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Posts posted by dhream

  1. On 8/3/2016 at 5:12 AM, MyFrenU said:

    The Costa Del Crime (Sol) is a very apt comparison,resorts like Marbella,Calahonda,Fuengirola,Benalmadena have been dying slowly and painfully for years.Funnily enough the cheapest of the lot Torremolinos is thriving now mainly due to Spanish tourists from other parts of the country,who of course love the history of Malaga the Andalucian capital.
    Other parts of Spain are thriving like Barcelona with the Catalans now complaining that the 10 Million per year visitors that descend on the city are too many!
    The Canary Islands also Tenerife,Gran Canaria,Lanzarote and Fuengirola are in the enviable position of being just about the only place in Europe that can guarantee sunshine and good weather in the Winter.They will always be busy especially with Scandinavians that only holiday in Winter,they say Summer is beautiful at home so why bother?
    It was only a matter of time before Thailand finally killed the Goose that lays the Golden Egg,you can only kill so many tourists and get away with it before people say enough is enough!

    There's one Bjorn every minute.

    As enjoyable as it is to induge in schadenfreude,  people won't  be cancelling en masse anytime soon. 

    Bangkok in particular is going from strength to strength with the super rich who enjoy uban sojourns and pricey nightlife.

    Only old hands with any memory of better days are looking for alternatives that can offer the scene 20-30 years ago. And Thailand is surrounded by eager competitors all the way to the Maldives. But the ignorant will still fly in by the ton.


  2. 42 minutes ago, Fireyfish said:


    the chinese are rather fond of gambling  just witness the ugly great casinos being built in every national park in the totally corrupt cambodia .... and other countries ... beware the pacific islands ... they are buying up land on many islands in paradise ....

    You seem to imply LoS is less than totally corrupt. The national highway network is not the safety nightmare it is because the engineers didn't actually care. It's likely because the money allocated never found its way to the roads in the first place. So they work with what leftovers they get. Just a thought. This country is not poor; just mugged by the minute.

  3. Gosh! Dark underbelly. Sordid desires. Meat! All a bit purple prose-ish! 

    Moral morons who don't realise prohibition feeds the really dark side of the never going away need for mostly vanilla adult companionship.

    Not to mention the unintended consequences of rampant unchecked disease. No support for workers as legitimate workers. And, if they succeeed, which they wont, actually damaging the economy. 

    Legalize. Tax. Police (ethically, with women officers only) and just throw the worn out moral 'my brothers keeper' control tactics in the used condom bin.

    Youre flogging a dead whore.

  4. And how many of you who are castigating Thailand and Thai culture are still willing to spend money to see a Woody Allen film?

    Personally, I don't care about either of their nymph proclivities. If it's legal albeit in dubious taste.

    Go for your lives, boys.

    But Woody has immense talent, And as far as I know. Never kidnapped the press, as tempting as it might often be.

    This clown has Thai hi-so syndrome. That's way uglier than his barely legal shenanigans in my book.

  5. I have always considered the food carts as part of Thai culture. wai2.gif

    i guess it's a case of, Money talks, Culture walks.

    These cart owners make payments to city staff and police. The Army is just stripping funding from their political enemies.

    The vendors are collateral damage in the quite civil war that is underway.

    Look for the Army to continue to strip unaccounted funding going to the police and red shirt types.

    Happening all over the country.

    You nailed it.

    All this 'crackdown' activity is very selective.

    Remember that big military 'funded' monumental park debacle? .... nuthin but crickets now...

    Since tanks-r-us can't even be impartial about a simple referendum. Dont be expecting justice and legal equality in any other areas they're currently returning happiness to.

  6. How will a convicted beggar pay his/her fine. By begging maybe?

    Perhaps by "borrowing" money from an undercover beggar in a certain colored robe?

    Would you really give the douche bag on the photo one baht?

    How do people become beggars? The foreign beggars are more cheaters than the Thai counterparts.

    How can a legless Thai beggar be not allowed to ask for a few baht? And I mean not those who only want some Lhao Khao.

    There're some beggars who always walk along our rad in orange/safran clothes, does anybody know what number I have to call when I see them again?

    The douche-chop farang in the football shirt could easily get home any number of ways. Including voluntary deportation. (He'd have to pay the airline later). A scummer scammer if ever I saw one.

  7. Even 25 in a day is a seriously low number.In 9 years of retirement extensions I have never been with the officer for more than a 15 minute stint. Spent more time waiting for the sign off.Then again I have not factored in the queue jumping from next door.

    New Imm offices are opening, or about to be opened, all over the country including some areas that have very few foreigners living there yet the CM fiascocontinues.Arrive at 7am and you still can't get processed that day without going to GT4 and paying 3,000 baht.

    Being sorted, the big police chief has already started investigations at the various immigration offices, mainly to seek out foreigners marrying for reasons other than love so they are bound to get around to other problems -aren't they? And Chiangmai is bound to be near the top of the list- aren't they?
    I admire your optimism, or is it as I suspect sarcasm ?
    A friend knows a friend at bkk immigration. They heard about the red eye queue/line at Promenada thru me, and seemed quite offended at their northern colleagues little ruse.

    Saying it makes the organisation 'look bad' however nothing more came of it.

    In other news, I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the new Immigration sign that's gone up on a hitherto empty shopfront upstairs, right opposite The Dukes burgers, this past week.

    Another move on the Cards?

    Since that shop is well and truly inside the overnight locked building complex, maybe this red eye line up nonsense will end soon?

    I've also noticed the codgers queue/line can be almost deserted some days. And then had to arrive at 4am (after 2 turn-aways) on others.

    It is indeed pitch dark and treacherous footing at 4am. I'm surprised some of the truly elderly folk have not taken a bad tumble by now.

  8. How about selling it and using the money to help the many, many, many poor people here?

    It doesn't work.

    The poor have been programmed to donate what little they have to the wealthy in order to get some merit.

    What is the b7lls1t about "personal gifts" anyway? Don't the donation go to the temple?

    Just like the Vatican.

    All these parasite 'faith fanbois' should pay their goddamned dues like the rest of society.

  9. Its time for the new Sheriff to start taking names and kicking ass. Nighttime entertainment in Pattaya is out of control. If they can't control it, might as well close it down.

    Oh, but it's always been out of control. FOB are we? In 1997:

    . . . a steadily increasing number of reports of tourists being insulted, assaulted, drugged, robbed and extorted. . . . Pattaya is being inundated with rude obnoxious thugs who do not care about the city or its visitors. They do not listen to the community leaders, and the police do not have the budget or manpower to control them. They are driving away the tourists and the income and jobs that they bring. Inevitably, this rabble will win as they reduce everyone to their level of poverty.

    Meanwhile, tourism to Cambodia is increasing by 50% every six months...

    --Lawrence Neal, http://www.pattayamail.com/183/letters.shtml#hd1

    Glad it wasn't shut down. :) Besides, there's Cambodia.

    And please stop calling them "sheriff." Gives entirely the wrong impression. "Boss" or "don" is appropriate.

    Thaidream has a dream...

    That will stay a dream.

    And while I avoid Pattaya. Thialand without the little 'kwaam sanuk' left over by the 'Happiness' happy happytalk like Some South Pacific retro musical would be grim indeed.

    If a few Sangsom sodden Somchai's get stitches then thats acceptable collateral for this old dawg.

  10. ...no justice for foreigners = no human rights....

    ...he was the victim.....

    ...time for the foreign governments and embassies to speak up....

    As if any government is going to jeapordise billions in trade to molly coddle a few nomads. Or even many nomads.

    Australia for one takes departing Aussies personally.

    Bottom line is if you move anywhere. You're agreeing to deal with the consequences. Governments care about their interests not ours. How naive can you be determined to stay in this age of instant self education?

  11. Everything is possible if the Government gets serious about educating its populace. This needs to start in the schools explaining the health hazards of over consumption coupled with directed advertising on TV and newspapers and then followed up by a real crackdown on driving while drinking and restricting the hours alcohol can be sold. It will take a generation to filter through the population but it is possible. The sex industry is already under attack by raids and closings. that too will take about 10 years to control but it will be done. Thailand is really changing. Those in charge are determined to change the image of Thailand from a country oriented around sex and alcohol to one in which adheres to a more conservative lifestyle.

    Great thoughts, but utter bullsh*t.
    Just wat we need to hear Thaidream. Another dude (you) telling us all whats good for us.

    Worst of all, restricting the majority in a futile attempt to control the outlaw minority.

  12. See this is what eventually happens. It actually took the governor overturning a parole board's recommendation. Eventually, she'll get her parole, and that'll be the end of this murderer's life sentence. "Life sentences" end up not being life sentences. This murderer should have been put to death. A life sentence is not an alternative to the DP because it doesn't exist. But you don't hear about that from DP opponents when they're arguing to save some monster's life. You read about it on pg 10 years later when those same bleeding hearts are on one of their "rehabilitation" crusades to get the same monster released. Pure bait & switch.

    Heres some fact - not bait.

    Too many innocent people have died. Those with life are being exonerated by DNA and cold case perp confessions at a disturbing rate. It costs more to execute someone than lock them up for life. Death sentence Appeals cost big money. Life should mean life. Executions are what fanatics and state sanctioned murderers do. If you take a monsters life, it dont make you a folk hero. You're just a murderer with a state remit.

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