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Posts posted by bigjules007

    • Sean Hayes McAnna says at 0:01:

      @hardy-hemmingway: I think he knew who it was and needed a scapegoat. It would have been enough for me to "hag myself" in order for them to point the finger at me. My sister directed me to a Thai forum from a week before this all happened which I didn't know about at the time. It said I would be framed and so would the guy living in the cave in Samui. So somebody knew about this before I did.

    • Posted 1 hour ago1 hourSean Hayes McAnna says at 0:01:

      @thailand-people: I had that wound from the 9th. There are plenty of people who seen me with the cut every day in restaurants, bars and dive shops. When I left the message on his facebook a few days after (When Dave's name was released), I only meant that I knew the type of person he was. He was a great guy who would stand against wrong in any situation.


    So if they knew who it was and needed a scapegoat, they are obviously protecting the real killers if they wasn't involved themselves, so who would you go to these kind of lengths to protect? A family member? Perhaps a nephew and his friends.

  1. There have been demonstrations by moslems and moslem supporters already in Australia. Australians believe in the dignity and freedom of each person, the equality of men and women and the rule of law..Islam does not (only Sharia law ((Stoneage law)).Democracy and Islam make awkward bedfellows. Identify all those Moslems who are demonstrating in Australia, rescind their visa's / citizenship. And send them back to wherever they originated from, they evidently do not want to live in your country by your country's standards, they are not Australians, they are Moslems. I don't believe that there can be an Australian Moslem, if that person adheres the rule of the Koran strictly, that person is not adhering to the privileges and responsibilities of an Australian citizen. Europe has a serious problem, which is almost impossible to deal with , except by serious blood spilling, Australia still has a chance of removing the cancer from it's body. DO IT SOON or it will be too late and you will eventually follow Europe.

    So many people make the mistake of assuming all Muslims are fundamentalists. It is far from true. Just as there are among Christians a minority of fundamentalists who are nutters, so there are nutter Muslims, and they are a minority too.

    Of course an Australian can be a Muslim!

    Some anti-Muslim rhetoric is indeed the type of hate speech that Australia is looking to ban.

    Christians are responsible for far more deaths and attrocities then the muslims ever were. All this scare mongering and propaganda from western governments has worked a treat in demonising muslims, I urge all of you to actually research for yourselves and use your own minds instead of taking for granted what ever your governments tell you. Never forget that war is one of the most profitable businesses in the world.

  2. we will not be silenced.

    Umm. you're on an anonymous internet Forum, not protesting outside the Police HQ.

    Do you really think bickering on here makes one iota of difference to anything other than your blood pressure ? giggle.gif

    Though truthfully the internet is far less anonymous than people think even when using a VPN.

    And last time I checked, English Rose was still on the internet expressing her freedom of speech in the U.K dont think theyve found her yet and shes said alot worse then anybody on TV has. By the way I do not agree with anything she has to say, just for the record.

    Do stop spreading your fear mongering propaganda.

  3. Wouldn't it be nice if at some point the police actually apologized to the relatives of the victims for the tragic loss of life in their country, as opposed to making statements about being confident that they can get tourism back on track when the murderers are caught...

    The sad truth is that since the beginning, very little / no empathy was shown because this is the last thing on their mind.

    Yes! True!

    Then you come to TV and see a bunch of Bleeding Hearts feel sorry for a couple of rapists and murders, with no thought or attention to the young couple, who's life came to an horrible end, because they don't look like murders. Nor does Ted Bundy who brutalized and murdered several young women either. Or any of the mass murderers.

    The Police has tons of evidence but these bleeding hearts have nothing to show they are innocent. Just using some idiotic thought that everything was planted by the police.

    I said it once and I will say it again.

    Hog Wash!,

    You obviously haven't read the case from the start...........rolleyes.gif


    they only pick and choose the bits that they want to believe and are failing to look at the much bigger picture.

  4. Prove it by sending the DNA outside of Thailand for independent testing. All other evidence can be planted or otherwise interfered with, while confessions can be easily extracted.

    They Did!

    They sent it to Singapore, which is a different country.

    When are you guys going to get off your high horse and admit that these guys are as guilty as the day is long. I never heard of a case that had so much evidence on them. Yet you guys keep saying they are innocent?

    What evidence do you have to show they are innocent?

    And don't use that they did a little arm twisting to get the truth out. As this does not make them innocent.

    Another idiot with his head buried in the sand going on my ignore list, a week ago I would of bothered to answer you and blown your statement apart with cold hard facts but I've just about had enough of you apologists so you can troll all through the previous posts to find our why your statement is so preposterous!

    OK!!! forget the fact that their semen was found inside the lady and tat they have admitted that they killed them to the police, Burmese authorities and Human Watch personnel, telling them how they did it!!!

    If they are innocent, then who do you propose killed them??? Tell me who did this, or retract your preposterous statement about us being apologists.

    We are defending the position of the police's conclusion (NOT THEM, NOTICE) and you are defending MURDERERS and RAPISTS.

    Who is that that has their heads buried in the sand????

    A confession made under duress? ?

    Look at previous posts and you will actually see the lack of evidence

    And that's the evidence Sherlock?

    I will not retract my statement, dont know about you but I choose to express my freedom of speech.

    You know what, I cant he assed with you, this just feels like de ja vu with the other apologists ive shut down over the last 3 weeks.

    Climb back into your hole

  5. This circuit was supposed to be built between Bangkok and Chonburi alongside the 7 Motorway until Newin stuck his oar in and got it built in the ass end of beyond.

    Who is going to drive 4.5 hrs to race in Buriram? It's the regular trackday guys that race every week who keep places like this going.

    Another real live white elephant.

    Yes, you are correct that the project would take off faster if it were nearer Bangkok but then what Thailand desperately needs is a regional development plan that takes economic activity out into the provinces. A prestiege project such as this is just what is needed in Isaan and it will suck in wealth and development.

    More industry and other activity should be moved out of a sclerotic Bangkok whose traffic is deadlocked and which suffers flooding. Move out some government ministries, move the whole centre of government with a new capital perhaps. This is the biggest decision that is faced for the nation's future.

    At present rural migrants flood to work in the city. Much better that they stay in their home communities and that the work is brought to them. A race track in Buriram seems a bit of a futile gesture but in reality it is needed and much more besides.


    Right now is the time for Buriram - Chang have just bought a large abandoned hotel as an addition to the race circuit sponsorship, best western have opened a new hotel,there are 2 blocks of condos being built and Thais in the know are arriving daily to buy up property ( no flooding here !) I ve bought as much land and property as possible as prices are going up rapidly.

    It's such a positive time for what was a dusty isaan city with no future, I admire what Nevin is doing - for all the community


    Are these the same condos that started being built but because of family problems they've stopped building them and changed location Graham?

  6. I'm going totally native this time around. The goal is to get my living expenses to the same level as a Thai worker. I will be spending 100 baht a day on Thai food, most of it cooked in my 2-3k a month "room". I will be living 100% as a Thai native. I currently eat at food stalls most of the time. I think I can save 50% of the costs if I cook these same meals myself. I have tried to estimate how many bags of rice, eggs, cooking oil and veggies I will need to puchase at the market. I will try to catch some fish in the ocean as a free bonuswai2.gif . I will have a rice cooker, fridge to keep meat cold and an electric skillet. Can it be done? What do you think?biggrin.pngw00t.gif


  7. In the bible or any other similar book, it was written that he (devil) will come and people will believe him... I did not imagine that it would be so obvious and people would be so dumb not to see the truth... We are concentrating on 'fake' problem of Muslims, while true enemy is already amongs us!

    I don't find the examples that you have given here convincing in the least. They seem almost delusional. On the other hand, many people believe that the Iranian Mullah's 12th Imam is actually the anti-Christ. That seems a lot more likely to me.

    If your American look a little closer to home for the Anti Christ

  8. Every country should be like Japan and sevely restrict Muslims even entering the country and no Mosque are allowed in Japan.

    They won't even let me retire there, 79 years young USA has been.

    There are no problems with muslims (btw I am christian). There is much worse problem in europe and america - popularisation of satanism. Until now there was just a charch for Satan (in US and recently in Ukrain, just right when those things started, to hide that fact) but recent cultural modifications aim to destroy all 10 rules of god. Check out recent movies, TV shows... I do not mean gays/lesbian, which is nothing in compare to nowadays problem:

    The idea to do a suicide as the best way to escape difficult life and drinking alcohol underage as stress removal (walking dead), the first movie about Satan where he is represented as positive character Maleficent (100% story of Satan, check original movie script for even better match) but unlike before all viewers feel sorry for him and support him... the oncoming movie where guy gets devil horns which gives him ability to read mind - a good devil, which helps stop crime... the idea of existing good and bad vampires... lots of demotivators popularizing selfishness 'love yourself or you cannot love others', narcissism officially is no longer treated as illness, in recent magazine interview with 'devil' and him answering that people think wrong about devil and blackness, it's (devil and blackness) actually good, they smoothly change stereotype of 'good character'...

    In the bible or any other similar book, it was written that he (devil) will come and people will believe him... I did not imagine that it would be so obvious and people would be so dumb not to see the truth... We are concentrating on 'fake' problem of Muslims, while true enemy is already amongs us!

    So muslim rape gangs are not a problem? Or have you never heard of Rotherham S. Yorks?

    Steady on there pal, there are also white rape gangs so don't start blaming muslims for everything

    • Like 1
  9. Wouldn't it be nice if at some point the police actually apologized to the relatives of the victims for the tragic loss of life in their country, as opposed to making statements about being confident that they can get tourism back on track when the murderers are caught...

    The sad truth is that since the beginning, very little / no empathy was shown because this is the last thing on their mind.

    To be honest I think its a Thai thing, showing no empathy, how many times have you seen a photo in a Thai publication of a crime scene or fatal accident with the police or paramedics kneeling and pointing at the bodies with that stupid half grin on there faces? I could never understand it, I believe thats a major difference in our cultures, of course im not painting all Thais with the same brush, it could be that being a paramedic or policeman de sensitises you but I still feel that these photos are un necessary and in bad taste.

    • Like 1
  10. Prove it by sending the DNA outside of Thailand for independent testing. All other evidence can be planted or otherwise interfered with, while confessions can be easily extracted.

    They Did!

    They sent it to Singapore, which is a different country.

    When are you guys going to get off your high horse and admit that these guys are as guilty as the day is long. I never heard of a case that had so much evidence on them. Yet you guys keep saying they are innocent?

    What evidence do you have to show they are innocent?

    And don't use that they did a little arm twisting to get the truth out. As this does not make them innocent.

    Another idiot with his head buried in the sand going on my ignore list, a week ago I would of bothered to answer you and blown your statement apart with cold hard facts but I've just about had enough of you apologists so you can troll all through the previous posts to find our why your statement is so preposterous!

    • Like 1
  11. you expect Sean to come on here , internet and media? Would you? I certainly wouldnt, i would tell the UK police all i know and let them sort it out

    He ( nor any witnesses who have left the island) will not have been in touch with the RTP after leaving Thailand due to not trusting them but

    theres no doubt that he ( nor any witnesses who have left the island) will have been in touch with the UK police

    Thing with the UK police is that they dont spout any evidence off at all and tell all them who have give evidence not to repeat to anyone else at all

    As this unfolds we will hear more later if the witness statements {UK} dont match any evidence that the RTP are putting out

    Thats why we havent heard from Sean and Hannah / David s co travellers etc

    I sincerely hope so

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