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Everything posted by natway09

  1. The brown envelope must have been late,,,,,,Oh arrived, sorry then all a misunderstanding
  2. Hotels in Bangkok (a big city) & generally in Thailand are amongst the best value in the world. In places like London, Paris, Los Angeles & even Sydney or Perth for say 3,000 Bht you get a shoe box. Here you get a great room.
  3. He is right of course & the St Bernard has water in the keg BUT, A wee dram warms your cockles laddie
  4. More Thai Bashing. On the whole the roads here are of a very good standard with some amazing highways & tollways. Go live in Indonesia & try driving out of Jakarta,, now you can have an experience
  5. Why, when something like this is posted, you all start "Thai Bashing" I would not expect banks to bother giving me records two years after the account is closed. Certainly in Oz or NZ you would have no chance. I have had nothing but great service from 4 of the "Big 6 " in Thailand, far better than overseas. If the purchase payment was so important why not ensure YOU kept records
  6. I would disagree. There are places alive & well & working right now..The soapees always have been mainly for Thais & they will be back. Only last week,,,,, Oh, never mind
  7. Just let them open the bars with the rules as last December. The staff & patrons are not all stupid
  8. There are certainly "better" cells in Western Australia. Been to visit & although behind barbed wire, Alan Bond's cell was 40m2 with ensuite & very nice grounds available through an unlocked door
  9. Bought 3 peices from Index Living Mall, look great, Veneer sure but look antique/ modern
  10. 13 degrees here at 3am last night, 2 more blankets on the bed
  11. As a "Johnee on the spot" so to speak, you can pretty much ignore this PR circus
  12. This is about the 5th time I have heard this in my 32 years of being here. Start with the SRT& get rid of all executive staff, it has to be the most badly managed Gov't department in Thailand. More concerned about getting rents off their vast property & land holdings than doing what they are there for, which is, believe it of not to run a railway. The truckies would not like it though if they did get efficient
  13. The monies you pay your golf caddy & the lady who shows you your way home are not considered tips, part of their income
  14. Love to help but our 2 businesses you have had shuttered for 11 months (now gone) as the greedy landlord still wanted his rent) so not only can we not take a holiday (3 was the norm) 19 staff out of 24 still no work. Thankyou very much for the offer but only if the Government will pay me back some of the 30 years tax we paid
  15. Any Villa supermarket, in the freezer, they are from Australia. Just stick em in the toaster butter & golden syrup ,,, yummy
  16. Call a spade a spade, it is a rubbish dump. Landfill is when you want to raise the level of your land, preferably with clean waste dirt or clay
  17. Out on bail since JANUARY ? The justice system must be broken to let a double murderer roam free that long or has he still not been convicted of the last 2
  18. Talk to the finance guys, sure they all talk, may be able to "refinance" but it is going to be expensive. Never quite understood why a farang would chase finance with money in the bank getting stuff all interest
  19. Sounds like a sensible request, even if not law, in the event no insurance required visa extension hospital bills if infected need to be paid
  20. Why would they fly to Perth when the Premier is still playing "God" with 14 days quarantine on arrival
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