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Everything posted by natway09

  1. You light em, they go up really well, now this guy wants to know where they will come down ? Another wonderful spectacle in Thailand that will be lost with this new "responsible festival management" There is no way in bloody hell that they can declare a landing site
  2. Tesla going to Malaysia maybe a good thing, it is a sinking ship along with Proton
  3. So every time I look at this bit of rubbish I am reminded that Thailand is basically lawless & the fight against corruption is just paper mache
  4. Another big LIE. The main reason for the bridge is to allow higher boats to pass underneath
  5. There will be no changes in portfolios within the cabinet,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 days later here are the new portfolios for ministers,,, most without any prior experience in these positions,,, jobs for the boys ,,, very dangerous
  6. Yes, he along with the Thai Government have considerable investments in Burma, one being the Diwai Deepsea Water Port
  7. Responsible gambling ???? not something Thais are well known for
  8. They just did not have the gonads to say NO when they knew what was happening. They say never too late but need to act NOW
  9. Just be careful which bar you frequent in Pattaya. I know a few that would give you more than a haircut with that stupid hat on
  10. Jimbo has hit the nail on the head. There will be frantic behind the scenes discussions with the hundreds of Thai nominee cannabis shop owners who have their 51% shareholding on the books of farang owned & operated businesses but who do not get anywhere near their 51% dividend. The big boys in the business (who also grow & distribute) will be checking that their lease on the land is watertight along with ensuring that their Thai shareholders get their just dues Ie, 51% Question: I presume all cannabis shops are properly licenced, which Government Dept has been given this task?
  11. Not so concerned that the seats were faulty but to keep selling them when they knew faulty ? Hope this attitude does not spread to the plane maintenance
  12. No where in the article did it mention foreigner. Considering it is mule accounts they are trying to diminish the finger will be pointing at Thais
  13. 8 billion Bht to build a terminal ? Now I see why it was finally allowed
  14. If no family here to guarantee payment & you are in a coma waiting to have life saving surgery how does the hospital even know that you have monay in the bank ? Better to have a minimal policy (say 80K premium per annum) & then can sort out the rest later.
  15. I think I have already answered your sily question. Get your UK license renewed before coming, you have time or don't drive here. If something goes wrong you could be in for a whole lot of hurt
  16. They cannot help her at the BKB in the UK. It is only a commercial outlet. The money will keep until she gets here
  17. Had they licenced & restricted "weed shops" from the start instead of open slather they would not have found themselves in this position. Getting genie back in the bottle will be difficult & all the Mr Plods must be rubbing their hands in glee at the "commission" that is going to be available
  18. If ur ex is not going to be a problem go. To seal your old house would be expensive & who wants to live in a tropical climate with the house locked up. Like being a prisoner in your own home
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