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Everything posted by natway09

  1. Go to a reputable eye Doctor before you do anything. It may not be Lasik that you need or will fix your problem & can actually make things harder to fix later
  2. Not only could I not afford the car, after 2 accidents in 2 years I could not even afford his new premiums
  3. Interesting that they stole a wedding ring. Why was he/she not wearing it?
  4. Go see them. Apologize, give them your PP with 1,000 Bht in it. Seems to be the going rate
  5. Did I miss something here ?What does it say in your contract ?
  6. Obviously the poor woman had no Baht left in the cookie jar. The hypocrisy by the RTP is astonishing. Meanwhile real policing does not get a look in
  7. If you just grow plants in your yard, keep it quiet & partake as a couple no one will ever bother you
  8. Appreciate all having a say on this forum but if going to make a "statement" please check your facts first
  9. Bangkok Hospital in Petchaburi Rd is where I have always gone for my bi annual checkups for 30 years. 5 hours & then a full run through the results with a Doctor. Any follow up treatment organized then if needed
  10. Absolutely crazy that the "Government of the Day" goes along with this non advertising alcohol nonsense. Treat everybody like children but, they make an absolute fortune out of alcohol with excise & taxes.
  11. The Russian Embassy must be a busy place. Get them to send PUTIN a message from me "Stop this stupidity you idiot"
  12. You do not see this so often now (thankfully) but 32 years ago it was just the norm, usually for 500 Baht extra
  13. Took that one hook, line & sinker. He must think he is the only smart Thai The whole village is laughing at the Boss's gullability
  14. I thought it was pretty obvious why they wanted to check & i do not blame them
  15. Wife's Son boiled hell out of it for an hour, drank 3 glasses every night for 3 weeks, terribly bitter but no reaction. Bring on the cannabis
  16. The sea freight mafia started imported price increases about 18 months ago when cost of sea freight went up 130% in 3 months. The idiot knumbskull Putin is doing the rest. Fuel prices will double as will imorted products from 1 year ago
  17. Up here mainly for the ceremony, new gold & new money tradition but I have never seen it not returned to the groom's family
  18. The writer of this article has no idea what he is talking about or is not allowed to tell the true facts. They are that greedy SRT decided once the project nearly reached where we have looked at it for years to charge Hopewell an extra 600 million US in increments for "air rights" Hopewell weighed their options (they had just signed for immediate start a massive highway project in China & gave SRT 3 chances to reconsider. When SRT gave the final decision Hopewell quit due to breach of contract. The appeal is just to stall for more time, no court judges in the world can possibly side with SRT. (The worst run Government Dept in Thailand for 33 years that I know of) One of the old sayings, "Easy to get judgement, hard to actually get the money"
  19. Remind me to put a hammer in the car tomorrow Darl !!
  20. Autopsy all clear "natural causes. They should get him "home tomorrow on Netjets via Bali
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