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Everything posted by natway09

  1. The "stray" subject raises it's head every 6 months or so & my comment will not change, They need an annual cull & any wandering male castrated
  2. How about the 40,000 given by the wife who made a choice & was a down payment on getting rid of the husband? That backfired !!! Unless some other evidence comes to light I do not think the Swiss guy will see a cell again
  3. And it is just not TIT. Try opening an account in Indonesia as an individual ?
  4. Once some people get wound up they really go for it don't they & some porkies here as well Like , every KTB savings account attracts interest, sure small at present but credited twice a year. Banks discourage opening accounts on a tourist visa (not sure what the law says) & having been in the industry I do not blame them as all these guys gung ho about their future here, most fall by the wayside & leave tiddly amounts in an account which when you have thousands of them ( & that is what would happen) they are a pain in the proverbial for the bank. A bona fide person with the right reasons for opening ( A promises of sending 100,000 transfers every month is not a reason, as they have heard it all before) & a pleasant disposition will never have a problem opening an account
  5. To upgrade to the 6 digit ATM at BKB after the 6 month grace period takes about 5 minutes
  6. This just has to be the most ludicruious statements of the year !!! Is that not always the job of the Police & the Prosecuters office?
  7. If the gym has room for you to be 4 metres apart from next person breathing heavily OK,
  8. It seems that if you are somebody it is easy to send any amount of "funds" offshore to "tax havens" but whwn the small man tries it (I know, I tried) the bank rejects the application. I am all for minimizing tax liability for any person or organization but hiding non tax paid monies is a disgrace & clearly shows that Government Finance & Tax Dept's need to sharpen their act
  9. He admitted he thumped her, just not rape. Now he does not feel safe,,,,, poor boy, can u buy a single cell , I hope not
  10. There would now be very few people who could not have got home by now if they really wanted too, & just using it as a way of staying. The blanket extension may be gone by New Year & I would not blame them except in extenuating circumstances
  11. A smart man like he is does not make statements like this We are missing an important part of the puzzle or got lost in translation
  12. Why allow motocycles in National Parks anyway ? The elephant believes it is HIS own home, and he is right. Beautiful beast
  13. Better sell before you come & buy here in particular if staying a long time. If coming for short time (most of us do) why bring it Difficult to sell a bar of that size without a "Thai stamp" & good chance you will get fleeced
  14. "I thought the borders were closed" Only if you do not light up the Immigration guys eyes with what is in your palm
  15. A word of warning< there is serious talk in Government circles of not paying the old age pensiont to flolks who do no spend 6 months a year in Australia which would mean you need an abode for 6 months in Australia & budget for 2 air tickets a year
  16. I am somewhat surprised about the adamant & upset comments about this. It happens in most countries. Those that I can name are NZ, Aust,Fiji,UK, Indo, Singapore, Malaysia, India, but there will be many more including the US when it comes to hospital bills It is normal,they just call it a "locals discount" but it amounts to exactly the same. Thailand has never & can not afford to subsidize any form of healthcare so you pay the top rate. We should have all known that when we first came here. I just do not see the big deal . I go for a swim in a local hot water spring, locals 20 Bht, I pay 40 Bht wow, big deal
  17. I have been in the industry for 40 years. I think you can double that figure as the Government really has no idea of the vast number of Thais involved in the shattered "tourist industry as they have never kept records
  18. For a will, just buy a good safe, attach from inside the safe, (making it nigh impossible to steal when closed) & give whoever you want the combination Who is going to break in to steal a will ?
  19. If declared as a "work computer" I assume you are gainfully employed with WP ?
  20. But only 2 weeks ago the PM assured us of no flooding this year,
  21. What a stupid headline We do not want them "stockpiled" get them in the arm
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