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Everything posted by natway09

  1. Complex question & have to look past your nose. Also many so called 1st world welfare state countries including the UK & USA are not travelling as well as they appear
  2. If you believe it has not repaired itself I would go & have an MRI just to be sure. They are not a prohibitive price here at private hospitals Did you at any time bleed from the ear ?. If so my suggestion above is imperative
  3. The very good dentists own or work for private clinics or own their own. Never had any luck at hospitals for teeth
  4. Go get it checked, pronto just in case you have knocked it against a table or furniture. My friend had slight bruising after brushing a coffee table & obviously just breaking the surface. 3 weeks later they operated & had to take over 1kg of flesh
  5. I have to laugh at the posters complaining or suggesting that this should be ignored. When you get time have a look at your original country you came from & then you may understand that Thailand is not alone in this regard & one of the reasons is what work is acceptable & what is not.?
  6. Makes me feel sick just looking at that big pile of food. Is it real cheese cheese or imported "non cheese" from the US which is very big there. I have yet to find any sliced packaged cheese that does not taste like plastic. Gimmee a good Brie or Mainland Vintage
  7. The only model in controlled areas that I see is operate 20 hours a day. Times are at the owners discretion but nominated & advised to authorities. This gives time for a good clean & "empties the bar" I managed 3 casino bars in the same property & the above did work
  8. Do many go swimming with their passport ? Something strange here !!
  9. Thought he was "bullet proof" I suppose, driving home pissed at 4.30 in the morning. He will be out of commission I trust for at least 15 years
  10. Use wooden spoons or wooden spatulas. Plastic ones start melting on the business ends & leave a funny taste
  11. Check your 3 pin plugs that you are connecting your microwave into. Good chance no earth wire anyway. Ever seen a fridge for sale in Thailand recently with a 3 pin plug, ??
  12. What about the idiot on BA who ran up the aisle, grabbed a wine bottle, smashed it & proceeded to cut a fellow passenger who he disliked. Nationality I do not know, but appears some more than others. The world is going potty
  13. Up here in Mae Sot we are getting our share
  14. Come on RTP, see if you can crack a real case
  15. The astonishing rise in the "commission" rates are bothering
  16. Go get the old fashioned wire rat traps & place where you have seen them. Bait with half a rasher of semi cooked bacon, drag it into the trap leaving a trail of lard at the opening & affix well to the hanging bait hook Even the most cunning ones in the end just cannot resist.
  17. Hong Thong is not rum. It is blended spirits which in Thailand would be rice based, with flavour added. Sangsom is a fairly light rum, as stated made from molasses which in turn is a product resulting from the process of refining sugar. It is not your real dark rum colour but drinks OK with a mixer. Bundaberg (an Australian rum) is also not very dark but a good distinctive taste. All spirits when distilled have no colour. They are all clear. Colouring can be from used barrels imparting colour over time as in real scotch. I suspect the Sangsom colour is added as barrel time would be limited & also a distinctive taste of it's own
  18. I presume purchasing a new car from a reliable dealer. Just go buy it, a good showroom will do all the groundwork for you
  19. Bit surprised than anybody is surprised
  20. So you take a "Financial Controller" who must have seen where the plug hole was at the very least so now he knows backwards how the financial system works to his advantage & promote him to be the CEO. I actually have enjoyed Thai over many years but I can never see it working as long as the Government have a controlling interest & keep making stupid decisions like the above
  21. All sounds like par for the course. As long as only took 20% & pushed the rest upstairs the internal investigation will reveal diddly squat
  22. Back in the days when I played (golf) there must have been hundreds of guys sleeping with their caddies. No idea of recent hanky panky but can bet it still happens. And these two just playing a round not playing around.
  23. Phuket has always had a low, low season. Out of Bangers book flight, book rental car, only way to avoid the taxi mafia. Always amazed me that the Transport Dept never intervened, or do they get a cut like the RTP?
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