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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. 2 hours ago, JacChang said:

    Jap Si, move on. You learned your lesson in life, to never ever meet and fall for someone like this EVER AGAIN. We've all met these type of women before in our lives. It all felt so good and real and seem to last forever until the little giveaways have us doubting. Meeting the family does not make it genuine. These type of women have many "backups", and without you in her life just simply means someone else will replace you. So the best thing you did was ended the relationship. Some common things to be on the look out is, weird phone calls, or the phone ringing and she is not able to pick it up because you are there and she'll lie it's her annoying brother or friend so she doesn't want to pick it up. Even in your presence, does she find the need to always check up on her phone and reply messages? We always hope to trust our other halves, but trust is reserved for loyal people not for liars. With liars, you really gotta check up on them. When you call her and she doesn't pick up and returns your call 10 mins later and finds an excuse. OR you show up where she says she's at, but she's not there. You got your answer.

    The story does sound rather familiar but I too was a little intrigued  by the family introduction. 


    Could the whole family be 'in it' 


    Or unless she gebuinely (unlikely  we kbow) keen  on the guy 


    My understanding is that a ot of these girls do want to keep it away from their family even though their family probably knows 

  2. just wondering is the first week of feb peak period for hotels?


    it seems that some of the hotels that I used to stay at have gone up 50% for this period, but when I  search those dates in march they are a lot cheaper?


    Looking at hotels sukhumvit, riverside

  3. 10 hours ago, mike324 said:

    LED is the way to go, many newly built government agencies have adopt and change to led lights. A Thai company by the name of Forth makes and sell a wide range of electronic goods to the government. LED lighting is one of them.


    To answer your questions, no the government has no plans to give incentives to change into leds bulbs

    Government knows changing LED saves energy and what not, but its not a national plan, it also depends on the local district as they are the ones changing the bulbs and getting the allocated money.


    So if you are trying to get a leg in the industry, you need contacts with people who are decision makers in the government, either on district level or higher up. Even if they did have a plan, you will still need contacts in the inside.

    Thank you for  your informative  opinion. 

    Exactly  what I needed even though it wasn't what I wanted to hear

  4. Just had a quick  discussion with  a contact and would appreciate  a few general feedback  on  business opportunity  in Thailand. 

    Obviously  in brainstorm phase but I had a few questions 


    -Do governments have incentive plans where they partially/fully fund for changing  halogens/fluoro into leds


    - do governments  offer any form of plans to make the country energy efficient or are they too corrupt or have no spare resources  or have bigger priorities such as fixing roads

  5. 11 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

    Not at all ,you want to see what happens in my country when it comes to  divorce and  male  suicide .

    woman  false reporting so the men can't get to see their kids   it's a joke.

    woman in my country Australia are a

    #*#* Joke , not all but most of them are #*#*s .


    I was referring to it not being like that s my previous post about if the laws were  reversed. 


    I'm from oz too! So  I know the rules... For the most part

  6. 7 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

    But it is not like that so why say it .

    give them ???? All .


    7 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

    But it is not like that so why say it .

    give them ???? All .

    I agree 

    It's not like that. 

    But you can see why people think and react like that. 


    But you would be naive to completely ignore the above 

  7. 3 hours ago, JAFO said:


    Very well said. A rationale level headed response. It appears to me that there are some men who survived a painful divorce hence their defensive posture and the "Never trust a woman again" stance. Sad really as its likely even if they do meet a nice women to share life with they will always live with suspicions and the relationship is troubled from the outset.. Marriages take 2, if they fall apart its because of both some how some way. II firmly believe that if you married and both invested effort in the relationship that when parting ways both should be entitled to the split. Men have this weird belief that because if the wife was a housewife or she worked and made less and the man worked and made more money that his contribution was bigger. I disagree. 


    I cannot speak for the UK but in the US if you were to divorce your personal property does not become community property with a new wife, and you do not need a prenuptial to protect those interests. just have to show date and a few other things. Courts are very clear on this.  However any income made, debt incurred or items purchased after that date become community property with the new wife as it should be. Prenup's are usually for people with loads of cash and assets and usually do this to cover inheritance and an estate. You could put all your assets in an trust and will it someone but your new wife if you felt the need.


    To the OP, Only you can answer that question about if you want to marry her or not. If you are happy and trust her this is a none issue and listening to the hardened angry men on this site will only taint your point of view because they are not you and their poor experience is not yours either..  I don't see you as having this large amount of assets that she would be focused on taking from you. If the house was yours prior then it should remain yours. If you are making payments on a mortgage then she has no liability to that debt and you should continue to make separate payments if you are that worried about it. But to start out a relationship already worrying or fighting over money, it may be doomed. Money is the root of all evil.


    Life is life. relationships work and some do not. Some have the make up to enjoy a trusting relationship, others do not. Pick your partner wisely. 

    Agree with what you have written


    Many of the replies have been the 'rent not buy'  and if you have to ask that question  she's not right for you' type of replies.  Which  is fair enough


    Many countries divorce laws are very unfair towards the man.  Hence the replies. 


    Would all of these replies be relevant if the laws were against the woman???? 


    I think not


    Imagine you could be with a woman for a while.  Have a kid or two.  Cheat and then choose to take the kids and take half the assets of the woman who would have more than you ever will.  while demanding child support 

  8. 2 hours ago, leither69 said:

    Yes she deserves something,  maybe you Dont understand the concept of marriage!!!!!!

    A genuine marriage is about companionship,  trust,  love,  respect etc etc etc etc etc etc 


    Sounds like your are confusing marriage to a prostitution transaction. 


    They are completely different  btw

  9. 56 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

    The old gal been with you for 4 years, how long do you think you are going to milk the cow for free,  Four years with you don;t you think she deserves something?

    It's views like this that disgust me. 


    So being with someone means you deserve something? 


    <deleted> is wrong with you? 

  10. On 28/08/2016 at 10:03 PM, Agent Sumo said:


    I don't see younger guys indulging in this type of behavior as often as I see the old boys do so. 


    I go by what I see and what I've seen is lots of long-in-the-tooth berks trying to rediscover their youth and behaving like teenagers when their bodies can't handle the strain.


    Walk past any beer bar in Lower Sukhumvit and the overwhelming majority of the sad, beer-sodden faces you'll see are those of senior citizens. Younger guys don't generally come here looking to get married - they get laid, they pay their money and they bounce. Admittedly, older guys - in general - do come here with much the same attitude but then decide they need someone to care for them in their dotage and invariably choose their caregiver unwisely.

    thats because the young men are at different stages of life


    they have their whole world ahead of them, they probably havent been affected (positively or negatveitly) by married life,

    they are more attractive to the ladies back home etc etc


    I would assume that your persepcetive on life changes dramatically, for 20 vs 30 vs 40 vs 50 vs 60

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Rc2702 said:

    How do you know that?

    His lifestyle consists of living with his folks and working kitchen jobs so actually his lifestyle will change dramatically given both of those elements are not in the equation should he move to Thailand. He will not have the safe haven of his parents on hand he will have to stand up on his own two feet so what on earth are you talking about.


    "His position in society"??? 


    You enjoy many aspects of the lifestyle? What lifestyle is that then as like you say thailand is "3rd world for the most part"


    You mean like on an island or something? 


    Not too sure whats so hard to understand from my post.

    Maybe comprehension isnt your strong suite 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    What a load of rubbish. A child can lose a parent through death and divorce at any age and it will likely have a negative impact. Kid cries at school and is mocked, sad but that kid had a father for 5 years, the first 5 years which are said to be most important. The teachers and other elders & children assumed the father was the grandfather, bloody hell it's the end of the world I never knew people were so presumptuous. Get a grip if they are your two damming reasons for why it is a bad idea then you have lived a very sheltered life and I'd be more concerned about you being tasked with educating a child than the age of a parent. 

    you are funny, let me guess you are one of the 50-60s and had your first child thinking that you are doign the world a favour


    the above are 2 examples on top of others as is just the start of a comprehensive list


    and let me guess that you are one of those that says anything  can happen so you selfishly do whatever you feel like


    so if your doctor said your child was going to be 99% severly disabled and would require 24/7 care. you will say "stuff you, I want a child, I am HANSUM, even a young person could have a disabled baby too"?


    dont make me laugh

  13. here are two of my personal experiences,

    1. childhood friend: mother asian 30, father late 50s white

    he lost his father when he was 5, often would cry at school and picked on for his situation

    2. one of my students, mother asian, father white and about 50 , but looked older

    always had teachers/friends saying "andrew, your grandfather is here to pick you up


    obviously only a few examples, but if you have kids for purely selfish reasons without consideration, you are selfihs

  14. 4 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:




    61 and you think you have 30-35 years ahead of you !!55555

    life  expenctancy in Thailand due to pollution, poor medical,

    and social concerns is 72 for males...reality check!

    and add to that most farangs (sorry for generalisatin) that ar ein thailand at that age havent lived the most healthy of lives either)

    if you fit into that category and think you will be breaking longetivty records, you are deluded


    stick to pets!

  15. It astounds  me the look of utter  confusion i get when i say: (in any country or situation)


    " you people that think having children is doing a favour  to the world are deluded. 

    Having a child is completely selfish, ita no diffeeent to buying a cat or dog, 

    If you were truly selfless youd either  adopt a starving  child or fully fund a starving childs life in some country at the other end of the earth "


    Im not saying being selfish is bad in this situation.  But you are deluded if you think you are doing the world  a favour



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