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Everything posted by natway09

  1. I am somewhat surprised about the adamant & upset comments about this. It happens in most countries. Those that I can name are NZ, Aust,Fiji,UK, Indo, Singapore, Malaysia, India, but there will be many more including the US when it comes to hospital bills It is normal,they just call it a "locals discount" but it amounts to exactly the same. Thailand has never & can not afford to subsidize any form of healthcare so you pay the top rate. We should have all known that when we first came here. I just do not see the big deal . I go for a swim in a local hot water spring, locals 20 Bht, I pay 40 Bht wow, big deal
  2. I have been in the industry for 40 years. I think you can double that figure as the Government really has no idea of the vast number of Thais involved in the shattered "tourist industry as they have never kept records
  3. For a will, just buy a good safe, attach from inside the safe, (making it nigh impossible to steal when closed) & give whoever you want the combination Who is going to break in to steal a will ?
  4. If declared as a "work computer" I assume you are gainfully employed with WP ?
  5. But only 2 weeks ago the PM assured us of no flooding this year,
  6. What a stupid headline We do not want them "stockpiled" get them in the arm
  7. natway09

    Banana chips

    The Chinese had banana chips before the West even knew what a banana was
  8. Via swift from your UK bank to BKB should be fine. Do not let them talk you into changing into Thai Baht at your end. The local Thai big 5 banks will give you a better rate
  9. And remember, the BIB are hungry at present, Their hire purchase payments are well overdue
  10. So, 4,000 girls out of work, 4,000. Families in Isaan lost their monthly income & 3,000 traders in Issan will have a lot less business not to mention the the hotel rooms in Pattaya will remain empty. No bars paying tax or "protection monies" paid, the list just goes on They really just do not understand Pattaya or what makes it tick Family holidays in Pattaya, why ? It is a dirty dump
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