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Everything posted by natway09

  1. The Gov has not helped the ag sector here at all in our neck of the woods. The allowing of these agricultural monopolies to buy at very low prices has made many good farmers literally quit, Eg: Garlic basically stolen from growers by these ag monopolies & a week later shops are full of expensive imported Chinese garlic
  2. Should this not be protected for Thais to do & then go to Saudi Arabia & teach
  3. Need a lot more taxi driving training along with psychiatric testing
  4. If you cannot trust your wife with the legal care of a land & house maybe you should not marry or build. Just rent something
  5. For nearly 30 years I drove here without a Thai licence, just an Australian one, just getting by with the odd 200 Bht & then went to 500 Bht. This also driving my own car. About 11 years ago they started getting tough so I finally got a Thai licence which keep current. If you do not have any form of driving licence I would strongly advise against driving here or anywhere. What may start out as a little misdemeanor with some bad luck could end up being not only expensive but full of heartache
  6. If the respective Government Departments had been doing their correct inspections just about all these fires would have been avoided.
  7. I thought most expats that really "live here" would be using local CC's as I am & using them overseas as I do
  8. So over 66% of coal burnt, used is not even on this reduction, filtering or usage stoppage list. Without China, Russia, India, Australia & Poland on that list it just makes a mockery of the system. The economic ramifications are pretty obvious, the listed countries above will keep producing without control so enriching themselves at the expense of the conformist countries.
  9. Hate to see any dog suffer but the stray population does need reducing & a lot in some areas
  10. They did not get rid of the departure tax. It is still there, just applied to your ticket charge. Why not just add it to that ??
  11. I would not go to Cambodia for eye surgery. Rutnin quoted 110,000 Bht. Bangkok Hospital had a special on for 65,000 Bht. Both single std lens which is what I wanted. I now know can get up north for 40,000. Just check a few time during the year as like most businesses they have their "quiet" periods.
  12. Now to get back on track, chuck in some tear gas & close off the building. No one in, no one out.
  13. Unbelievable how Thailand with all these official Departments have allowed people to operate businesses without correct licences, planning approvals or even having correct contact details on file. It does demonstrate just how inefficient these departments have become along with no checking by them. Be honest, you can't hide a resort unless the paper bag has blindfolds inside
  14. Another one 4 ya Mr Premier, (the Mr fix it man)
  15. Correct me if I am wrong but is not all land being used by Government Departments "Crown Land" ?? If that is so then with Government of the day, Crown Land Department & Monarch's consent the land can be repurposed for the betterment of people without compensation to any said Government Department.
  16. The present Thai Premier has it all under control. 555 Did he not want to reduce interest at the Central Bank by 25% which obviously was resisted by anyone who really knows international finance. There is going to be no money left in the pot after about August & exchange rates will fall further. Could become a trash currency by the end of 2025
  17. Poor security guard, just a mask, that's it,?? Well prepared , sure, also forgot to tell the locals around the dumping area that they were on their way. Unbelievable!!!
  18. Every year about this or earlier we hear the same What Thailand needs is a long term plan region by region with a budget to achieve, heaven knows we all know "no water, no life". The alternative is to advise the present PM, he thinks he can fix anything
  19. When in Bangkok we used a hospital refill service advised & executed by the local motor bike guys. Now we live in the country need to get done at a hospital 47 km away but only takes 5 minutes. As hardly needed only need a refill about every 6 months
  20. Points taken on comments above but something does not gel here. Business class seats on Thai do not recline or lie flat. I do not believe.
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