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Samui Coconut

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Posts posted by Samui Coconut

  1. try the Pool @ Santiburi Resort - Mae Nam - Olympic Size!

    Is this pool available to general public? Costs associated with it? Any info much appreciated from anyone.


    Santiburi is not available to public,it is furthermore oval and not 50 meters long, I would guess around 30.....

  2. my house is loaded with macs, iphones and ipads but i don't think i'd ever buy any of them here in thailand. the markup is redonkulous. i would consider them for "authorized" service but that's about it.

    What about from the Thai online Mac Store? I haven't purchased from it yet, but the prices seem to be same across the online stores.

    As mentioned by me in an earlier post, online works just fine, pay with credit card and items are delivered by DHL within 4-5 days. You can even track your order etc. Ipad 2 64/wifi/3G was 25,700 which included shipping.

  3. [Hi there, good dialogue.

    Am responding to the questions on our Samui Hotel Market Update Mid-Year Edition 2011 –

    The report says that domestic travelers accounted for 18% of total island arrivals in 2010. This was an increase from 2009 by 10%.

    As the report is Mid Year there is no increased annual figure for 2011 yet versus 2010. There was no mention of an increase in domestic traffic by 18%.

    On the drop of domestic arrivals by 2%, this was noted as first half 2011 (January through June) versus the same period in 2010. So yes domestic arrival did drop.

    For the classification of domestic and international passengers, these figures are compiled by the Department of Civil Aviation and are similar to airport statistics throughout Thailand by airports operated by the AoT (Airports of Thailand). Passengers arriving from airports within Thailand to Samui –ie Suvanabhumi, Phuket, U-Tapao and Trat. International passengers are those arriving from airports outside Thailand. In the case of transit passengers these are classified as domestic passengers.

    I do appreciate the apparent disconnect between the tracking of airport arrival and the nationality of hotel guests. It's important to understand these two data sources are independent of each other. We can say in our experience the figures provided by both are well presented and the methodology is consistent. In our report we endeavor to provide hotel management, owners and tourism organizations with as much clear data as possible, but fully agree is need to be interpreted.

    The check on this data is to next look at hotel guest stays and nationalities. Each guest in a hotel in Thailand is required to submit a passport or id card and these are recorded. The data is provided to the government and compiled by the Department of Tourism. A breakdown of nationalities staying in hotels is a matter of public record and is provided in detail by the agency.

    In the case of an increase in domestic guests in hotels versus airport arrivals the leading indicator of this is that more are coming via ferry transport. A new high speed catamaran service was added to Samui and this has increased those driving or coming by bus. From our fieldwork interviewing hoteliers there is a marked rise in domestic business travelers which is demonstrated in the growth of retail, fiancé and consumer service on the island.

    Lastly on the Ozo Samui, at the time we wrote the report the hotel pipeline was verified with the developers. We noted the same issue on the Ozo last time we were in Samui, as we visit each site on a periodic basis. Speaking to the operator Onyx Hospitality (formerly Amari Hotels & Resorts) they have encountered a delay and are planning on starting construction by the end of 2011. An opening is set for Q2 2013. As Onyx is part of Ital-Thai who have build a large number of international hotels in Thailand and are one of the leading construction companies here, we find their response credible. The updated figure will be in our next report.

    In terms of the total picture of Samui, the best reference we have is a growing imbalance between Hotel Supply and Demand and the disconnect between private development which has been uncontrolled and a lack of government sponsored infrastructure.

    Thanks for the opportunity to hopefully provide some numbers to the issue and it's indeed a good talking point on whether Samui should stay small or get bigger.

    Bill Barnett

    Managing Director

    C9 Hotelworks

    ...and Gurich will become Le Meridien......

  4. Hmmm.

    Check the first couple of sections:

    2011 Mid Year - domestic travel up by 18% (as opposed to international travellers)

    Airline Indicator - domestic travel down by 2%

    And that puzzles me.

    Are the implications that more Thai people are coming here on holiday?

    And if so, then they have rejected flying for other means of transport?

    How do you guys interpret this?


    That "visitor arrivals and inbound flights" graph doesn't make sense, it is not accounting for where the passengers are from and i'm confused by the H12010 and H12011 compared to 2007 through 2010

    .....and "Ozo Samui" will never open in 2012....haven't even started yet :)

  5. The folks in the photo don't look like they have $400 million at their disposal...

    $40 million might even be a stretch...

    Now $40,000, that I could believe.... How far does that get one in Samui? :whistling:

    Entrance Fee into the new russian Strip Club ' Galaxy '

    5 x San Mig Light

    3 x ' a dance '

    Bar Fine

    1 Night with an 18 Year Old Russian Beauty....

    total - 40K :whistling:

    I would believe they have Baht 40,000 (between each other) :lol:

  6. Baht 400 by a hotel is the normal price, but also depends which part of Chaweng (North or South).

    A taxi will likeley cost you the same, and should you arrive late, its better to have the hotel pick you up.

    Taxi mostly have meters, but hardly (never) used, it is always up to you to bargain for a price before you get in.

    If you plan to explore the island, better rent a car.

    Good luck

  7. I think you are better off ordering one from Apple Thailand direct, will get delivered. I honestly would be very wary buying something like this here.

    Did the same, Apple Thailand though ships out of Singapore, took 5 working days for delivery by DHL. IPad 2 3G 64GB 25,900 (incl. shipping) Great service, my first Apple product ever.

  8. You spend 30,000 baht on brunch then start complaining. Serves you right. As they say "A fool and his money......"

    Sorry just noticed your not actually complaining, Perhaps just showing off.

    30,000 on flight AND brunch.......not showing off, I have spent more at Nikki Beach (without flight that is) :lol:

    Doesn't matter whether you spend the money on brunch or shopping......who cares!

  9. The original concept of rolling power cuts, was because one line was down & the contractor who installed it didn't want to repair it.

    I since heard that a secondary line is also non operable,that would be more in line as to explain the cuts we have been having over the past few weeks.

    Could well be, I just tell what I hear, whether its true is questionable, but then again, will we ever know?

  10. So here we are on our third power cut this week. Yesterday and today both at approx 3 pm. Does anyone know what is going on? I have heard at least three different rumours

    So what are the rumours.

    1 out of the 3 lines into Samui are damaged, work to continue until at least September.

    Several hotels in each area (incl. Four Season etc.) will be asked by SMS to Chief Engineer to switch over to generator as soon as overall supply runs low.

    Once supply is normal again, hotels switch back to power supply and diesel cost for the hours used will be reimbursed by Tessaban.

    All sounds logical, but seemingly not enough as othwerwise we wouldn't have this thread.

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