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Everything posted by natway09

  1. natway09

    Banana chips

    The Chinese had banana chips before the West even knew what a banana was
  2. Via swift from your UK bank to BKB should be fine. Do not let them talk you into changing into Thai Baht at your end. The local Thai big 5 banks will give you a better rate
  3. And remember, the BIB are hungry at present, Their hire purchase payments are well overdue
  4. So, 4,000 girls out of work, 4,000. Families in Isaan lost their monthly income & 3,000 traders in Issan will have a lot less business not to mention the the hotel rooms in Pattaya will remain empty. No bars paying tax or "protection monies" paid, the list just goes on They really just do not understand Pattaya or what makes it tick Family holidays in Pattaya, why ? It is a dirty dump
  5. They are there already, & pretty much running the country
  6. If it is a metal roof you need something like spray on cellulose to stop the sheets getting excited when it rains. If a tile roof suggest insulate at ceiling level directly above the ceiling (assuming you have access for both options) Note: When buying a condo the "penthouse" may be the best but be prepared for higher energy bills if need to use a lot during the day in particular the people that do not like to avail themselves of cross flow ventillation & use aircons
  7. I do not see anywhere that Truevisions is showing this amazing challenge to it's viewers this year. I certainly hope that they are or they will be 2 subscriptions less
  8. When we travelled to our village the 14 day home quarantine was strictly enforced. They checked we stayed in our home & the locals left food at the gate in a basket. After 12 days, tested ourselves with kits supplied & on 15th day a proper test at the testing station. Even many roadblocks on local roads meaning the ones open through a checkpoint
  9. The "strongman" has lost the plot & becoming a danger to his own people
  10. It happens in nearly every country in the world but not so obvious in the "Nanny States"
  11. I think we will all be in the que for a booster after 12 months & then maybe again after another 12 months. Any antivaxer needs to read about the guys in England (3 that I have heard about) that gave it to their Mum
  12. I get 12 monthly balance statement, along with passbook (which is only updated 5 or 6 times a year) Seems to qualify
  13. So how much did the Commissioner of Thonglor pay this guy.? I would check all his files
  14. I think Thailand have been very sympathetic & generous with these extensions, because there really is not a Farang here that could not have gone by now if they wished
  15. Scenario,,,,,,,,,the oldest Son on the farm will see a bag full of money, take it, spend it & then the two younger sisters & one younger brother will have no where to even live creating more homeless. I have seen this even here now where a huge corporate potato & bannana growing syndicate took over 8 small farmlets, demolished the small subsistance homes & left them basically penniless & homeless, because the 8 boys drive new pickups & never thought to buy another farm. Thailand is not ready for this of if they do must have some incredible checks & balances in place & even then can the administration control it fairly
  16. I know I sound like a stuck record, but do not forget about proper healthcare costs in the budget
  17. Getting a little sick of the bleating hearts club here. As an expat you know that any form of helthcare is not covered (only for Thais & rightfully so) unless employed or have been (where can pay 490 Bht a month & maintain) or in the SS scheme. There is no use being in denial about this so you need full (inpatient at least) cover or the ability to pay (suggesting a fund of 1 mil in case of emergency. No use saying I am fit & well & do not need, as anyone can get run over by a bus & be in traction for 6 weeks. The privare hospitals are a business, the care is excellent but they expect payment, talk to them & most will be happy for you to pay off & even in this case above was given 3 months if I read correctly Go home to your Nanny state if need free healthcare. Thailand is not the place for you. On a more positive note there was talk of a scheme where you joined, paid 46,000 Bht a year which covered for accident , inpatient care but I am not sure what happened to it. I am not saying the above is great but it is the reality of life in the big world & maybe we coming from these Nanny states are spoilt. As an example see what happens if need hospitalization in the states as an expat. My friend's daughter got sick in the US & he had to sell his house in Australia to pay for it.
  18. Pity he does not have to spend his time in a Cambodian jail
  19. These "superannuation" funds are known tor "money disappearing" He more than likely thought that if he didn't someone further up the food chain would. I heard that that 20% of fund declared amounts are not "findable "
  20. Before Covid days I was returning through airport customs at least 20 times a year. They have never been "grubby" to me in 30 years
  21. No Thai will ever get refused entry into Thailand on an expired passport. Make sure she gets a new one when here & departs on it
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