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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. They got the guys and now they will have their day in court. Videos, Witnesses, Confession, physical evidence and DNA. The suspects have lawyers who will be able to take their DNA again and compare it to that originally taken from the crime scene and analyzed in Thailand and Singapore.

    It really is pathetic that faux internet forensic experts are going on with tiny bits of information, early police theories and imperfect reporting to come up with the most idiotic theories and then passing these off as plausible by pretending other facts don't exist.

    The UK will not ask to become part of the investigation no matter how many people sign an internet petition. Like the rest of this nonsense, this is just not the way things work.

    Most of you are no interested in justice, you just don't like who it turned out to be because you want to blame a Thai (specifically a rich one simply because he is rich) while others are angry and distrust the police. Get over it, the case is now going to be in the courts hands and it is so highly unlikely all the evidence including DNA (which can be verified again) are all a set-up.

    While the police without doubt made mistakes it is just idiotic the way some our pretending. The want transparency but they can;t handle even receiving a little info. OMFG, so the police didn't know who did this originally and focused their attention on numerous suspects until landing on these two whose DNA matched ... this is the way many investigations go around the world. You take reports as gold when it suites your need for a conspiracy but even the most uninformed of those of us in Thailand know the press is crap and things are lost in translation.

    The DNA matches and we all know as well as the police it can be verified again and again as long as the two suspects bodies are around. So go off on idiotic phone and unmissing video BS to make yourself feel better but it just comes off as desperate and illogical and dishonest.

    So what about this post then? You had already already condemned the Burmese boys based on the fact that the police had arrested them. What evidence do you have that they murdered them?? A shady confession? (Police say so) dodgy re enactment?

    And being a little defensive now that ive pointed out your bashing Thais arent you??

    • Like 1
  2. If the DNA evidence is infallibly conclusive, why did they need to beat confessions out of the Burmese boys?

    They didn't look particularly beat up to me - only sheepish and clearly regretting raping and killing those two unfortunate Brits.

    I don't understand why people are so intent on protecting them when all of the investigative facts point to them being the guilty party.

    Beacause ThaiVisa members are totally pizzed off that the killers were not Thai.

    Not pissed off that they weren't Thai, we are pissed off because the Burmese boys are not the real murderers, just want justice for the families of the victims. Too much to ask in 2014 is it?

  3. Do you people realize you don't even know the facts you are questioning? You have not seen the police report and you have no seen the autopsy report and the case has not even been presented in court. You have bits of information from the press which some are accurate and some are not (as always in Thailand) and you have official statements from the police and again some perfectly accurate and some not as things get passed up to the head guy who makes the press statements. Then once translated (impossible to do perfectly accurately) you have info.

    Then you have the other folks who get their info from blogs and believe they must be right because 90+ percent of the other blog readers believe in the blog. And those folks who believe they can solve crimes from a low resolution image. The Dr. Quincy folks can actually tell us how the murders were committed and with what weapon as well as the order of the wounds and if they occurred while the victims were alive despite them not know simple things like if blood had been wiped or rubbed away from any of the wounds.

    Pathetic and desperate.

    Why are you still defending one of the most corrupt police forces in the world? ??

    Why do you think you know better then the Thais about there own police force?

    I mean really, what interests do you have with the RTP?

    What gives you the authority to spout such rubbish, disregarding the views of thd Thai public.

    By being such a bigoted big head you are actually Thai bashing. Do you think all these people can be wrong.

    Go away and do some reading, not just on this case but some others and see if you can see any similarities in cases where the RTP have been caught out before

    • Like 1
  4. To all the negative folks in the peanut gallery, as a former undercover officer with The Royal Thai Police in conjunction with the US Embassy, I'd highly suggest you remember you are only privy to the facts exposed online. There are numerous concerns about intelligence assets etc. which you'll never know about.

    And if I was a Thai National Royal Thai Police Officer, I'd have a thing out for you. So stop being so negative, the Royal Thai Police are extremely efficient and friendly and concerned about getting the right people. Anybody who's had an experience which contradicts my statement should look in the mirror and read what you write.

    Continuous negative speculation is not the smart thing to do. Why don't you go out and make a legal business and make money so you don't have so much time to speculate.

    Some of you are so lucky they don't track you down.


    Wow Uncle.....were you reallya former undercover officer with The Royal Thai Police in conjunction with the US Embassy


    Reminds me of all the xCIA and x marines barstool occupiers in Pattaya

    Funny you say that, ive met a few ex CIA assassins and it always seemed to be in Pattaya. Must be an agreement between the U.S and Thailand to send all there deluded self medicating war vets to Pattaya so that the US dont have to deal with there crazy antics.

    • Like 1
  5. I should also mention...

    I've heard other stories since where people have basically just turned up and paid their way through... stupid me tried to do it the right way

    I heard the same so I think im just going to turn up with them, depends on the person im dealing with on the day I suppose, might cost me 5000 baht a dog or might cost me 50000 a dog, you know how they can be. I got a boy and a girl, shes in the picture and the boy is a Blue, never bred them before but they are both kc registered with pedigrees etc. If I get them over I might have to breed them judging by the comments on this post.

  6. :( :(

    Bloody government wouldn't let me bring in my English Staffy 3 years back.

    They were adamant that he was a pit bull and even an offer of 20k didnt even raise a dry smile.

    Was he here for them to inspect?, or were they going from photos? If he was here, what happened? Did you have to go back with him. I have two staffies that im hoping to bring to Thailand .


  7. The truth has come out just a few minor gaffs by the police but on the whole to get their men after 18 days is fantastic police work.

    Sorry I don't live in bizarro world of conspiracy theories .

    Don't worry these guys are guilty and these threads like other before them are destined for the thai visa archives.

    The only thing that will disappear quicker than these threads is the monies donated team lawyer.

    If I was you I want to know where every baht goes because it's has to be an on going commitment .

    While you at it I know a nice bridge for sale in Sydney Australia if your interested.

    Tell you what, see that bridge your selling in Oz, do us all a favour and take a jump off it, but before you do make sure the RTP are not about or they might make it look like a couple of little migrant fellas pushed you off it.

    Now can I get some sleep stuttering dodo??

    • Like 2
  8. It's funny how all the usual suspects rant and rave on here and hit the like button for each other for their brilliant posting but when it comes to parting with a bit of money to fight what they think is a setup by the police and these guys are innocent suddenly it's only one like or dead silence.

    Well I'd hate to be in a foxhole with you guys.

    Or maybe I'm wrong and you guys have woken up to the that a fool and his money are soon parted.

    Come guys throw in a couple of thousand dollars not baht and get these poor innocent victims the best lawyer money can buy.

    No ?

    Didn't think so!

    How the hell do you know who has and hasn't donated to the legal team? Another presumption I suppose. When the truth does come out it will be interesting to see who goes silent then.

    You can change your name to the silent parrot then Einstein.

    • Like 1
  9. Csi latest post, the video from Nation news is now saying the village chiefs son was seen leaving the island around 30 minutes after the murders are supposed to have taken place. I think the problem is everyone knows who done it but they are all petrified in coming forward.

    I noticed the unidentified figure in the far left of frame in the video of the suspect in the middle of the night, presumably after the murders, seems to be wearing some sort of back pack.The sort of thing one carries when you're on your way somewhere, no?

    Could it be that is the same someone who is hastily heading towards a private speedboat to nip over to koh samui for the first flight of the day?

    Could it be the burmese suspect was enrolled to assist with this getaway?

    CSI are also putting out a request for passenger lists from the airline for that morning.

    Its a possibility but if you look closely there appears to be two people walking in front of him, and

    The person on the right appears to be carrying a long stick like object or coild be an upside down guitar? ?


    "As I previously stated in one of my posts, now the police have there Patsies there will be trolls and RTP apologists coming in the forums spouting off pro RTP nonsense, I for one am choosing to ignore them because to be honest they are boring me, I suggest you do the same and they might go away.

    They seem to know more then the Thais and seem to know what is best for Thailand, probably because they have businesses and may even have business interests with the RTP themselves ( its not uncommon)

    Let's give these 2 men a fair trial and see what happens.

    The thing that is absurd though is that it's not as if this is the first time the RTP have committed these kind of shenanigans but these pro RTP posters are acting like this is a one off. I think the RTP didn't forsee the level of public outrage this case would create and they may have finally bitten off more then they can chew. "

    It does get boring I agree but I also think it's valid to counteract very primitive tactics which primarily consist of undermining the questioning of inconsistencies and saying "nonsense" to genuine questions about who was at the crime scene, apart from the named suspects. I think it's important the many people reading this forum do not become swayed by these trolls.

    Silence tends to come after any logical response to what amount to school playground bullyboy tactics.

    It would be interesting to see where resolution about the cctv footage comes from, if it does.

    True but how many times do I habe to re iterate a point before it sinks into there thick heads?

    I've spoken about the missing minutes of footage on more than one occasion and like i said previously it just gets tedious re posting the same points so that these morons understand how flawed this investigation is.

  11. .

    Please stop discounting facts and reality simply because they don't match with what you want to believe.

    Sure as long as we all agree with your opinions the world is in order, just remember only your facts and your ( Thai) reality counts

    Dear JohnThailandJohn-please take your own advice as it is wise and "please stop discounting facts and reality because they don't match what you want to believe"

    You are failing to counterargue the issue of the missing footage. I'm afraid saying it's "nonsense" isn't very convincing.

    As I stated, there is no missing footage. Police shared a video of somebody they wanted to identify walking to and from the crime scene area and guess what, this is the footage they shared with the public. Yes, the other 24 hours before and after were not shared as was the time between him going one way and the other.

    Just because you want to see somebody else who appears in the video doesn't make this a coverup and doesn;t make a rich Thai family responsible for the crime. If there was something in the video police didn't want you to see they wouldn't have shared anything. Their goal was simply to identify the person they wanted to identify and that is the part of the video they shared.

    Seriously, are you always like this or has this case just really wound you up for some reason? I know it has many but some of this conspiracy stuff is just so bizarre.

    So JTJ, sticking to the facts and not resorting to your attempted psychological warfare tactics.

    Have you actually seen the video?

    Who do you think the man a few metres ahead of the suspect is that he would not warrant any mention, although he, whoever he is, was at the crime scene at the same time as the suspect?

    Do you not think it would be good to rule out this unidentified person?

    The whole tangled scapegoat debate hinges on exactly the issue you have outlined:- the question of whether police have identified "the person they wanted to identify," and discounted another individual or individuals who they did not want to identify. The edited video question needs resolving. I would welcome that.

    As I previously stated in one of my posts, now the police have there Patsies there will be trolls and RTP apologists coming in the forums spouting off pro RTP nonsense, I for one am choosing to ignore them because to be honest they are boring me, I suggest you do the same and they might go away.

    They seem to know more then the Thais and seem to know what is best for Thailand, probably because they have businesses and may even have business interests with the RTP themselves ( its not uncommon)

    Let's give these 2 men a fair trial and see what happens.

    The thing that is absurd though is that it's not as if this is the first time the RTP have committed these kind of shenanigans but these pro RTP posters are acting like this is a one off. I think the RTP didn't forsee the level of public outrage this case would create and they may have finally bitten off more then they can chew.

    • Like 1
  12. I hope you understand that there are many Thai people who are DISGUSTED by this too!!!!! There are many facebook pages belonging to Thais that show how much Thai people hate their police force for their corruptness and think they are a joke too - the prolem is - we can do nothing about them

    This is why all the RTP apologists should shut up, they are the ones who are Thai Bashing by presuming that the Thais are taking there police forces word for what's happened in this shambolic display of human rights violations! There are lots of Thai people who are agreeing with us.

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  13. Problem is you will not believe any Burmese did it now after all the Thai bashing on here. Maybe time to take a break and look at the facts again ? Is it really possible that someone else than the headman and his family did it ?

    Not likely. Am I to believe that some Burmese blokes were quietly playing guitar on the beach and suddenly, with an inordinate amount of rage, decided to rape and murder a woman and her friend? I have been going to beaches in TH for 25 years and the one thing I notice is that people that work there and live there are completely mellow. So much so that a waiter usually forgets your order before he get to the bar. I just don't believe that a group of illegals would, for no apparent reason, chuck the guitar, grad a hoe and bash these people brains in just to get some totty. No, this was a crime of rage likely brought about by the bruised ego of someone that knew he could get away with it.

    Just a bit of the wrong medicine, YABAH ? can make the difference between normal and "unreasonable" behavior. whistling.gif

    this is true

    And im presuming your speaking from experience? ?

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