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Everything posted by natway09

  1. Why am I not surprised !!!!
  2. Fair play but once again only enforced once a lot of squelling done. The Act goes back many years when the THA was requested to pay to the Govt 50 Bht per occupied room per night. They agreed on the basis that if condo non members did not pay this fee then could only rent by the month not daily or weekly which was all agreed on. Now let us see if the Government wrangles it's way out of the deal by changing to the "European way" I for one hope they do not as apartments are not conducive to good living by permanent residents with shorter than 1 month rentals
  3. The Minister of Interior is about to get a bit more wealthy
  4. Sewerage is easy to treat as it breaks down, not fat which as mentioned floats & coats to the sides of drains slowly end up blocking it. For those that do not understand how a grease trap works suggest do some homework. They actually only work because fat & grease floats.
  5. Waste is about priority number 3 for officialdom after water & sewerage. How much money does Phuket contribute to state coffers a year ????? Central Government along with Phuket council members should hang their head in shame. It is called infrastructure planning. We still do not know where the massive amounts of money went for the 4 times planning of the Phuket/Patong tunnel along with the millions wasted on the "potable water for the whole island" project' The deslination plant is where?.........always coming ??
  6. How about asking the Director General of Royal Thai Customs & excise how it got into the country in the first place,,,,,,,,,,,,sorry, silly me,,,,,
  7. She still on this party line rubbish. Nevermind, just means all the farangs will pay less tax on their savings.
  8. How about walking down the gangplank, shown into a little room & smoking opium in 1968. They had about 12 boats lined up along the river. Ceased to exist late 69 or early 70 I think. We all sent our passports down to Malaysia with our "agent" for a new exit & entry stamp. Funny one in later years, the boiler room boys from Australia used to send their PP to a consulate in Canberra, I think for new visas. All was well until some "hawkeye" in Immigration noticed no entry stamp into Thailand. One time my PP did not come back from down south & much to my consternation this dragged on for weeks. Finally it turned up in one hell of a mess. Finally they told us that the guy who had them in his possession got caught in the floods & his young kid slipped from his grasp. In his haste to grab the kid the passports (12 of them in a bag) got dropped into the water. The only two readable stamps in the PP ,,,,,,, exit Malaysia & entry Thailand. I ironed the pages & told Immigration went through washing machine, he said where, I said Malaysia. As I worked in Malaysia sometimes & had a factory in Ipoh I got away with it. These days I would have been stuffed Still got the PP
  9. As you say spidermike, just every so often this vile man Trump comes up with a dozzy.
  10. 2,000 Rai cleared without any body noticing ? Heads should roll!!
  11. Up here there is no petrol or diesel available as all been purchased for generators. Internet scratchy as well
  12. Just gotta turn everything into a political football HE does
  13. More holes in this yarn than a swiss cheese
  14. Anyone who believes overseas funding could not be involved in Australia is simply naive. It has happened in France & Germany & the perp's are now expanding to disrupt as much as they can in Australia. They are very powerful & have monies to continue their antisemitic operations.
  15. Talk to Nok Air who have increased their prices on the Bangkok/Maesot flight to over 9,000 Bht return (15 kg baggage) for a 40 minute flight.
  16. The devastation the casinos can & probably will impact on Thailand's people is immense. Having worked in a large casino for 3 years I have seen it with my own eyes. No Thais allowed (unless you have 20mill in the bank) will be a gamechanger as I am sure many Thais will not accept this & no way they are going to keep "wealthy Thais" out. Just as important is the graft, corruption & mismanagement of hard cash by Thais who do not have a good track record of "leaving the money in the till," opening the door for massive corruption on a scale never seen before. Unfortunately the police will be involved & as normal will want their "commission & with the vast amounts of monies involved they will resort to hardball tactics to ensure "their cut" A disaster waiting to happen in my opinion
  17. My car was 1 day old when a motorbike going the wrong way speeding up Soi 6 put a dent & a large scratch on 2 door panels & the rear view mirror, so I can understand the frustration. In saying that to chase the driver & bash into him was never an option. If the BIB had always been enforcing the law this would not have happened as the motorbike drivers would be educated to maybe drive the correct way. It will be interesting to see the outcome of this sad encounter
  18. Methinks there are far too many "bloggers" wandering around invading folks privacy with a camera in their hand thinking they can film whenever, whoever they please. Many of them deserve a punch on the snout
  19. She must be some stunner & good at what she does, Would it not have been easier to just walk away & find another ? Not exactly difficult here
  20. These guys must be good & (or) there are a lot of suckers & greedy people out there
  21. Interest rates are not going up, they are slowly coming down again. This narrative explicitly demonstrates the need for the BOT to remain independent. This guy is just pushing the political barrow of the the Phua Thai party & has no knowledge of the overall landscape or ramifications of what the Thaksin brigade is pushing for. Thailand has already some of the lowest interest rates in the world
  22. Have a look at the "NOOZE" range. Have 2 kingsize in the house now & everybody finds them great
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