father would be good luck. Every person would be rich when their father passed away

    I cringe for the both of you

  6. Ok.....

    so you are choosy with women and have bèen learning for 13 years.

    But your wife does something of this magnitude without you knowing

    She is close to her family and you have never met the dad.

    Your farang husband number 2

    You are blaming the loan sharks

    She wants to buy a lotto ticket becauze her dad is dying

    Sounds like the same story as a first timer in thailand

    I think you should pay the 200k baht and show them how much of a man you are. Maybe she could borrow some more and double up

  7. If you cant do the time dont do the crime.

    Anybody dealing drugs is dealing DEATH. scum of the earth.

    So you think alcohol vendors or bottle shop owners should get death as well. Since alcohol kills nore people then drugs

    There is nothing wrong with alcohol in moderation. The same cannot be said about drugs.

    Why not ?

    Millions of people take drugs for recreational purposes and lead perfectly normal lives - not everyone goes onto descend into crack dens !

    I know a few regular marijuana takers. Been doing since they were teenagers. 1 has his highs and lows (he also drinks alot so who knows what is contributing ) the others seem completely normal

    I also know of a few every now and again cocaine users and all of them are super achievers (like decaprio in wolf of wall street)

    On the other hand i know a few people who are f'ed up on alcohol.

    I dont condone illegal drug use. I only do social alcohol and caffeine. Id be very worried for myself if i started needing a beer at 9am or had to drink coffee/energy drinks to function throguhout the day

  8. If you cant do the time dont do the crime.

    Anybody dealing drugs is dealing DEATH. scum of the earth.

    So you think alcohol vendors or bottle shop owners should get death as well. Since alcohol kills nore people then drugs
    So what are you saying, 'its ok to sell illegal drugs'?
    Not at all. Im saying,the punishment is far too harsh especially ina coubtry with such double standards.

    Also the differnece in punsihment between drug dealers and alcohol dealers is 50years prison vs $1m salary for a ceo of an alcohol company. Hardly remotely fair even though drugs are probably worse then alcohl

  9. Sounds like you hang around with the crowd of women.

    My wife is 29 years younger than me, and the most important factors are that she is not a bar girl, a drinker, a gambler or a party girl. Her parents are long deceased. Things are fine.

    It amazes me that so many guys here get involved with questionable characters and then they wonder what went wrong.

    It amazes me how many old foreign dudes think their girl is different!

    What is the age difference between you and your wife/gf ?

    My gf is 36 younger then me.............weeks!!

    Oh and did you know mine is hi so. And has never asked me for money, has a master and phd in something

    And i look younger then my age plus im really HANSUM



    For the record my gf isnt thai nor do i live in Thailand

    Ah! So you live In some urban slum in FARANG land with an old Jumbo of a wife. Now I understand.

    Righteo! Not sure how the relevance of that is, but you are in a third world country and trying to insult me by asssuming i live in a slum.

    Delusion at its finest. You will fit in perfectly here

  10. Sounds like you hang around with the crowd of women.

    My wife is 29 years younger than me, and the most important factors are that she is not a bar girl, a drinker, a gambler or a party girl. Her parents are long deceased. Things are fine.

    It amazes me that so many guys here get involved with questionable characters and then they wonder what went wrong.

    It amazes me how many old foreign dudes think their girl is different!

    What is the age difference between you and your wife/gf ?

    My gf is 36 younger then me.............weeks!!

    Oh and did you know mine is hi so. And has never asked me for money, has a master and phd in something

    And i look younger then my age plus im really HANSUM



    For the record my gf isnt thai nor do i live in Thailand

  11. Maybe because younger girls prefer younger looking older guys who are fit, and not fat or bald?

    Most older guys are also likely to be attracted to young girls who are hot looking, rather than unattractive, girls. Is that unusual?

    really?? my gramps is 95 years old and looks about 80, but he doesnt have a single young girl chasing him down!!!! (he's not in thailand by the way)

    most of the older guys that I know want a attractive for their age lady who has a great personality, and arent interested in a girl their daughters age

    the way I see it, 90% of the girls that I know have wanted a guy between 1-5 years older than them, not a generation older

    women who go out with guys their dads age:

    1. have daddy issues

    2. in it for the money/visa/fame/connections (ie financial benefit in some way)

    I thought it was obvious I was referring to Thailand.

    fair enough, but that would just eliminate (1)

  12. its interesting how every guy who needs to boast after you asked them for road directions about how unfat or unbald or unold they are , while their beaty is educated, never asks for a cent, hiso, not a bargirl (just a waitress) despite the 30 year age gap, I would guess would struggle with the ladies back home, younger or not

    just sayin

    ps I have no problem with this sort of relationship whatsoever, just be realistic and not delude yourself !

    in fact I have a good friend who is not quite to that extent (15 years older ) \, wife is quite pleasant, but I wouldnt trust her when it comes to money

  13. There is 35 years difference between my gf and I and her family has accepted me from the beginning. We have been living together just over a year but dated for a few months prior. My gf works and makes 20k + a month in a respectable job, goes to school on Sundaysto further her education, studies reading, writing and speaking English at home and helps take care of the house. She is a beautiful young lady and says I look very smart. I look much younger than my age and in great shape. By living with me her standard of living has increased but other than a few gifts, Birthday, college graduation, Christmas she pays for her own things with her earned money.

    So yes, it can work and the family can accept the relationship.

    Haha. Why is it that everyone on thaivisa whose wife is old enough to be their daughter, always handsome, younger then they look, fit, not fat or bald

    While their wife is hot, have a hot body, not a bar girl, speaks 17 languages and has 15 degrees and is upper level management ?????

    Delusion at its finest

    Maybe because younger girls prefer younger looking older guys who are fit, and not fat or bald?

    Most older guys are also likely to be attracted to young girls who are hot looking, rather than unattractive, girls. Is that unusual?

    really?? my gramps is 95 years old and looks about 80, but he doesnt have a single young girl chasing him down!!!! (he's not in thailand by the way)

    most of the older guys that I know want a attractive for their age lady who has a great personality, and arent interested in a girl their daughters age

    the way I see it, 90% of the girls that I know have wanted a guy between 1-5 years older than them, not a generation older

    women who go out with guys their dads age:

    1. have daddy issues

    2. in it for the money/visa/fame/connections (ie financial benefit in some way)

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