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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. 5 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    As I said before, it doesnt hurt to be smart and nice at the same time.

    yes, it pays to be smart

    why would you be or need to be nice, if its going to backfire,


    give her 10k, she;ll want 20k,

    give her 1 day to get out, she;ll want 3 days

    give her the fridge, she'll want the entire kitchen


    where were all my ex gfs in my life (non thai) who were and still are nice people, but they didnt give me money or a car to be nice when we broke up

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Hummin said:



    You compare a random hooker up against someone who supposed to be your friend and lover? 


    Some people got it all wrong from beginning, and yes I understand why people getting cynicle, but again, it should be some kind of a desire to reach a surten level in life, and,,,,, well I guess just forget it. Up to you my friend, but I feel sorry for guys who think like that

    just because you think a random hooker is your gf, while ignoring all  the classic and common sense signs,

    who do you blame?


    personally, I find it in your best interests to be cynical,

    as someone said , only be prepared to lose what you can afford to

  3. On 3/30/2018 at 1:14 PM, gk10002000 said:

    Hell no do not leave her alone in the place.  If you are a really nice guy, get her a cheap place for a month for 5k baht.  If she was at all good to you, that would be a nice thing.

    exactly, or the next thread would be "I gave my gf 1 week to get out and shes destroyed my tv, torn the couch, broken the window, fridge is burnt, and my apartment is smoke ridden........ but I think I should pay for her hotel since she has no where to stay, and I will go sleep on the park bench, and ill increase her allowance "


    On 3/30/2018 at 3:33 AM, Media1 said:

    Not nice 

    are we trying to be nice or get ourselves out of a shit situation primary caused by her refusal to leave


    I still dont get what goes trhough their mind are they insisting on staying to save face or they dont think that far ahead,

    so if you could, would they still stay if you could reassign the lease to her and remove your property?

  4. On 3/28/2018 at 5:47 PM, impulse said:


    Your last 4 words are exactly right.  I don't judge a guy who makes a decision like that as "lonely and hard up" even if it's not something I'd do.  To each his own. 


    I can certainly understand the attraction, having been married "back home" where it cost me many multiples of $600 a month and the sex was pretty scarce after the first 6 months or so.  And having spent way more than that dating, with the odds of sex in a percentage (looking back) that I could count on my fingers.  Or it could be a guy that doesn't want to waste time in a bar every night to scrounge up some company, hoping it doesn't go real bad tonight.  Or, God forbid, finding an "independent woman" and finding out too late that she isn't going to be happy without a ring and rights to 1/2 of what I own. 


    A straight forward monthly price seems more practical than desperate.  But, I can't speak from experience.


    when I was younger and naiver, now im more older and less naiver and much more cynical,


    one of my older friends told me that marriage costs more in the long run (yes this guy was cynical)


    this came to a shock to me, but as years have gone by, ive done the maths and odds calculation, and his arguments do make sense


    anyway, my point is , many have done the maths like in this example and worked out that a hooker for $600 per month is far cheaper and less headache, which is fair enough,


    so if you do hire a hooker for a night, at the end of the night or morning, they leave,  simple transaction,


    so why would it be any different, you pay them their allowance, and once youve had enough of them, they leave, if they dont, you call the police or physically remove them or do whatever


    whats with all this talk about renting them apartments, giving them 2 days notice, you hiring a hotel........





  5. On 3/28/2018 at 5:02 PM, pmarlowe said:

    A lot of good (and some questionable) advice here. My opinion is that real compensation is the solution. Given your goal to get her out and avoid incident and police (realize this idea may be moot depending on your financial situation), consider giving her more money than she's ever seen in one place before. 100,000k baht would probably be enough to set her up in a new room for a year -- or much longer if she went back to her village. Then help her pack, escort her out and change locks and/or key cards. I understand to give up that much money would sting, but there doesn't seem to be another way around it without involving police.  This is just what I would do and in know way is meant to antagonize posters here with other solutions.



    can I be your gf, I promise you I think you are hansum


    I cant tuck my nuts behind me


    absolutely ludicrous,  no wonder farangs are seen as doormats

    • Haha 1
  6. so lets play devils advocate and lets reverse everything,


    sure each country/culture has bad/unetheical people,


    but would most men from farangland or even thai do that to their partner?


    take their assets, and get loans against them, lie and steal from them,

    and then get violent and refuse to leave, or keep their kids away from them,


    possibly, but id say generally no.


    Foreigners hold their culture/values higher than third world Thailand (sorry to say  but I'm guilty of this too), so why do we tolerate this sort of behaviour. 

    Would you pay your Gf back home $5k just to leave the house??  Or even rent them a house for a year because they refuse to work?!?!?! 


    Not a chance 

    • Like 2
  7. On 3/28/2018 at 4:41 PM, HLover said:

    Decency and common sense, being threatened by some bar girl numerous times and then rewarding her for her bad behavior with severance pay?

    Some of us have a high opinion of Thai girls but a low opinion of the white knights that want to 'save' them and let them walk on them as a doorway rug.

    I'm sure you understand.

    Severence pay? absolutely ludicrous


    all of this multiple advice saying pay her 10k or a few 1000 baht,


    no wonder so many guys are door mats,

    20 years older and get taken for a ride by someone 20 years younger, while worrying about doing the decent thing to do

    • Like 1
  8. On 3/28/2018 at 3:21 PM, InMyShadow said:

    What? Spend your whole life renting because your to cowardly to tell a female to leave?
    You've completely lost it!

    why not, renting is cheaper,

    they cant take your house, car or whatever


    you will come out in front financially and mentally in front,



  9. On 3/27/2018 at 2:05 PM, geriatrickid said:

    Because  it's the right thing to do. Appreciably, some people without any decency or class will behave as they always have and then wonder why they are treated  so poorly in return.  I see that response as well thought out and good experienced advice. I would want to be treated  decently too and 20,000 is chump change in the general scheme of things. The answer probably came from a considerate person who is well liked. 

    right thing to do? class? decency?


    what the hell is wrong with some of you guys,


    she freeloads off him, shes been given enough warnings, and you have to pay her to leave?

    if you lost all your money, and your job, and couldnt pay rent, and were about to get kicked out, would she pay your rent for you? even if she had it?


    its the same line that comes out in these types of threads,

    no wonder farangs are seen as walking ATMs,

    you let them walk all over you and justify it with things that they dont care or understand,

  10. 9 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    You know I used to feel that way. Now, I am starting to believe that it does not matter. The Chinese are filling to void. And they are willing to take all kinds of abuse, just like they do at home, from a horrifically corrupt and cruel government, and from a hugely overpopulated environment. I think compared to China, Thailand must feel like heaven for alot of them. 


    The shame of that equation is that at least up until now, they do not spend as much, per capita, as well heeled Western tourists, who used to spend anywhere between $150 and $2,000 a day. Alot of westerners have more or less abandoned Thailand. There are too many alternatives these days. The neighbors are trying harder, and are far more progressive in their mentality. That is a difficult result for the Thais, who are in the tourism industry. Most Chinese are budget travelers, at least so far. Let us see what happens.

    I read somewhere that the chinese do spend just as much as western tourists, but in different areas, eg tours, food and hotels and less on sex,

    but dont quote me on that,


    if they make thailand too unattractive for tourists eventually the industry will suffer and the thais will only have themselves to blame,

    its easy to get complaceant and cocky when everything is going fine, but you do really have to plan in advance,

    something probably asians arent that good at.

  11. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    I find that in Bangkok, I am always able to get a taxi willing to use the meter. Sometimes I have to shine on one or two or three taxis, before I find one that will use the meter. But, I do it with calmness and respect. Best way to approach life here. Water off a ducks back. Why be upset over a taxi driver who will not use his meter? There are hundreds more. Why all the anxiety? 

    Because it shouldnt be like that....

    a tourist should feel safe and not have to negotiate on using a metered service, and to get ripped off, whether its $1 or $10


    Call me naive, but thats my view,


    too many tourists get ripped off, and they'll stop coming, so dont bite the hand that feeds you

  12. 2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    A: Post 307 was a response to your comment on my “coming round to your position”. I have done no such thing. 


    B: coming round to something is a deliberate act. As I don’t know your position (because I don’t care), I cannot come round to it. 

    <deleted> guys, I m not even old and I needed an aspirin trying to work out who was quoting who

    What are you guys even arguing about, I gave up after two lines

    • Haha 2
  13. 3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    I suspect my MiL buying my truck with her money and putting it in my name will probably do your tiny little head in.


    But never mind, eh? As you say, it is their business and thereby absolutely NONE of yours.


    Bloody noobs....

    A bigger tax deduction? :):):)

  14. 6 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    They struggle to make minimum wage, the greedy people are the policy makers who refuse to increase their rates.

    Yet theyre are thousands of drivers who were happy to take me on my 75 baht trip of which they probsbly lose 15 to 40% in fees via the meter.


    And yet some greedy drivers want 200 baht of which theyll pocket all for themselves.


    Eventually if it got so ridiculous people would simply change jobs or industries. 

    Thats the law of economics  . Then the tsxi authority will havr to take action

  15. 5 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Its only sustained because there are so many poor people in Thailand who are willing to move to Bangkok and live in a taxi if they just have some work.

    Being lowly paid is the excuse the whole way from the exploited taxi drivers and up through the ranks of the police who exploit them.



    Just like all the prostitutes  who say they have no choice but that line of work and they dont get paid enough

    Yet next door there is a person working for 50 baht an hour at the 7 11

    • Like 1
  16. 1 minute ago, OldSiamHand said:

    Yes, but the vast majority of their passengers are Thai nationals, so they will be the ones who will need to make the change.  I don't see that coming without a major shift in the culture (or possibly politics).  I almost always tip up to the next 20 baht increment above the actual fee unless I get a bad driver, something the  majority of my Thai colleagues wouldn't consider.  Abusing the driver for not using the meter is just plain dumb.


    I'm curious about your observation that the police have pushed the drivers into acting a certain way. 

    This is where because you are dealing with a non first world country whose cost of livinf is less than your original is.  Andis also an arrogant mindset


    Lets turn the tablrs and say that you were the japnese tourist in this article




    Are you going to lat the restaurnt owner on the back and give him the thumbs up brcahse he might be struggling to pay the rent? Or cant afford to put trufffles on his family dinner table?

  17. 4 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    In an ideal world it would be all down to the drivers to change their situation themselves, but in Bangkok's situation of largely migrant and homeless drivers who are so easily exploited it might take the passengers being proactive to see any change in the fares, and until then I think we who can easily afford to pay more should give tips to the honest drivers and go a little easy on those refusing the meter, don't take the ride, but also not abuse them, much of the time they are only doing what the police have pushed them into and the rest of the time they are only trying to a make a little much needed money.

    I agree . In many significant  historical cases. Eg allowing black people ti catch the same bus as a white person.

    It took a couple of brave people to break the law and make a stand.

    History would have condemed them at the time but later theyre treated  like heros


    However taxi drives are doing it for pure greed and personal benefit. No aspect of honour at all.



  18. 2 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

    You sound like you have no actual experience here at all. Try getting a meter cab outside Siam Paragon or lower Sukhumvit at busy times and see how many reject using the meter, one after the other. Meanwhile a few blocks up the road the cabs will flick on the meter automatically. 

    Was there a few weeks ago, and yes I experienced what you are referring to,

    simply went to the end of the soi, and found a metered taxi on the second go,


    he was perfectly content to take me whereever I wanted to go on the meter,

    tipped him well to and thanked him.


    doubt the drivers 50meters down the road were too scared to turn the meter on,

    they were simply too greedy or more opporuntunitsc

  19. 2 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

    You think these guys operate freely outside the big hotels etc? At the very least he'd be kicked off operating on that particular patch by his peers. 

    so if a driver accepts a customer and says "no meter, meter broken , 300 baht" hes going to get a thumbs up from his fellow drivers or the local mafia boss


    and if he says "yes meter is fine" hes going to get his knee caps broken..


    geez, funniest thing ive read all day, thank you

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