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Everything posted by natway09

  1. First we need to define the name & the US does not fulfill the democratic bill anymore than Thailand does
  2. Bit strange going for your 1st Covid extension now It was for those stuck here who could not get home some 8 months ago. Why do you need it now ?
  3. When the bars & nightclubs do actually open there will be a spike in cases. No doubt. Just got to look at UK, Austria, France & Germany to name a few. Hopefully 90% of folks in these places will have been "double shot" & will feel sick for 4 or 5 days & then be fine, The people that have refused to get jabbed could get very sick & some will die but in 99.5% of cases it is their own fault & I do not have much sympathy
  4. Very few real tourists, just the hard core returning, Many bars open in Sukhumvit, 5 closed last night due to Covid infection, It is not a matter of "if" will spike,,, it will & it will come from within
  5. This is a national treasure, but would make a great nightclub
  6. Well, in lower Sukhumvit the bars are all rockin so yea, bring on the music
  7. Would be surprised if any walls in a condo are structural ( unless 40 + years old) but the duct walls you will not be able to interfere with. The building columns are the part you cannot touch. The only problem I see is the sewerage & many apartments have a maximum of 3 metres that you are allowed an internal water pipe
  8. Then let's make another law that it is illegal to denigrate any country's flag
  9. Yet I travel to Tailand with a diamond studded Rolex on my wrist & never raise an eyebrow. I think there is a bit more to this story & I bet not the first time an expensive bag has been noticed on her person entering Thailand. Silly woman made a mistake & did not buy the same make or model
  10. They nearly always get caught & wearing that shirt like that heightens the chances My middle name is Sherlock
  11. We are going to have to learn to live with it. I see lower Sukhumvit Bangkok where they opened most of the bars 6 weeks ago in one of the newer areas, 5 bars closed tonight as staff have caught Covid, from customers ? local ? tourists? or other staff. Nobody knows & nobody including the CCSA cares anymore. Having a look at Europe & lockdown in Austria for 10 days riots in France & Switzerland over possible restrictions it does not look rosy for 2022.
  12. As stated above anything under 2mil THB will just arrive , doubt any questions asked. Getting it out of UK & reasons why will be a bigger issue
  13. The reporter has no idea between a P L & a balance sheet & just believes what he is told
  14. If we are all honest with ourselves the covid extensions have been better than I thought they would be & the land borders getting through a loophole in the law that was not exactly designed for constant renewals. Just about all folks have had the opportunity to return home by now
  15. Stale news. Where I am the bar owners & the police are just about back in full swing. Same in lower Sukhumvit, beer bottles in full display from 10 am & the "girls" are getting some lady drinks
  16. As the Thai Bht depreciates on the world market any Thai Government in power have no choice. 30 Bht a litre by most countries standards is still reasonable
  17. I believe that you have the wrong end of the stick here. If you book & pay for extra luggage at time of reservation (may need a phone call) I a am very sure they will put it in the hold. Incidently as as an ex international steward I would be over the moon to see 7kg max onboard. If you have ever seen a 30 KG suitcase fly out of the overheads & rocket at head height through the cabin you would agree. Very dangerous
  18. To be honest, not as bad as I thouht it would be for that time of the year. I was expecting your "total costs" to be 40% more
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