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Everything posted by natway09

  1. Up where I am the law change will not make any difference. Been available openly at a 40 Bht g before & still will be after. I just gotta be careful growing the female plants
  2. Mono rail just do not work well, their life is limited, their size is limited, show mw one successful one after 20 years. ?
  3. High prices contributing to higher profits, ,,,,,,,,,well I never !!
  4. Should laws as serious as this not be made by intelligent people at a federal level federal government ?
  5. Used to go there 25 years ago & it was great then with the turtles, birds & other aquatic wildlife & have watched the transition into what it is now which is pretty good. The swamp areas I do worry that it could become a huge breeding ground for mosquitos unless fogged every 5 days & after rain.
  6. Licenced or not licenced, over or under 50cc they still will add to deaths & injury on the road
  7. Get the PM onto this (when he has finished his globetrotting). Thailand will never be a "world leader in tourism" until the taxi mafia is fixed. I have only been saying this for 30 years, how long do they need ?
  8. And why would they even think of "dobbing " themselves in ? It just cannot work
  9. There must be millions of dollars in that copper, I wonder where that money ends up ?
  10. See how it all works out after the monsoon flooding
  11. There will be a few breathing a sigh of relief knowing that they can spend that money now with possibly a bit more to come
  12. 25 years ago there used to be quite a few of these guys, they enjoyed themselves
  13. Last time there was a major overhead wiring removal in lower Sukhumvit I lost my cable TV. Never to return
  14. Difficult to have a lot of sympathy
  15. This will bring the prudes out again !!
  16. You light em, they go up really well, now this guy wants to know where they will come down ? Another wonderful spectacle in Thailand that will be lost with this new "responsible festival management" There is no way in bloody hell that they can declare a landing site
  17. Welcome to the real world Thailand.
  18. Tesla going to Malaysia maybe a good thing, it is a sinking ship along with Proton
  19. So every time I look at this bit of rubbish I am reminded that Thailand is basically lawless & the fight against corruption is just paper mache
  20. Another big LIE. The main reason for the bridge is to allow higher boats to pass underneath
  21. There will be no changes in portfolios within the cabinet,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 days later here are the new portfolios for ministers,,, most without any prior experience in these positions,,, jobs for the boys ,,, very dangerous
  22. Beer or a Cabernet Rose
  23. Yes, he along with the Thai Government have considerable investments in Burma, one being the Diwai Deepsea Water Port
  24. Responsible gambling ???? not something Thais are well known for
  25. They just did not have the gonads to say NO when they knew what was happening. They say never too late but need to act NOW
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