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Everything posted by natway09

  1. Just make arrangements for some envelopes to the local constabulory & go for it, same as Bangkok
  2. Why not have some practice & build a short one from Phuket to Patong first which will help Thailand's tourism without katoewing to Big Brother
  3. "No comment" means, Not quite figured out yet how we can maximize our personal returns
  4. If you really want out why not sell for the "outstanding debts on it owed. You can clear any liability & not have to worry. Stay in Thailand & living on what ???? Is this a bit of a troll post ?
  5. Interesting article but not much truth to it. Obviously saying what the Government wants to hear or writer not in the know. If you want to open your bar in Nana area (not gogo) Mr Plod will oblige, just make the stipulated donation. Been like that for a month now when bar owners took it into their own hands. To the best of my knowledge no bars "prosecuted in lower Sukhumvit & if you think worth opening, go for it
  6. Bit surprised that Mr Plod & the bar owners cannot just sort it amongst themselves like parts of Bangkok. Both are winners
  7. The area you want is not actually in the market but a bit further up the road,,,,,all open
  8. This size net is the problem they never have fish for long, overall size too big along with the fry can not escape as mesh is far too small so next years eating fish killed as babies, along with no bag limits
  9. You may need to find the main bank of your now closed branch. They can change for you o pretty well whatever you want. Just remember, if your card lost or stolen your liability up to the max' you choose per day
  10. Imported but no duty paid ? Does that bother to ring alarm bells with the Commissioner of Customs
  11. What is the situation at the deep sea port at Dawai that Thailand has spent billions on ? Sorry, that is Myanmar, is it still being developed ?
  12. Hopes dashed for a few wealthy, greedy developers. Pleasing to see our beloved previous Monarch's wishes becoming a reality. They will need to get a move on if February is completion though
  13. Many bars are open & his staff organized in taking the envelopes from them, some of which will go up the food chain, so why the blatant fibs ???
  14. I would first make sure that you find an airline that will carry you. If you have no medical reason for not taking the vaccine I hope they will not
  15. They are not panicking & running in circles but keeping a watchful eye on the new variant as they should. Cause for concern but not enough known about it to panic yet. As for statements that it is in Thailand already, please provide one shred of evidence ?
  16. Great for a morning round before the first tee
  17. Had a g regular guy in the bar one night (who last time was going grey) this time was jet black/ moustache as well, I flippantly said "Had your head up the chimney again" Paid bill, left, never to be seen again
  18. hellohello123,,,,,, you nailed it Far too much money has changed hands to even think about remembering things or to even file with Interpol
  19. You posters on here going on about the Government being "anti alcohol" are pushing the barrel a bit All types of beer, spirits, wine, coolers available in thousands of 7/11's all around the country not to mention Ma & Pa stores where I am, who do do not even worry about any restricted hours. It is the interaction between customers & staff they are trying to keep to a minimum & they still may be proven right, have a look at Austria & the resurgence of Covid due to non dilligent interaction
  20. Just proves the law is an ass, as with the money blind constabulory aiding & abetting many bar owners have taken it upon themselves to rock & roll anyway. Good or bad I reserve judgement but still against the law & Anutin (hate to say it ) might be proved right. Only 4 nights ago 5 bars in Soi 7 closed due to serving alcohol,? No, the staff had Covid & 4 of them not jabbed
  21. For once I agree with him. If you have not had any vaccines at all go & get 2. You should have done so already Do yourself & the country a favour. Stop being so bloody pedantic
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