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Everything posted by natway09

  1. Sittin there on the curb having a beer after dark. Be prepared to buy the Thai a beer or take the beer home
  2. If you can, grab both front legs & pull out sideways & up as hard as you can. You may kill it but if not, will never bite you again or come close
  3. Will be interesting to see what Thais think about this idea.? My Thai wife laughed for half an hour but then she said "how many beers did you win from Americans when Trump was elected?
  4. 2 new on the front, the other 2 on the rear if they are in good nick. Get them to just check your wheel alignment at a good place, the car manufacturers are not so good at this
  5. On both occasions returning to the village they showed up 1at 0am with test kits. We just did it
  6. I do not see any footings under the walls, just compressed earth, not enough. The concrete filled cavity looks good
  7. Obviously totally devoid of any International information on the situation. Too busy playing politicians. All Health Ministers should at least be Doctors. If he checked the UK he would find fully vaccinated people coming down sick along with Holland struggling. Most vaccinated with far better stuff than the rubbish he was so proud to use here from China . I think he will eat his words (but I hope not) Many sectors of the community have been through more than enough pain already thanks to him & his boss
  8. The place must have been tinder dry. Beaut fire with little or no smoke
  9. We got our Big P booster yesterday after 2 AZ. In by 8.30am home by 10. In the sticks here they almost beg you to come
  10. My disgust goes out to all you "do gooders" out there who obviously have lived a sheltered life in your well educated "bubble' in nanny state countries where a formal education is the norm, Governments expected to be a safety net & a job pays a decent salary enabling 3 decent meals a day Not saying you did not work hard, but the realities of life in Thailand are that without at least a secondary school completion pretty impossible to get a "decent job" as you call it & would end up back on the farm eeking out an existence. They have used their inititive & found work that gives them half a chance at life. The hypocrisy behind many comments just reeks of the above. Most are decent people fighting to help themselves get something a bit more than subsistance
  11. Specialist equipment,,,,,,a bucket of iced water
  12. Do not be concerned. SRT can stuff this up too, like everything they attempt except knowing how to collect rents from their massive land holdings
  13. Just stay in Bangkok then. Plenty to eat,drink & take homes in Nana, Soi 7& 8
  14. I certainly hope that Thailand is not allowing meat in. Vegetables like carrots, garlic, broccoli & cauli's from China look good but no taste along with having been to many market gardens in China the array of pesticides & dodgy fertilizers make me shy away from buying them.
  15. Obviously many skinflints on here. Having owned a great bar for 20 years in Bangkok I can tell you many of you obviously have no idea how to do maths, run a bar or any business. Rent, electricity (airconed of course, key money, brown envelope, salaries, water, lady drink payouts, end of year bonuses, Govt licences,( you need 4 plus a sign licence, true wi fi & true visions (3 times what you pay in apartment) public music tax (both Thai & farang,) consumables, rubbish removal, staff amenities, insurances, giveaways, R&M, replacements, advertising, 7% tax, & general tax. And I still have not purchased any stock yet, nor mentioned capital cost or refit You want a 45 Bht beer, go buy from 7/11 & sit on their step,,,,or in a grotto, after midnight or 4pm , tough I think you get my point, if want service, a clean establishment, good live sport & events with someone to sit on your lap in a place where you feel safe & not hassled, that is the price.
  16. Just get your hands on 3 or 4 seeds Bobs your Uncle. Just don't crow about it
  17. Considering over 60% of electricity generated in Thailand is by fossil fuels, I hope you feel good driving an EV, because that is the only good thing. Don't t take it too far as charging stations are few & far between along with slow chargers in most of them
  18. Another silly headline though. She was not denied entry in the end at all
  19. Never heard so much rubbish in my life. Even last weekend saw over 2.000 travellers camping at Doi Pa Wai (in 10 Degrees, It was cold) A longer holiday will see the highways clogged as usual
  20. The money made out of this whole industry (a lot of it helping in particular being foreign income into Thailand) would make for a very brave & determined Government to close it down or water it down too much.The working girls look after themselves & in many cases keep their families above the bread line. They pretty much get on with it but without they would add to unrest against the Government of the day. It may end up a bit like Bloc M in Jakarta which is nothing as raunchy as it's former self
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