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Everything posted by starky

  1. At least it has a reasonable sample size for a change. Normally "polls" we get on here are 3000 people in Bangkok. Which then gets presented as news worthy or indicative of something.
  2. Close. If you get a positive rat you ate required to take a pcr at your own expense to confirm the result. When that comes back you are required to self isolate somewhere suitable if you cant you will be required to isolate, again at your own expense, at a suitable government location All this is quite easily found on the Thai govt ministry of health website. Of course rhis is what you are officially supposed to do. What actually happens is up to the individual in question.
  3. Well you either meet the conditions for your visa or you don't. Despite the flowery language if you are unable to meet the conditions then a "reputable" agent is of no use to you. If you want to pay for a visa "reputable" isn't going to help. However there are many agents who can Smooth the waters concerning visas unfortunately they wouldn't fit your parameters
  4. 100% not gay. 100% bi/ bi curious.
  5. Folks can get plenty drunk enough by lunchtime maybe they should have no nightclubs at all.
  6. Super quick but take signed copies of all supporting documents just in case.
  7. If you have everything you require you do not need an agent. Agents generally are used by shonks that can't fulfill (generally financial) one of the requirements to get the visa normally. There is no need to spend money on an agent if you have all your ducks in a row. Google is your friend there are multiple sites/threads that explain step by step everything you require for your retirement visa. As others have stated the process is quite simple. Worst case you might have to go to immigration a couple times if you make a mistake. Here I will give you a massive start ...put requirements retirement visa Thailand in your search box.
  8. Oh if only he would.
  9. Anyone that didn't know this already is a damn fool
  10. Best thing about McDonald's in Thailand is they have just introduced the quarter pounder. Yeeees. No more drunken double cheeseburgers for me Lol
  11. Why? In your opinion should a legal product not be consumed in a premise specially designed for that product? I can understand the wee wee pants complaining about smoking in public or a beer bar or a gogo but why shouldn't people be able to consume what is totally legal on a dispensary or Cafe where everyone is only there for the purpose of consuming ganga? Your argument is comparable to saying people shouldn't drink in a bar.
  12. Or anything tbh so why the big kerfuffle over the devils lettuce I wonder?
  13. Oh but but but the multiple posters on here decrying what an upstanding young man the "owner" was and how he was doing his best and how he was misunderstood and spew spew spew the usual rubbish from the Thaier than Thai brigade. Oh and what about the poor Vietnamese girl and the insurance that a "legal" venue should have. Honestly some posters on here make me sick with their grovelling, sycophantic nonsense.
  14. Don't worry might be a win anyway. He's bringing he's missus to pattaya which is basically bringing sand to the beach and what's he going to do not drink or eat in any establishment that has an Indian customer? And more importantly why?
  15. Except Udon of course which is fxxnig awesome
  16. So you think all the people driving cars riding motorcycles etc etc only started smoking the herb since it became "legal". Lol this is where all you reefer madness people fall apart.
  17. A bad haircut looks better in 2 weeks don't really cut it (pun intended) unless your at the local 50 baht barber
  18. There is no <deleted> versus there is Thailand and there is the Philippines. And there will never be another Thailand despite how many crave for it. The glory days are over and if you lived it you know. For those that came later it's still great but not comparable. Generally speaking the people that rave about the phillos are desperate pensioners that couldn't even afford to stay in Thailand anymore. Especially for the p4p generation no one in their right mind would live in Angeles or fxxxing manilla
  19. Cough cough bull <deleted>
  20. Wait for this...because joints that are popular as late night venues dont get going till 10 or 11 at night if you are there at 8 youll be there by yourself. We not talking about the poor falangs nursing long necks of chang at early openers. Its not about the drinking its about partying till early hours. The breaka breaka dawn even. You probably never did that as a yoing bloke or an old bloke for that matter.
  21. Yeah there is quite a few posters on here starting to go with rabid anti pot stance like it wasn't already available and the fact that some people may want to now enjoy it are going to completely ruin the fabric of Thai society as we know it.
  22. Better known as shortening the internodal length. And yeah BM I agree looking like a healthy baby boy unfortunately
  23. Just my thrupence. Going to be ridiculously hard to do from overseas you need to be in country, boots on the ground and actually go and see these places for yourself. Rent a joint close to where you think you want to be an ACTUALLY live there for a while. In that part of the country rents are stupid cheap and you aren't locked into anything. There is no way I would try and attempt anything you are considering online or with help from her brother.
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