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Everything posted by natway09

  1. I tried them once,,,,,took the girls 5 days to get the smile off my face
  2. So the "new normal" goes out the window as they now smell $$$$$$$
  3. Do not believe some of the rubbish on here. The PVC blue pipes are pressure rated but is suggested (as I have just done a couple,) that any critical joints are threaded not just glued. If transporting hot water use the green pipe available at all big hardware stores. Take the opportunity to get rid of the galvanized pipes wherever possible. The apartment block that I have an interest in just got rid of them all from the meter right to the tap
  4. The raw Laab is very finely chopped beef (similar to beef tartare) with the raw blood added after the other ingredients mixed in. The cooked one is similar but as a rule are bigger pieces of beef. I love a good beef tartare made properly at the table
  5. Just doing what their elders did & made a ton of money. I agree it should be stamped out & find it repulsive. As a long term expat that travelled within Thailand in the course of business often it was pretty much the norm for the "host" to offer a very young lady in amongst the others. Do as I say, not as I did comes to mind here with the older wealthy generation (& many poor Mothers) who openly flaunted this law that has always been on the statute books.
  6. That's it then, Have to chuck the 4 kids in the back of the pickup. Do these clowns have any idea what is happening in 95% of the country Ie; outside Krungthep
  7. First & foremost they are not true beers but lagers. San Mig "light" for example has nothing to do with alcohol content but supposedly less carbs & calories. Some "light lagers have less calories. For info all commercial lagers in Thailand are brewed "double alcohol" & then watered down & carbonated. Sorry to be the bearer of this news to some. As to the question asked, I have no idea but presume not enough farang tourists to make worthwhile as very few locals would bother drinking. In our village with 6 liquor outlets always "no have"
  8. Whe it comes to crime, Rooster is right. I remember in the "good old" days walking off Rama 4 down Surawong Rd & on the left they had full colour pictures in the windows of unidentified people (mainly expats) photographed just the way they had been found dead at a crime scene or other place. Literally hundreds of them. It was repulsive
  9. This whole scenario should have been resolved 15 years ago & should have been a resounding NO. In another 15 years fresh water is going to be scarce & so much in demand that they will be lucky if they get a trickle, the Chinese will slowly kill the Mekong
  10. Time Thailand got over some of this medieval rubbish, it's a shrine, not even a temple & she was fully clothed
  11. ASEAN, the toothless tiger goes on about Ukraine & wanting peace. What about doing something constructive about Myanmar where people are being persecuted within your own alliance & doing absolutely nothing
  12. You can be a Director of a Thai Company without having a work permit. But you cannot take an active role in the operations outside of the Boardroom basically.
  13. Inside the compound, quieter & no pollution. But the overall concept in Thailand is flawed & will be for some time. 87% of electric energy is produced by lignite, coal, oil or gas in this country so along with up to 6% transfer loss electric vehicle transport is simply moving pollution from A to B & using fossil fuels
  14. Departure tax 700 Bht Arrival tax 300 Bht Hotel tax (HA) 50 Bht (bum in a bed But yes, none goes to any Cities directly. All goes to central coffers Maybe he should be talking to them,,,,, Oh, he wants to be them,, sorry
  15. Thailand has one border only which needs "watching". The Junta in this border country has been "provided" with at least one Chinese attack helicopter so maybe better to buy a small squadron of equivalent helicopters as a deterrent
  16. Just reduce the restrictions for people to travel to Thailand, they might come back Had 2 years to "clean the cesspit up" but apart from a few smart private enterprises who have spent the time diligently nothing has changed, including the CP Group's non interest in spending one Baht in cleaning up around their stores (or franchised ) to clean up plastic & rubbish that they have created. Maybe send a delegation to Ho Chi to see how they ensure rubbish is collected
  17. Being one of the idiots that has smoked cigarettes for over 50 years, even I know that it is the tar that will get me not the nicotene. The body has a very good system of getting rid of it, called taking a leak. Tar, not so. Having breathed Bangkok air for 35 years does not help with the carbon & in the old days the lead from 2 stroke motorbikes & cars. This guy must be organizing some invested interests in the other type of "smoking" which he has vowed to make legal & undoubedly soon you will be able to legally "have a puff" I do in the village already. I doubt if he cares a hoot about The Tobacco Monopoly
  18. Had a great night in the Pubs last night. Not a menu in sight. Mr Plod must be raking it in
  19. This may have been better for the turtles not reported
  20. When stores stopped giving bags I purchased 4 or 5 from Villa for 5 Baht each, some woven material. Been using them, still good just chuck them in the washing machine. Stick a couple under my belt & keep some in the car. Stop being miserable
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