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Everything posted by natway09

  1. Another opportunity to issue a contract with commission ?
  2. This has all been caused by K Anutin & his henchmen who being in such a rush to pass the bill on his watch forgot to ensure the bill was drafted properly & hence the loophole to allow the weed to be grown & sold openly. He is the one that should have to repair the mess that has ensued. All the shops now selling recreational cannabis knew that they had limited time before exactly what is happening is happening. Not much sympathy for them, sorry, they knew they were walking on water. It will remain a mess for years to come, the police being the only winners from next year & possibly people like myself who should be able still to grow the odd plant strictly for my use without interference.
  3. This is going to be a disaster for many of the 25% with no voting rights. Literally they will have no say whatsoever in regard to required maintenance (not something Thais are very good at anyway), so I will give this idea a big NO WORK
  4. Gang rape,,,, castration, & watch the others get castrated as well.
  5. Harsher prison sentences for carrying a knife, ? Not enough prisons
  6. Most of the Motorcycle taxi (gangs) are operated & sponsored by the BIB anyway
  7. The Big Boy is under so much pressure to justify spending the 10,000 Bht handout that everything & anything he will have a go at. He is like a packet of crackers. Wait until he sits down with construction & finance team for F1 requirements, even he might admit that the monies could be spent on something better, try the education system for a start
  8. Who said the goose is cooked for "Big Joke" this time.?? Back like a big bouncy rubber ball
  9. Please forgive this poster. He must be a bit cuckoo
  10. Then there is that crusty stuff that builds up on a non circumcised man, & if not pulled back & washed properly must be a starter for cancerous growth. (Just the stink alone). My parents insisted that us boys got docked at birth to which I am eternally grateful for.
  11. If this was not so serious it would be funny
  12. They have no choice in the long term other than to to desalinate if they are hellbent on quantity rather than quality. They cannot even manage to get rid of their garbage, so why more people anyway ?
  13. Thai logic, extend the airport so more tourists come & destroy a beautiful place. Quality, not quantity Mr PM
  14. Had the pleasure of enjoying his product (yea, been here for awhile). He was a character for all his foibles. May he have a painless & peaceful end. The end of an era
  15. Beer & (or) Lao Khao, that's the go
  16. Before he even thinks about opening up "new areas" to tourism they need to spend some of the ill gotten gains on R&M, water resource development etc on the existing places that are over utilized
  17. This has been going on for years. Many farang have purchased their "home" by forming a company with Thais as 51% nominees only.
  18. We will never hear anything more !!!!
  19. All the street vendors will be knocking the tax departments doors down tomorrow. Only when Thailand becomes a "cashless society, " will the taxman be able to get his pound of flesh which will be 50 years from now at least
  20. So, no sign of them managing to catch any "big fish" as usual. Over 1,000KG of heroin, that is significant
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