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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. Of course the powers that be would try and dis credit a key witness, but i dont know for the life of me why he would of been allowed to leave the island by the police after saying the things he did. Surely his testimony would be relevant in the case. Seems like he was allowed to go so the heat would then ho away from the real perpetrators or at least the people Sean accused of being the real perpetrators.

    Anomalies like these are precisely the reason that a huge proportion of people are implying that the RTP are not telling the truth and have the wrong men in custody

  2. Been monitoring the change.org petition to force the British Foreign Office to intervene in the case.

    It is gaining signatures at a rate of 10 to 12 per minute, so this is going viral now.

    All these threats are doing is forcing the hand in another direction and will come back and bite them in the arse.

    I am posting the petition on my FB timeline every day.

    posting a link to a petition simply requesting Hannah and David's government do something positive to 'help' the Thai police is not a direct criticism of the said police.


    So please post on your facebook page and get this even more viral.

    Facebook will NOT give IP information to the Thai police.

    One sincerely hopes you didn't sign the petition "wackybacky" as I believe people want this petition to be taken seriously, they may think its all paranoid stoner's who are signing...whistling.gif

    BTW Facebook doesn't have to give IP addresses to the BiB, if they want to get someones an IP address off face book, a quick look at a you tube "instructional" video shows one how to do it in about 30 seconds, if someone is inclined to get someones IP address for any reason. wink.png

    And that's exactly why I use an ip blocker, I suggest anybody else with views that go against " the establishment" do the same!

  3. Just a few notes on the discrepancies for all you apologists and RTP sympathisers with incredibly selective memories.

    On day two they started to dna and question Myanmar workers

    what happened to these three boys in the last three weeks.

    After 4/5 days Sean Mcanna was chased by the headmans brother and an off duty policeman. And threathened Why?

    (the picture was on facebook and the brother admitted having a "word" with him)

    This same brother was pictured contaminating the crime scene day 1. who gave him permission?

    A Thai taxi driver was taken in and beaten up and told he had to implicate some Myanmar workers

    I doubt he made this up as he went to the authorities and press to complain about his treatment.

    the police reported some blond hair was recovered at the crime scene, they also reported one of

    the accused Myanmar boys had just dyed his hair black the day after the murders.

    but cctv showed the three boys on a motorbike the night of the murders all had black hair.

    the story of the phone should eventually be solved, but surely even these boys would not be

    naeive enough to leave the girls phone practically on their doorstep.

    • Like 1
  4. bertty, on 06 Oct 2014 - 19:59, said:

    rick182, on 06 Oct 2014 - 16:44, said:

    Would it be weird of me to attend the funeral on friday even though I didnt know her?.. and yes the public are allowed are invited according to the paper

    Sorry excuse my ignorance, but attend the funeral! You mean some sort of service on the island ?

    Really I've been ou,t and a few pages behind.

    Does that mean 100's of people will come to the island to pay there respects ?

    And then the BIB will say 'tourists and back on the island'

    As said before the more the BIB talk the bigger the hole becomes.

    Hannah's funeral is taking place in the U.K. later this week.

    Like we keep saying this is a complete stitch up!!

  5. Here is some field work done by Thai PBS reporters in support of the police pathologist on Channel 3 who said that David's wounds were not not caused by a knife but could have been made with a blunt instrument like a hoe. No Thai needed to follow the visuals and get the jist.

    I guess that clinches it in favour the upright RTP.

    Ok so very believable that Hannah's injuries were inflicted by a Hoe similar to this one, but Davids look more like puncture marks then the injuries that Hannah sustained, I for one am not buying this propaganda

    • Like 2
  6. Good that the police cleared that up.

    So that's one conspiracy you guys cross off your list after about 1000 posts.

    Now let's move onto the DNA.

    It's stands for national dyslexics association you know.

    Anyway the noose is getting tighter around these scumbags necks as more will revealed in the days ahead.

    Even perry mason would get these guys off.



    ( from the 3 myanmar boys where they confirmed the murder

    in their sms send each other )

    But that will shown only, if DNA will be found fake !

    Stuttering parrot is completely blind to any facts, photos or witness statements that don't line up with the official story. He's keeps stuttering over and over again about DNA and is ignorant to the fact that the swabs and samples can easily be tempered with what most likely is the fact. In addition, even if the DNA found inside Hannah matches the Burmese, it still does not proof that they actually have committed the murder. As sick as it sounds, but the "rape" can have occured postmortem. Best is to ignore stuttering parrot completely in any threat related to the Koh Tao murder case - you are just wasting energy and valuable time.

    Sorry to the Families and friends but justice needs to be served,

    this post above is so true, sad but true,

    anyone who saw the crime scene photos the police published on Facebook would be able to determine that the rape was indeed postmortum...

    one of the many many facts that have been trying to cover up...plus Thai Visa starting a new thread every day, or limiting the amount of likes one can have, pretty sure there would be thousands of likes on some of these posts if allowed, there should be a dislike button also...

    Stuttering Parrot is a tool who will soon be to embarrassed to come back on TV once the truth is exposed. I wouldn't take any notice of him tbh.

    I think he works for Hasbara when he's not spouting off pro RTP propaganda on here

  7. Would it be weird of me to attend the funeral on friday even though I didnt know her?.. and yes the public are allowed are invited according to the paper

    Sorry excuse my ignorance, but attend the funeral! You mean some sort of service on the island ?

    Really I've been ou,t and a few pages behind.

    Does that mean 100's of people will come to the island to pay there respects ?

    And then the BIB will say 'tourists and back on the island'

    As said before the more the BIB talk the bigger the hole becomes.

    Im posting from the UK., i mean her funeral in her home village

    If I was nearer I would go to pay my respects.

  8. One of the biggest factors in starting the Arab spring was social media.

    Do not under estimate the power social media has to rally the people together, do not go down the same path Thailand, people do not like being silenced and will find a way to express there views.

    I am a big supporter of freedom of speech, but what is missing in many people is self control. The ability to think before you type. Make no mistake I am guilty as any.

    For example, there are two reasons I would not make comments like yours.

    Firstly, the Arab Spring is now sprung, and all it seems to have left in it's wake is chaos and disorder. Kinda like they threw the baby out with the bathwater?

    Secondly, under the current circumstances discussing revolution is only going to add to their ammunition that posters are here to undermine their authority and spread dissent. Neither is true, but if there is enough sway they could block sites using (very soon to be amended) computer crime laws. Why make it easy for them...

    So, I am not trying to suppress you, or even take issue with you - I am merely stating a missing feature of social media is decorum.


    I think you mis understood me, I was just stating the fact that Social Media is an extremely powerful medium nowadays.

    I was just saying do not try to control the masses when there is doubts about there conduct already.

    The Arab Spring was just an example.

  9. Maw may be their #3 sad.png


    The Migrant Worker Rights Network, based in Thailand, will seek, in cooperation with Thai officials, to gain access to the accused migrant workers, known as Win and Saw, to interview them on their past and present treatment, as well as ensure these persons understand fully their rights as accused persons under Thai law, according to the British rights activist. Another suspect known as Maw, has also been arrested.

    "The team has already arrived on the ground and started work. Our mission shall seek to cooperate where necessary also with the Myanmar and British embassies, but it's important to stress that the mission itself is completely independent of any government or Thai officials," Mr Hall added.

    And so it begins

  10. Why the need for extended detention, if the proof is there? xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png

    Quite simply, because it's not, and the whole world of Thai policing now plays a major role, watched by the world's media.

    It is simply the legal process. There is only a finite time police can hold a person without the court's approval.

    garbage again - you know nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Actually if you knew anything you would know there is certain time lines (here and many places) that police can hold a suspect without charges on their own and then without court approval. The police can only hold somebody a limited time without charges and without the case being brought before a judge.

    But clearly these are those pesky facts that don't fit into your conspiracy theories and therefore must be discarded.

    How do you get so much time off from your day job working for Hasbara? 40 sheckles a day still the going rate is it?

  11. There goes 90% of the Thaivisa membership!! alt=w00t.gif>

    Just thought that was worth reposting.

    So when all else fails...........use threats and fear..... Try it and see what happens on social media.

    It is a social media used to say any thing you want with no evidence to back you up.

    To be blunt about it a media to share bar room stories and theories on with out having to face the audience.

    Unlucky Its called freedom of speech and critical thinking,and btw the same experts and police and officials and all manner of professionals use social media just like the rest.

    How wrong you are and right too,local newspapers or news media is no different or RTP interviews that turn out to be BS or even official whitehouse statements for that matter, ie weapons of mass destruction, credibility is sometimes absent in all.

    Social media is as bad and also no worse. It is BS to try to claim everything on social media is a lie any more than claiming governments always tell the truth.

    If you think muzzling social media is a good idea why dont you just delete your account here now ?

    One of the biggest factors in starting the Arab spring was social media.

    Do not under estimate the power social media has to rally the people together, do not go down the same path Thailand, people do not like being silenced and will find a way to express there views.


    • Like 2
  12. I had JTJ down as a kosher sceptic to begin with but his and one or two obvious others increasing volume of repetitive posts trying to run interference and getting increasingly assertive that the burmese guys must be guilty, acted alone etc. makes me feel that maybe they have some ulterior motive. JTJ had a genuine point with the phone initially but now just blindly seems to be going with everything the RTP say despite knowing about all these 'errors' even they (JTJ, A5 and others) admit there have been in their 'investigation', along with intimidation / attempts to falsify witnesses etc.

    I can't see why they are so happy / keen to believe that these 2 (if guilty) were the only 2 involved. What is wrong with making sure all leads are covered. Do you want some possibly other culprits to get away with such an awful crime? If you are so adamant that RTP have the correct and only culprits why not just sit back and let 'justice' run its course?

    Hes a Thai bashing troll, who thinks that the 90 percent of Thais on social media are wrong criticising the RTP I just ignore him its easier.

    For anyone in Thailand the BIB sre gunning for you if you criticise them, so that's all of you bar around 5 complete tools, anyway download an app called Hideme VPN its an ip blocker and it will change your ip address to look like its coming from another country. So you can not be traced.

    Good luck people snd keep posting

  13. This afternoon I saw Sorayuth on Channel 3 interviewing a police forensic scientist who was saying there was DNA found on Hannah's nipples from two males, neither of whom were David or the two suspects. I wonder what that is all about.

    There is a Youtube clip in Thai of Khunying Pornthip saying the the Koh Tao case is a "cover-up" (kati ampran). Haven't seen any reports of that elsewhere.

    Evidence like this is coming to light every day but the apologists refuse to believe it, they keep passing it off as "conspiracy".

  14. 8

    Do the RTP not realise how much blood would be flying around as these brutal attacks were taking place? The perpetrators would have it all over themselves and their clothes, but the police don't seem to have found any trace of blood on anything but the hoe.

    Does anyone else find this rather curious?

    One of those arrested was arrested in the same shirt he was wearing in the store footage the night of the murder yet his shirt is not blood stained.

    Even, though everyone on TV gives their good and honest opinions.

    There's so many flaws in this so-called evidence - it’s sickening. This, would NEVER bypass any court system in our own countries. No matter what, if they don't allow this evidence to be scrutinised by proper means (UK etc.) we will all be very pi ssed off forevermore and will NEVER forget this atrocity for the rest of our lives.

    Even, if it does not affect tourist figures, it will make its mark around the world as a country that cares not for our people other than what they bring into their economy. Why not do the honourable thing and give justice to Hannah & David.

    May they RIP

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