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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. Oh My god, I am terrified, I live in England and I don't want to give myself away, as this tough cop has threatened Me , his long arm of the law can reach this far.

    Oh he will catch Me when I visit Thailand, after this debacle, it is just reaffirming that I never want to ever go back.

    Just not worth it.

    Would help if you took that avatar photo off for a start, if it is a photo of you of course.

  2. 16 pages and 368 posts later

    There is still not a single reference to "Police charges for those accusing the police of using scapegoats",

    in this entire thread apart from Samui Times or ThaiVisa and a few "Copy-Paste" forums off course, but absolute

    no credible reference that Police will or has pressed charges against any people being critical of their work yet.

    I would like to see at least one credible reference by Samui Times or ThaiVisa to a single charge by the police

    for defamation for accusing the police of using scapegoats before I jump to any conclusions.

    Or, is it just the usual bad choice of headlines?

    Scaremongering in order to increase clicks?

    Its called propaganda, fabricated rumours to scare the masses, normally distributed by sections of the media that are pro RTP.

    few members on here like to use it too!

    • Like 1
  3. And don't forget that the day after the RTP were offered assistance from U.K cctv footage experts, they magically produced the 2 Burmese boys.

    Huh mean 3 days after they said they would finish....they finished? That is magic??

    This is the first time ive addressed you jd and it will be the last. Some of your posts border on ridiculous and I for one do not have time to deal with your pro RTP propaganda.

    You and your cronies take great pleasure in discrediting all the holes that we are finding in this piss poor excuse for an investigation.

    I have been receiving email after email from Thai nationals agreeing that this is a good old fashioned frame up and the rest of the world is starting to pay attention now.

    What I do notice is that the more the news agencies are listening and starting to write about this, the more you PRO RTP supporters are appearing, some of you even threatening people.

    Like I said to the other wafflers on here, think its beetle juice and the stuttering dodo, this has gone to far now and I think you know it, your posts are futile, we will not be silenced.

    Come and get me@ New York, Paris, London, Rome.

    Have a nice life.

    PS some of your colleagues might need to take advantage of that new telephone helpline the RTP have just set up after this is all said and done.

    Shame on you.

    The police Samaritan hotline 1599 for suicidal officers? Not the Thai NHRC one for anonymous tip-offs re murders.

    Don`t think jasian, bug juice or the sleeping parrot are cops, just apologists exchanging favours perhaps. You could say, to be charitable, that they provide balance, like flat-earthers in cosmology discussions.

    Why (see OP) does the 800 page police prosecution file need to be "checked thoroughly for loopholes" if they have signed confessions and have incontrovertible dna evidence? And the Supreme Commander of the Pol Dept (the PM) and the Police Commissioner General have already pronounced them guilty. Under Martial Law and the New Interim Constitution they can overrule the Judiciary anyway.

    Maybe for social media which PM admits causes trouble to his govt.

    In sewing, loopholes are what you get if you stitch badly I believe?

    Before it gets blocked, check out the 1st link. It`s only one page and is a view on police reforms from a surprising high-ranking insider. The message is clear even if wording is cautious. He maybe fears his family could be summonsed by ISOC to a "reconciliation centre" for `attitude adjustment` (see 2nd link).



    Saved that link, interesting but not surprising, pretty much saying what we know but coming from one of the former top men.

    Not to sure regarding the three stooges, they are on my ignore list so not paying to much attention to them, rather boring if you ask me.

    We are making good progress though and posts like yours add credibility to waht we are saying about the RTP.

  4. Seems like UK media are really picking up on this now - great news!

    Lets go at this with a double edge sword - media attention AND tourism purse strings....anyone know any media outlets / journalists in Australia / New Zealand / Canada / anywhere else key tourism comes from??

    Get tweeting & emailing, it might make the difference!

    Well done mate, lets get everyone on board, we have the mainstream medias attention now, keep the posts coming get the tweets and emails out tell everybody you know.

    `I see the pro rtp crew are retreating into the shadows now, but no doubt they'll be back with there monotonous reteric tomorrow after some piece of propaganda is released by the RTP.

  5. Those who continue to ridicule the police, try to throw spanners into the works of the said investigation and make unfounded, unproven accusations against the Thai authorities, could be considered as enemies of the State, that I have no doubts will hold serious consequences for those detected.

    Contrary to popular belief there are no 100% ways of staying anonymous online and when the IP addresses of the trouble makers are detected, the police can obtain a court order and impose that their ISPs submit the online activities of those concerned.

    The people that are actively involved and making derogatory comments against the police and the Thai authorities on forums and in the social media who are staying in Thailand and following those living outside the Kingdom, such as participating in petitions and making negative statements are mugs, because they are leaving themselves vulnerable.and will be left holding the bag, for example visa extensions denied or even the possibility of arrest.

    The above mentioned is only common sense and whether those involved continue to carry on with this of not is at their own risk and discretion.


    Bet he's a member of the tourist police

  6. This is building momentum now, the telegraph has written an article now saying that the Burmese guys could ne scapegoats and that the RTP's conduct in the case has been questionable at best.

    Keep it going people the petition was at 36000 last time I checked

    I contacted Tom Phillips from the Telegraph on Sunday and exchanged a few emails with him. I'm so glad they've published an article, and a very well written one at that. This will put questions into a huge audience here in the UK who may not have been following events. Hopefully other news agencies will follow suit.


    I am all out of likes today but you are utterly brilliant.Good work-well done, I commend you highly!!! Keeping this story hot in the British press is vital right now. The telegraph is well respected and usually other press follows suit.They can not do so quickly enough.

    Petition now at 42,000 signatures and as it is mentioned in the telegraph article it can only go up and quickly.

    Well done Tom Phillips.Come on UK press, follow his lead, time is of the essence.


    Please share everywhere.

    Thank you!

    My hope is that with the world watching, Thailand will be forced to do things correctly lest the entire nation lose face, very very publicly.

    It took 20 minutes to blast emails out to a bunch of journalists over the weekend. It's a small token, but could have a huge impact - if you have concerns with how things are being dealt with, I'd encourage you to get in touch with as many as you can. Drawing their attention to the 200,000+ likes the CSI LA page has gained in the last few days might also be useful in demonstrating how much interest in this there is.

    Many journalists have contact details on their twitter profiles. Failing that, you can usually submit queries/stories via news agency websites.

    Good work, I urge everyone to do the same. People are now listening.

    Please ignore the RTP apologists on TV we all know who they are and they are hell bent on trying to discredit us. I gave up arguing with them days ago because they were diverting my attention and side tracking me which is actually there goal.

    Dont forget people, to be a good liar you must have an excellent memory, the RTP are displaying to us that they may have a touch of alzheimers.

    • Like 2
  7. Sean is pivotal in this case, as ive stated previously its strange that he has just disappeared off of the face of the earth.

    Maybe he fears for his life? Maybe he fears for the welfare of his friends who are still on the Island? Who knows?

    What we do know is that one day he will have to tell everyone what happened on that terrible night. I hope he can come forward before the lives of 2 more people involved in this fiasco are lost.

    SEAN! if your reading this go and speak to someone in the press and tell them what happened, your silence is deafening, come forward and do the right thing and end this speculation one way or another.

  8. Sorry Banzai. but they appear to have made legitimate protest illegal, not to mention martial law. You wouldn't be suggesting that we all go out and break the would you?

    If I felt strongly enough about something, I would break any law that is only enacted to protect the very people I am protesting about.

    In this case I don't believe the Police have done wrong and have got the right men.

    So no protest from me, how about you, how solid are your convictions ?

    That's a convenient reply Banzai, thousands of

    people coming together on social media to protest and voice there concerns about something they disagree with is more powerful than 50 people standing outside an embassy waving signs about. Get with the times grandad.

    People are already taking notice, the telegraph have written an article about the Burmese being scapegoats and questioning the RTP's conduct in this case.

    Do you think that TV is the only forum with these topics on?

    So, are you going to physically protest or not, I'm not, because I believe the Police are right, how about you ?

    I can be more pro active by protesting and putting views forward via social media then I can protesting physically.

    • Like 1
  9. Sorry Banzai. but they appear to have made legitimate protest illegal, not to mention martial law. You wouldn't be suggesting that we all go out and break the would you?

    If I felt strongly enough about something, I would break any law that is only enacted to protect the very people I am protesting about.

    In this case I don't believe the Police have done wrong and have got the right men.

    So no protest from me, how about you, how solid are your convictions ?

    That's a convenient reply Banzai, thousands of

    people coming together on social media to protest and voice there concerns about something they disagree with is more powerful than 50 people standing outside an embassy waving signs about. Get with the times grandad.

    People are already taking notice, the telegraph have written an article about the Burmese being scapegoats and questioning the RTP's conduct in this case.

    Do you think that TV is the only forum with these topics on?

  10. So, how many TV CSI Armchair Detectives and Special Agents that have been slagging off the Thais from day one are willing to go to protest outside a court of law against this travesty of justice ?

    Thought so.

    Are you totally gormless?

    You just dont get this do you!

    It is people like you who are slagging off the Thais by going along with this blatant deception and thinking that the Thai people are stupid enough to believe this farcical display of police work.

    We are disputing inconsistencies in this shambolic police investigation.

    Like ive said in previous posts, its not the first time that the RTP have performed such shenanigans so why are you sure that this is any different?

    Read, research use your own brain and then come back and post.

  11. Why did the two dewarf's have no marks, scratches on them, they were interviewed a day after the killings and let go, they worked in the Ac bar were the altercation took place, there were witness's to that , but not with them !

    I have talked to many guys who have said, there is no way David could not of put up a fight, also they are saying the injuries on David were not from a hoe but a small knife, it would have taken a long time to kill him with one of these!

    Origionally , i read David had bruising on his knuckles , they ,or someone would of had marks.

    A lot is missing here, too many unanswered questions and we all know that ,apart from JTJ !!

    Most of what you say has come from comments on social media that grow with repeated telling.

    What witnesses to the altercation - a Scot who posted on FB, then disappeared when his kiddie porn conviction was revealed? Where are the others? The friends of the deceased who were present haven't come out to confirm McAnna's stories - in fact they have been very quiet. None of the press seem interested in him anymore either.

    One poster went into great depth about the injuries to the male victim, even asserting the type of weapon used. Amazing he deduced all that from photos on FB.

    Who are these mysterious guy's you've talked to? How are they qualified to make such statements - were they sitting on bar stools, ex SAS, Navy Seals, Intepol etc?

    There are anomalies which need to be addressed during the trial and should be explored by the lawyers. The poor management of the media, comments to the media and speculations by some presented as true facts was also extremely unfortunate and helped fuel the conspiracy theorists.

    We all "know' what we want to believe. And many have made their mind up that there is a great conspiracy and that they, through their fantastic powers of reasoning and knowledge of such things, know exactly who the guilty party are. They probably know who killed JFK, Marilyn Monroe and he ID of Jack the Ripper too.

    After Mc Kenna's family contacted the British Gov't they advised Mc Kenna not to speak.

    They came and removed him from the island.

    Under guard.

    The kiddie porn revelation came after he was gone.

    Screenshots are of the day after the murders.

    The footage of him getting onto the boat seemed to show him just on his own. No-one overtly 'guarding' or even seeming to accompany him. But surely there must have been someone with him surely?

    Those facebook messages came exactly one week after the original murders. He claimed he had gone to ac bar for a drink and Mon and 2 others sat down and started harassing him then threatened him so he legged it to 7-11 / minimart where he borrowed a phone from the attendant and took pictures of them then posted pics + those messages to facebook. On CSI LA page there are now some pictures from inside 7-11 / minimart.

    He had earlier in the week posted that someone had ransacked his room after the murders, and implied that he had a strong idea who had done that too.

    Yes I forgot about that, he said someone had stolen some money from the room too.

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