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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. Only thing you are expanding is the amount of BS you are slinging around.

    No I'm not. I'm completely <deleted> serious. In fact with one of the others I just had a horrible experience. On of the others seemed nice so went to video chat you know "line" maybe you don't. If you don't you don't know shit.

    As soon as she started talking to me her command of English never matches her writting. She was just a kid and I was expecting somone close to 30. I spent time with her on the phone so she did not get "in trouble" in fact I played it all the way down until the dumbass behind the the picture got that i wasn't bitting at that worm.

    Seriously. Have you not read through the thread. I'm not a dumbass, nor am somone to throw around a person's feelings.

    Vetrans of this forum, im not here to <deleted> around. You might think in some hap hazerd expat wanna be. But I have much bigger plans than that. I wouldn't be here picking all of your brains if I were a dumbass. dont worry I read faster than you can imagine and I know your individual problems and how they fit into the bcurve of reality. The best of you contact me In pm. That's awesome, and dont worry I listen very carefully. But what else do you guys have. Cynicism? Please. Get over it. Logic? I'll kill you at it. Arrogance? Well read the last paragraph. I have got you beat there too. I need thoughtfull responses.

    Id say you are prettty dumb .....

    You may have the business smarts but deciding on a wife in a country youve neeve been to. Based on skin colour or hair colour in a country full of sex tourists and sex trade and thinking its going to work and that you are gods gift to women there is pretty naive in laughable

  2. http://www.traveller.com.au/people-power-where-the-locals-are-the-main-attraction-gj6jwh


    My friend Andrew was having an argument with the waitress. I could hear the two of them, voices raised in Thai, disputing something to do with our bill. Eventually a deal was struck and money changed hands, before Andrew came back to our table. "She was trying to undercharge me again," he laughed. "I've told her she can't do that. It's bad for business."

    Andrew's an Australian who was living in the north-east of Thailand, near Ubon Ratchathani. He said his struggles to pay the full amount he owed at restaurants happened daily. Everyone was trying to be too nice.

    Those cliches about Thailand being the "land of smiles" have a strong basis in truth. While there have been a few very troubling incidents in Bangkok recently, on the whole Thailand is a friendly, welcoming country, particularly once you get away from the tourist centres of Bangkok and Phuket (though they, too, are often just fine). Up in the north, there's an easy hospitality to the Thais that almost always comes with a smile. Even when you're arguing over your bill. See tourismthailand.org.

    OMG , Someone please pick me up from the floor, I havent laughed so hard in my life!!!

  3. From my understanding all Thai girls think they are Hi so?.?

    Yes, sooooo true. even the ones who's grandfathers were peasant rice farm workers, and are working as bar girls in Pattaya. I see them in Central shopping for brand name clothes with their temporary BFs and their noses so stuck up they can't see where they are going.

    I have this theory

    If you have to tell/show off/try to appear rich/hiso/talented/skilled at something.

    Then youre not

    True abilities are noticed/acknowledged naturally

    • Like 1
  4. Like i said im a very shy guy but i didn't have problems getting girlfriends in the states but ill admit it was in pathetic ways they usually would come talk too me.

    Regular Latinas and some white women would come up and talk to guys, as well as Asian bar girls. But regular Asian girls don't do that, maybe except for Filipinas and some Isan and Lao women.

    It's one thing to be a talkative, sociable, and likable guy, but another thing to actually approach Asian girls and move them out of the friend zone.

    Thai women, even working girls, won't approach.

    Go to Thermae Bar on Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok, and you'll see. The girls there, many from northern Thailand (including Chiang Mai), are freelancers catering mostly to Japanese clients and they don't even approach guys that they should like. I walked around there in circles and the girls do nothing but smile, and they don't even say anything when I make eye contact. I have to choose and walk up to one of them, talk to them, and they just reply "kha." As a result, white guys tend to avoid that place. On Soi Nana, the girls will take the initiative to hunt you down and grab your arm, but that would be unthinkable in Thermae.

    This is what it's like with regular women in Chiang Mai. They're nice and friendly, but you're gonna have to get out of your shell, and do some *appropriate* approaching on your own initiative.

    Have never been to a jp place in bkk yet.

    Are these hookers looking for jp clients?

    Do they like them becauze they pay better/are nicer bla blah or is it because they personally prefer jp people for whatevee reason

  5. Why do you give her a curt reply "live alone" and then not reply. You could have carried the conversation on or told her you would talk tomorrow. And then telling her to relax lol. I don't think she's being clingy, she wants someone who will make some effort for her. And even if you are dating other girls at least make her feel like she's special and that you're actually interested in her. Just my opinion :).

    I get what you are saying but there is more then a higher chance she is stringing along 50 other guys too.

    Shed do the exact same thing if the roles are reversed.

    No need to make her feel special unlesss you are super super keen or she is a genuinely nice thoughtful girl

  6. My opinion

    Especislly in todays "shallow" world unless you look like brad pitt or are donald trump rich. You arent going to have ladies queuing up for you.

    You need to filter out the gold diggers, the visa hunters, the attention whores, the desperate ones and the crazy ones

    So not every date is going to go well or turn out to be a raging success. Its unfortunately a numbers game

    Dont put too much pressure on yourself or appear too desperate.

    Also. Take with a grain of salt advice from old multiple divorced expats here who think they are gods gift to women because their measly pension impresses the local bar girls in thaialnd, who couldnt get a girl back home who now think they are some sex god with their beer gut out


    Im no casanova nor old deviant

  7. Top tip - don't ask a bunch of old men.

    Actually, I was going to mention that as well, but whatever. Does the OP even know that this forum is largely populated by old white guys? The perspectives and experiences are going to be completely different for him.

    Who have been divorced a gazillion times too.....obviously all great successes with the ladies

  8. A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

    Holding hands is rather sweet and romantic. Where's your heart?

    Then why isn't everyone else doing it?
    I guess everyone else is unromantic or doesn't like displays of affection in public. Rather sad really.

    Thats because im not very hansum. And i dont have young beauties hanging off me....... until i reach the airport in my home country

  9. My input.

    Ive done 4 businesses over the years in my home country.all different industries. One of them was a restaurant (and yes my passion is hospitality )

    Have had 1 failure and 3 successes. However the successes were decent but short lived (lots of reasons.....long story)

    I have one piece of advice that i give anyone wanting to start a business.

    Just because you do a business doesnt mean you will succeed. Only a small portion succeed. Add to the fact that you are now dealing with a foreign culture

    If it were so easy. Everyone would be doing it. Also just because entry costs are low eg lower rent. Wages. Ingredients etc etc etc . Doesnt make the business more likely of success.

    Lower costs. Rent . Wages etc means lower NET margins overall comparing apples and apples to back home

  10. I speak 2.5 languages. Ie two fluent and one fairly basic

    I have same ethnicity parents and speak that language and my home countrys and another one that i studied at school that i continued after school

    This is not what you are want to hear but unless your child is very talented at languages and both parents put in a heck of a lot of effort and resources. Four languages. In your dreams

    Id say 2 would be max

    If your definitiom of fluent is being able to order at the local restaurant or have a few lines of conversation with grandparents or be able to read a street sign or two. Then go for it

    A lot of these kinds of relationships. The parents often become complaceant and often deluded that think speaking multiple languages is easy as whispering a few words into the kids ear at night and rxpect them to be fluent

    The reality is far different and if you are not careful you are going to get a child thats crap at every language and once enrolled in school is going to be behind from day one or confused why a certain word he knows doesnt make sense to anyone

    These kids often get so confused and as they get older say "F this, im just going to learn one language. And even hate the other languages

    Obviously if the 2 or 3 or 4 langauge are similar then its less of a problem. Eg say french and spanish

  11. Kinda feel sorry for the op.

    But one thing is you say "you let her go these parties". Keyword is "let"

    I sense a bit of insecurity or control freak by the use of that word.

    Would i be like most of the tough guys on thaivias and say my way or the highway at this point?


    But as you said hiw would she like it if you went on a naked girls party. And if she days no but still cant see the double standards. Id simply make my point and if she still doesnt get it. Then id move on

  12. This is a completely personal belief that has no scientific evidence. But whenever i listen to a thai male speak thai. To me it comes across as quite feminine. The sounds are soft and there are no firm sounds.

    Ive spoken a few thai words and i feel quite 'feminine' speaking them.

    Maybe remotely the language's sounds contributing to the higher then usual ladyboy/gay phenemon

  13. Years ago when i was a student. There was a thai exchange student and we got to know eachtoehr and one day i asked her . Why so many ladyboys in thailand?

    To which she replied "because its trendy"

    I rmemebr being shocked and thinking to myself "&lt;deleted&gt;. I dont care how trendy it is. Im not attracted to men. Im just not going to change sides because its trendy"

    Maybe it is line of thinkijng that we non thai people dont understand!

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