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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. 15 minutes ago, jonclark said:

    The fact she has called the place she is living 'Farangland' shows the mentality of this lady - she doesn't even know where she is living. Its like me calling Thailand 'Asialand'- seriously i'd be locked up for being so dumb. 

    And yet thus guy married her.... 


    Who is dumber?


    She now has a visa. Can use his money to send money home. Can import her family 


    What did he get? 

  2. 1 minute ago, Just Weird said:

    If you were in Bangkok then the taxi that he got you was metered, if it had no meter it wasn't a taxi.  There are no taxis in Bangkok that are not equipped with meters and all that you asked for was a metered taxi. If the taxi doesn't want to use the meter just get another of the 100,000 that are available


    Which 4 star hotel was it?

    I never said the taxi had no meter. The drivers all refused. 


    That's the thing. 

    In past years maybe one in every 3 taxis would use the "traffic" or "too far" too close excuse. And it's pretty easy to find a metered taxi. Unless you were smack bham in the middle of the red light district or peak times or 3am.


    This time we stopped each time at after about asking 5 different taxis. 


    Before they'd try to give the excuse and some would. Give up some wouldn't. 


    This time. You say csn I get to bla bla. Meter. 

    And then they would simply drive off rudely


    Seems to have gotten significsntly worse 



  3. I am not a resident of Thailand and have never been. 

    I visit once per year for about 8 yrs now. 


    I don't expect everyone to speak English as it's frigging Thailand. But it's nice when someone does. So sometimes when I ask in English and they say sorry no English. It's not a big deal. 


    But what really got me last time last month is getting lied to or ignored. 


    This happened a lot at even 5 star hotels. And it's not to do with lack of English. 


    English for example 

    Asking concierge. Can you please get me a metered taxi to so and so. Please make sure it's metered. 

    "oh so you want metered taxi to bla bal?" 

    "yes pls" 


    When taxi arrives. No meter. 

    I ask same concierge guy. Why it wasn't meter 4 times. 



    "oh taxi sir" 

    "I don't know" 



    "pretends to not understand English" 


    Another example. 

    I tried to. Pay my hotel mini bar bill with the amex card I used to pay the deposit. 

    Got told they don't accept amex. 

    I reply " I just used my amex card yesterday to pay the mini bar bill" 

    "no we never accept amex" 

    "well that's the only. Card I have" 

    "I not check you in for the next night (even though I had another night booked and was fully prepaid) 


    And this was a 4 star hotel. 



    This sort of behaviour made my blood boil 





  4. Apologises if this is covered previously 

    Today I caught a uber from pattaya to bkk. 

    Used the app. Got a quote. Pressed confirm and all seemed fine. 


    A few minutes later driver calls and asks where we are going? 

    Thinking it was a bit strange why he would not know where we are going. 

    The next question was cash or credit. We were paying cash. 

    As we got in the car driver "kindly" offered to get us a bigger car. 


    Thinking nothing. We started driving off. 

    Next minute I get a notification that the driver has cancelled our job. And a new driver has been allocated to our trip. 


    We then realised that he has cancelled the uber trip in order he doesn't have to pay commission to uber. 

    And also that possibly uber can track his car so he wanted to use a different car. 


    Quite dodgy in my opinion so just a heads up. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    You are using an extreme example to make a regular point 

    This thread is about Thai Children and you changed that to the King

    The King does get treated differently to other people, so, that example is mute

    Feel free to replace the king with elderly person, importnt politician, the  prince, or any other non king person. Or any other person who you deem to worthy of being taught manners and improved according to your standards

    And then you might realise how ridiculous you sound. 


    I hope you don't go to Japan. There is like 150 million noodle slurpers that need to be taught manners by farangs like you (feel free to remove the Japanese president out of your criteria too) 

  6. 19 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    I admit , that it rather too much for me to get my head around .

    A westerner in Thailand having table manners is the same as a Hindu in the USA preaching about vegetarianism......................let me think about that for a while errrmmmmm

    I hope for your sake your head doesn't explode 


  7. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    You think that I am a loser because I believe in manners ?

    You are hiding behind some pretend Thai culture in order to behave like a slob .

    Anyone who sits at a table with me will be eating in an orderly fashion , if not, they will not be at the table much longer

    Geez. You're totally missing the point. 

    I hope you re just trying to antagonise for the sake of it. 


    So if the king was sitting on your table and chewing with his mouth open. Are you going to open your sophisticated classy farang mouth and kick him off. 




  8. 14 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    So, if , in one Country, something is socially acceptable, that then makes it socially acceptable in every other Country in the World ?

    As retarded as it sounds it's no different to a hindu coming to America and telling everyone who eats a big mac or whopper that it's wrong and blasphemy.


    Theyd get laughed out of the country. 


    Yet certain types of  people are "improving" and "educating" the Thais with their class and wisdom 



  9. 5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    I do not believe that eating with ones mouth open is a Thai culture , its a World wide low class culture .

       It is rude and impolite .

    Its the Westerners who come to Thailand, the low class slobs , who have found their level of social manners .

      No doubt they are bad Parents , who have no control over their Children behavior and their Children will grow up to be the same low class slob with no manners

    I don't claim to be  a qualified recognised  Thai culture expert but many of the posts here make me laugh, such as "it's unacceptable for someone to chew with their mouths open for me, so I get on my high horse and try and teach everyone around me what is wrong and right" 



    So many losers here...... 


    Like I previously said. Why don't you go to. Japan and tell people off for slurping their noodles? 

  10. 37 minutes ago, Goanna said:

    Yes. Dirty, and disrespectful. There we have it. No shoes in my house. The floors are clean.

    Geez I live in a country where the culture is to wear shoes in the house where you are the president or not. 


    I must live in a country with 100million savages. 




    I'm grateful I have farang with young Thai wives to teach me and them bettter:) 

  11. 11 minutes ago, UPDEHSOI said:

    Couldn't agree more. Also, if you kick around the world enough, you will find that in ( some ) cities and towns in some countries it is actually quite polite to burp ( loudly or lowly ) at the dinner table after, or during a meal....parts of Greece, Turkey and France for example. 

    Well a culture and educated and tolerant human being will understand the difference between a rude person vs a cultural practice or habit


    Only the losers and those with a chip on their shoulder or with 'short man syndrome' will crap on about teaching the Thais on manners or to improve their behaviour  

  12. 5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    I do know what is better .

    There is no doubt about that .

    It is rude an bad manners to eat with your mouth open

    Children do now know that is rude and bad manners 

    Its the adults job to tell them 

    No need to bring "Thai"or "felang" into this

    This is nothing to do about where anyone comes from

    Its adults teaching Children how to behave

    Thank you sir. 

    You have just proved my point to a pin

  13. 5 hours ago, sanemax said:

    As you are the Adult, you need to inform the Children that is impolite to eat with their mouths open


    And this is what's wrong with farangs


    The think they can go to a foreign country and teach them what's better!. 


    They think they are better. No wonder they are looked down upon. 


    Do you go to Japan and tell everyone from child to elderly that slurping your noodles is wrong and you need to be taught different? 


    I doubt it. 

    So what's the difference 

  14. 2 minutes ago, i claudius said:





    Well tell that to my wife who is 24 years younger than me and to our son who has now left university and is working .my wife was a much younger woman and i was not rich.we have lived in the UK and here we laugh every day and spend most of our time together, but then she did not have to marry me for money as her family is middle class? Whatever that means justlike any wife in the west she works earns good money and puts it into our home life (that is exept for the handbags and shoes ) women are women every one is different, mind you if your a sad fat old bugger who marrys the first hooker you meet on your two week holiday here .what else can you expect? It would be the same anywhere in the world

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app





    Oh boy....

    Thai money doesn't buy you a visa in foreign countries unless it's billions 

  15. 2 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

    The age thing is not really a problem as beautiful people look good at any age. What bothers me is seeing ugly, fat and stupid farang with a lovely young Thai girl. Her life is all down hill and if they have kids they will be same as the father. At least if the older man is good looking, good shape and smart there is a good change that he well be well off and his kids will take after him. Youth is over rated by young people who fall under Ugly Fat and Stupid. Mind your own business and stop judging people and hope your kids are not stupid...fat or ugly. Just saying :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    shes not forced to marry him, she made a choice


    certain choices have consequences, she cant cry foul  for being with an old guy

    • Like 1
  16. 4 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:


    well thats the problem.  basically every old guy in thailand with a young hottie believes it and the thai girls are great at making us believe it. it basically always ends up in tears.  i have 2 kids with a thai girl and she is a great mum but i am not kidding myself. i support her and make sure she id better off staying with me and our kids. pay them a decent salary, it is cheaper in the long run and everyone wins.

    I have a friend who is in 40s, married a 20s stunner, obviously showered her with money to get her attention


    what annoyed me the most when I was having a few minor problems with my GF (Non thai, similar age to me, one child from previous relationship) he said "come to thailand, you can get a far better looking, younger and without a child"


    What these guys do with their lives is none of my business, and if they are happy then im happy for you, but dont get cocky or think you are some casanova and forget/deny the fact that they are in it for the Money/visa

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  17. 1 hour ago, bbi1 said:

    One of the side effect is that everyone walking past the old geezer & young girl has a bit of a chuckle at them and talks bad about them as they know the girl is a prostitute and only with him for the money. That's probably the biggest "side effect".

    While thinking


    " wow look at everyone oggling how gorgeous she is. They're all jealous of a hansum guy like me and classy lady like her"

  18. 4 minutes ago, music065 said:

    Makes sense. You do see thuat game in the west, just not nearly as often. Look at Trump & wifey

    It's also because in the western world. Only 1 In 100, 000 or 10 million are trump rich. Whilst to be wealthy enough for gold diggers to be after you, you have to be very well off


    When you go to countries like Thailand,  you could be some loser on the pension and still be rich based on their living costs

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