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Everything posted by natway09

  1. Just talking about maintenance. Having 2 pumps working 24/7 is a simple task, maybe the pumps have been sold
  2. This is a peanut collection for the Government but it was only a matter of time & rightfully so in many instances. Can't blame a local Thai manufacturer/retailer getting their nose outa joint when the playing field is not level. For ease of collection maybe items under 100Bht should be exempt
  3. Thai Government should give him a job training the locals how to do it
  4. Why would the police get the "foundation vehicles" involved. That on the surface looks like another recipe for disaster
  5. Little round seeds, bit smaller than tapioca, I never ate but bought, soaked & sprouted for my small parrots, they used to go mad over them
  6. Everytime I inquire they tell me "no need, no use"
  7. Must have been a bit lucky, nothing beats a nice clean muff sandwich
  8. You have to be cheeky though to even contemplate action like this
  9. In this case I do not think it was a lot of money. More helping as an undercover hired hand in many situations for the BIB I would say
  10. In this part of the world this next 3 months is very bad for turbulence with the warm air rising off the land mass & meeting the cold air. Even flying Bangkok to Singapore twice a month as I used to do have experienced some horrific CAT even on this short run.
  11. Obviously he is the last to know that the crystal ball is very tarnished & the wand is broken. The level of corruption, the lack of real infrastructure like sewerage treatment, a lazy police force that no Government is even prepared to tackle, sufficient potable water storage to name but a few all had to come together sooner or later to restrict the development & expansion of the tourism sector. A halfwit could have seen this 20 years ago, that you cannot just keep taking & not giving
  12. Cart before the horse AGAIN & STILL
  13. Have a look at his wealth,,,,,,,,,you cannot make that kind of money as a public servant. Says it all
  14. Not much choice to Perth. Malaysian, Singapore or Thai of course being the only direct flight. Brunei air is an option overnighting though. I enjoy spending a few hours in Changi so via Singapore not a bad way to go. Can Jetstar get you there ?
  15. Just go to your preferred shipping agent, there are many. If you are savvy their costs will be similar. In my work here have sent hundreds of fully stuffed containers (some to Europe) & always got 3 quotes. Never much difference in price but sailing date availability differs
  16. I think military service would do a lot for discipline & 2 years service at 18 years old (unless employed full time) could actually do a lot for their morale & wellbeing. I did weekend warriors for nearly 3 years (2 weekends a month) & learned a lot. Certainly the dole should be stopped if they do not comply
  17. Any security guard found kicking someone in the head on the ground should no longer have a job & be locked up
  18. Again the BIB have moved too quickly, had they waited for a delivery some higher fruit may have been nabbed
  19. If that is the IQ of Thai youth, Thailand is in trouble
  20. The PM has "ordered" just about everything to be "fixed, although I don't see it happening.
  21. If you live here get a Thai credit card
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