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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Some sim cards or account types might come with a package like that. There are rogue sales persons that will sign you up for "offers" like that as they get a comission. Also happens with phone repair staff.
  2. It is a method supported by the mobile networks. In the west it started a long time ago with crap like "Get your daily horoscope delivered via SMS" or for example ringtones. In the past you'd have to send an SMS to some short number to initiate this but over time they got more ways like just enterting your number on a website. They then charge your mobile account per SMS delivered. Doesn't have to have anything to do with the phone itself but it could be some crap app that was installed. You can ask your carrier to disable this great "feature". Why do the carriers offer this functionality? Because they and the companies who send these fantastically valueable SMSs share the revenue taken from the user.
  3. There are no private beaches. They are public property. And with Freedom Beach you also get to interact with some nice people trying to charge you for the access or else... What a world class beach!
  4. I don't think that one can describe their lives as happily but yes. They do have also to take blame for letting Hamas take over Gaza. That's on them. Now it's way too late for that and everyone around there pays the price. I agree Hamas has to be destroyed if there's to be any hope for peace. It's a purely evil entity. But even removing Hamas will not result in peace by itself. It's juse one out of a handful of similar issues in the region.
  5. I would consider myself a hopeless optimist at times 🙂 But the fish is rotten from the head. Look at the Nazis. Their ideaology was very similar in the sense that it was driven by hate towards others and triggered by social issues. Once they got hold of a critical mass of society nobody was allowed to dissent. Get rid of their leaders and show the people that this isn't the way and there is a chance that they will get rid of it. But they need a chance. They can't do it themselves under the current conditions. If you are a Palestinian in Gaza and are speaking out against Hamas you'll probably end up with very serious issues. They need to get the opportunity for change and crucially they also need a chance for a decent future. If they have no future then of course they'll resort to extreme actions. Can keep people in a corner only for so long.
  6. Every technological advancement has been met by people who oppose any change. No matter how many positive aspects the new development has. It can even save the life of those people, they will stoll oppose it because reasons. You can discuss the benefits forever with them, they wont change their mind. They are close minded and take the temporary downsides of the new stuff as if no further improvements would come. Happened with the invention of the car. Happened with the invention of the airplane. Gene therapies and numerous other modern medical inventions. The internet. Mobile phones.... it goes on and on and on. In the beginning those people are numerous but over time as new technologies get adopted and people get to experience the benefits themselves they get fewer and fewer. Some never change their mind but their generation eventually dies off. Then we'll have left only a few fringe weirdos but those can be mostly ignored. The new generations then are left to wonder "what were they thinking back then?". It's always the same game.
  7. Hamas fired a few thousand rockets and dozens actually hit targets. Now think what will happen if Hezbollah fires their 150,000 rockets. There can only be peace once the people of Palestine throw out the Hamas. And the people of Iran need to topple their extremist leaders that even kill their own people for not adhering to the strict dresscode. Those iranian maniacs are the main reason for all the hate and fighting in the middle east through all their proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and whatnot.
  8. You are correct that ICE vehicles are not the sole reason for the bad air in Bangkok. Field and rubbish burning plus industrial pollution are also big factors. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't tackle the issue of ICE pollution. Every single source of pollution needs to be tackled as far as reasonably doable. Can't always point at some other source to justify not fixing the problem that we can and should fix. I would suggest anyone who doubts the pollution by ICE vehicles to drive the highway from BKK to Korat on a motorbike without visor covering the face and at the end of the trip look at your face with fun black dirt covering parts of it. People might think you work in a coal mine.
  9. Well if you had better arguments than what you presented here you might have convinced them. A brain fart wont pull people close to you. Comparing EV buyers to sect members or pyramid scheme participants is as valid as as fossil fuels are the future.
  10. I would be impressed if you didn't post nonsense numbers.
  11. How does banning cars in downtown areas help with pollution from crop burning? These two issues are totally disconnected. And instead of banning cars they will eventually ban diesels and later any fossil fuel combustion vehicles like already happened in some places.
  12. I'm pretty sure you could answer your own question. If you want a very rough assumption then take about 5h of peak output. He has a 20kWp installation so you could calculate with very rough 100kWh. His car goes 6km per kWh which btw doesn't mean it's very light. It's a very standard consumption. I opened the BMW website and picked a random electric sedan, the i4 with 400Nm torque and 286HP and it consumes just a little bit more than Bandersnatches car does. Back to the solar. At 100kWh production and 6km per kWh that gets you 600km on a day of solar. Maybe people in the australian outback commute 600km daily but normal people dont.
  13. Weird, EGAT, PEA and and MEA seem to disagree with you. Who do I trust on this? The guys running and managing the electricity production and grid or some online randos who spout some claims with no supporting facts or info? Hmmmmm.
  14. Great, must have had a film crew with her to capture all these emotions and detailed accounts of words spoken as you so eloquently were able to elaborate 🙂 OP: I feel you. It's really frustrating that the bank apps and websites can't even show who some charge was made by. They do get this info btw from the card networks (Mastercard or Visa). When I had a similar issue with Krungsri they were able to tell me who made the charge on the spot. Not sure why BBL wasn't able to do the same. Maybe they have limited service during the weekend? Monday is Chulalongkorn Day so that's why it's Tuesday the 24th when they'll be able to get back to you.
  15. MacOS (and neither any of Apples other OSs) is not in any way based on Linux. It does have a partial base on BSD though.
  16. When it comes to service, availability of parts etc throughout Thailand then Honda is by very big margin the #1. Forget Suzuki, they are few and far between. Yamaha you might be able to find some but service is hit and miss. They got nothing that would fit your 4 cylinder screemer sound anyways. I'm pretty sure if you want quality, peace of mind and 4 pot, not too expensive and not too sporty then the CB650R and Kawa Z900 are the only game in town pretty much.
  17. Those are two totally different things. Defragmentation re-writes blocks of files so files are layed out in contiguous order. Useful for storage with slow seek times like spinning rust. Trim on the other hand tells an SSD which pages can be erased (usually during garbage collection cycles). There's no reason to do it manually as most modern widely used OSs and file systems do it automatically.
  18. Is this the 90s? Are we still using rotating spindle hard disk drives for the OS? 🙂
  19. Why are you coming up with these hypothetical situations? I really am not sure what to answer. The situation was clear. The evidence was overwhelming, they had CCTV, they had data recording from the car, they had evidence of her even threatening him with exactly this scenario! She was convicted. End of story. Why are you posting all these doubting scenarios when you didn't even read about the case? The OP posted about cars being allegedly being crushed for speeding - in Australia. That turned out not to be the case. Then the story of the speeding teenager who killed her boyfriend was brought up. Now we are somehow going into the US judicial system being unjust? I don't see the connection.
  20. She didn't crash into someone elses car. She intentionally crashed the car she was driving with her boyfriend (whom she killed) as passenger. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Mackenzie+Shirilla&ia=web I didn't deny this. I also don't see how it's related to the topic at hand.
  21. I'm not sure what you are argueing. The car was crashed intentionally, in no way can this be described as an accident. She was convicted of murder so the court established there was intent. So why argue? Fight my case and not go to prison?
  22. I'd argue you can't counter balance the lies of one side with lies from the other side. Lie plus lie does not equal truth. All you can do is assume that the truth will be somewhere in the middle between them but that doesn't give us a good understanding of what the real situation is. I'm not sure if there is even a way to get a clear neutral understanding during wars. But people need constant reminders of the biases in the media as they believe what they see or read as presented, so much is clear.
  23. Al Jazeera is biased towards pro-Hamas. They are the Qatari governmental news outlet. Hamas operates out of Qatar with the support of the ruler of Qatar. A lot of the intial reports out of Gaza were quickly debunked. 500 deaths because of a small explosion on the parking lot? That would require thousands of injured people. All the video and image evidence points to those reports being extremely exagerated. The war is being fought on the ground and on the media.
  24. And the concept of a blockchain helps with this project how exactly? I understand the technical pros and cons. I don't see how that would be revelant or a good choice here.
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