Advertised as an ADULT Entertainmant Area & very strict on access age.
Mainly orientated around males all but around the world it is the same. Security access,
Kings Cross in Sydney for example any age can wander around. (Horrible place).
Nana is not a drug dealers paradise (again, unlike Kings Cross) & I doubt if any owners of bars are selling as just not worth it .
Yes, hate to tell some of you posters, but it is safe as far as personal safety is concerned albiet I have always said
that in the event of a fire there is only one exit. There are 2 other fire exits out to the Landmark driveway but I think locked or built over which is a major concern as a small incendiary placed at the narrow entrance would cost many lives.
I frequented on a regular basis & YOU get yourself into trouble if there is any.
I do not know the exact slagging this lady has been up to but maybe the Thai authorities should turn it into advertising
by accepting the facts of what it is & targeting them to frequent.
It is actually a pretty special place for what it is.