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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. Can anyone suggest any Bank branches in Bangkok where they are willing to open a bank account without too many questions being asked?, I had a Bangkok Bank account about 10 years ago but i would have no idea if i could get this account re activated because its been dorment for so long.

    Ive read different stories of how easy or difficult it is to open accounts nowadays so was wondering if anyone had opened an account recently and what kind of documentation they had to show, i am currently on a non immigrant O, married to a Thai national (she has her own accounts, ive never bothered up until now). But am expecting quite a large sum of money to come over soon due to a property sale, and would like to have these funds in my own account so i can show immigration i have my own funds here, should the need arise in the future.

    If anyone can suggest any banks in Nong Khai, Buriram or Bangkok would much appreciate it as these are the places we spend most of our time.

    Thanks in advance

  2. I fear this could blow up into an international diplomatic incident

    IMHO I rather doubt it

    It certainly has a lot of potential. The UK has seen this Thai movie so many times over the years they have decided it is time to throw down the gauntlet. I suspect the UK are at least four chess moves ahead of the Thais, who are checkmated at will, and have already made that decision.

    Once that happens, well, the Blue Diamond affair comes to mind.

    You are feeding a troll - one who does not even understand what the 'H' in IMHO stands for, as his posts are anything but...

    Got it. People who disagree with you are not worthy of a civil response.

    Well I'll be framed by a crooked cop!

    Your finally starting to get it JD. Better late than never i suppose

  3. Does anyone really think that the General will allow an independent investigation?? Why would he make his police force look officially, incompetent? As we all know this is all about losing face, and the thing is they have already lost face and are trying to get this swept under the carpet as quick as possible, unfortunately for them, the damage has been done already and no matter what the outcome is in this case, the RTP have changed the way tourists look at Thailand, and by there complete underhanded investigation techniques have made potential tourists question weather or not to come and visit Thailand at all.

    So this is a small positive to take out of all this.

  4. I think the RTP should all be sent on a nice little holiday to West Africa, so that they can brush up on there dna sample taking skills, Make sure they don't come back though.

    But seriously though, well done to the members who got the media to listen to our " crazy conspiracy theories". Where are all the apologists now? Probably arguing with somebody about wheels not being round or something.

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  5. So this was the group that got scalded with boiling water now drafted in after more torture to replace Maung Maung.

    What torture??


    This is the evidence submitted to the Myanmar officials


    Would you admit to rape and murder if someone scratched you under the armpit - maybe they drafted the local cat in to deliver the horrific torture that is apparent in this single photograph purporting itself as evidence.

    This is a tad different to the 'pitiful bruising' that was rumoured to have been administered to these two men by those ever so nasty BIB,

    Excuse me if I slope off for a laughing fit!! It is just too funny to comment on any more and I must go for a lie down!!

    I think its about time you put that Crack pipe down now SICHONSTEVE, Im sure you could withstand these kind of torture techniques because judging by the amounts of drugs you obviously consume, your pain threshold must be very high.

    C U Next Tuesday pal.

  6. Now before you start spouting out conspiracy theorist, blah, blah blah, do some research and make your own mind up.

    I already have. These silly conspiracy theories are absurd. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

    Ok good, your entitled to your opinion and im entitled to mine.

    By the way which part do you find absurd? Am i lying when i say that ISIS is run by Elliot Shimon aka Al Baghdadi? trained Mossad operative??

  7. I'm so fed up with these globalist/banker/military industrial complex senseless interventions that I literally cheer ISIS or whoever the "enemy de jour" happens to be.

    Every one of the incidents that draws the U.S. military into battle is either something that was provoked by covert or overt U.S military or secret service actions or done by one of these agencies as a false flag.

    Again do not believe everything your goverments tell you, war is one of the most profitable industries in the world.

    There is a bigger plan at foot here,

    ISIS or the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service is an organisation originally created by the CIA, Mi5 and Mossad, there intention was to start a fanatical organisation which would recruit the most fanatical islamists, the idea being they could track this organisation and there members and keep tabs on them, as well as using them as a tool to disrupt Arab States, there leader, Al Baghdadi is actually a jew named Elliott Shimon, who was trained by the Mossad, this information was leaked by an ex CIA agent named Edward Snowden.

    Israel's continued attacks on the Syrian government are particularly bizarre considering the current context. With ISIS rapidly gaining influence in both Iraq and Syria (they just took 4 new towns in Iraq over the weekend), it would behoove Israel to consider what would actually happen if Assad fell. Do they actually want a rabid extremist group to establish an Islamic caliphate on their border?

    I mean its a little strange dont you think that by providing free air support for the Syrian rebels, Israel is actually helping ISIS approach its goal of establishing an Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria.

    There are also photos showing Elliot Shimon pictured at a meeting with John Mcain before he became "Al baghdadi" More recently a leaked video showing showing top ISIS members meeting with American politicians on an air base in Turkey.

    Now before you start spouting out conspiracy theorist, blah, blah blah, do some research and make your own mind up.

  8. Hold on just a minute, i thought that the TAT stated that the tourists were flocking back to Koh Tao after the police had apprehended the "murderers". Like i said typical propaganda published because they think we are all stupid.

    So the new slogan for Thailand should be " Come to Thailand, we dont have ebola, but plenty of other ways you could mysteriously die "

    I cant believe that Hannah and David have not even been buried for 5 minutes and all they are worried about is getting the tourist numbers back up.

    they must be feeling the pinch, i know quite a few people who are now swerving Thailand for there holidays and instead going to Vietnam instead, people fed up with this blatant cover up and do not feel safe visiting somewhere like this despite empty promises of beefed up security blah blah blah.

  9. Looking at all the headlines on this forum tonight and what the British Embassy have said, "there are a lot of holes in the report that need clearing up" or words to that effect. The more it looks like these two guys will get off, if only for reasonable cause. The whole thing seems to now be blown out of proportion and all seems to be swinging in their favour. See where it goes from here.

    If this were not Thailand I might agree with you.

    The trial doesn't go to a jury. Judges decide the case. They will look at evidence. They will totally ignore rumors that cannot be verified.

    And this is where a judge with any common sense will see that there is no credible evidence to suggest that these 2 Burmese boys could of possibly committed this vicious and unprovoked attack.

    Contaminated dna evidence!

    Confession made under duress!

    Withdrawn confessions!

    Conflicting accounts of alleged perpetrators movements on night of the murders.

    Contaminated crime scene

    Witheld/ doctored cctv footage

    Selective dna testing.

    Should I go on JD?

    Good to see your still holding that candle up for the RTP. Someone has to I suppose.

    Should I go on JD?

    Judges can be compromised.

    This is why i have stated in previous posts that i really hope that the judge who presides over there case is a fair one, who will not be pressured by the prosecutor or RTP, we can only wait and hope that justice will prevail.

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