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Samui Coconut

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Posts posted by Samui Coconut

  1. time will tell if it's the rent or the landlord that is unrealistic. everyone loves to complain about chaweng, "it's too busy, it's too commercialized" etc.

    i suppose if all any prospective tenant can dream up is a near identical copy of his neighbors business in chaweng (tailor, lady bar, tourist trinkets) then it's probably neither the rent nor the landlord that is unrealistic, it's the new tenants expectations.

    Don't the landlord and the rent go together? Are people still paying this ridiculous "thing" called "key money"? There should be a collapse and the vulturea should have to lower their asking prices but there just seems to be so many people out their who just can't wait to lose their cash. :huh:

    <deleted>, in Bangrak theres stil new bars springing up!!!!!!! Unbelievable. So where are all these extra tourists going to come from? Governments across europe are imposing austerity measures. The economic situation is dire and yet for some reason people thing that europeans and Brits will come flooding here when the euro and pound is getting hammered by an unrealistically hih Thai baht. Thailand has become a very expensive family holiday.

    Maybe after the forthcoming elections the place will be crawling with bar-crawling Thai taxi drivers who are running their new credit cards up to the max . . . :whistling:


    We are in for some very slow next few month......

  2. our office had a really strange day. power was on and off repeatedly throughout the day, then off from 9pm until 1am.

    no problems at home or anywhere else. bang rak has been really weird lately.

    Yes it was one of the typical transformer problems - they overload and can reset themselves three times. The third time the lights go out you can reckon on one hour for the PEA to come and investigate and reset manually. That seemed to happen last night and the lights came on for about ten seconds after an hour but then went off for another two hours coming back on at 01.00 so the problem must not have been easily solved.

    Absolutely correct.....

  3. You can all park at my property(5 min from airport), 1.day Baht 200 incl. transfer TO airport, 2.day - 10. day, Baht 100, thereafter Baht 50. Transfer FROM airport either Baht 200 (if park less than 10 days) or Baht 150 if park more than 10 days. What do you get?

    Transfer in modern car/mini van, covered parking space, concrete floor,flood save,security,....

    I read or seen of a guy in UK (I think) who does that for a living and as mentioned before, at a tenner a day at Heathrow it does make sense. Btw. how much does 1 sqm concrete floor cost? <_<

  4. It is your landlords responsibility to repair / replace it but getting him to do that is a different matter altogether. It will boil down to how much rent you have given him and whether you like living there ? A small pump is around 4000 bah. I would buy a new one but let the landlord know that when you leave the pump goes with you unless he would like to buy it from you ;)

    It's the responsibility of the landlord, if not fixed in resonable time, then move out. He/she needs to replace it anyway if he/she wants to rent out the house again.

  5. Tesco Chewang today at 4 pm had loads of bread,diary stuff and fruit. Not much in the way of meat and veg. Also large Leo at 482 a case!

    A friend trying to get a train to BKK was told - no way and not by bus either. Problems were on the mainland as the ferries are running.

    I agree with limbos - windguru is pretty good as long as you keep refreshing the page. Almost 100 % correct for the last 10 days.

    Regarding floods, I have been driving around Choengmon/Plai Laem/ Bang Rak/Bophut and the north end of Chewang and everywhere is passable by bike.

    Couldn't find any eggs at all yesterday....... :realangry:

  6. Not really big on indian food, especialy on sunday, but as its so close to me, I think I'll give it a go,

    wifey will be happy as she enjoys a good curry.

    Same me, after one not so satisfying visit I may try it again for take away or a quick dinner when passing by. As a Sunday lunch/brunch time option it has a loooooong way to go. I hear Beach Republic has improved. Haven't been there for at least a year....any comments ?

  7. up to u if u like getting mugged off. if u say u love bangkok airways and u think u are being clever then i just think u r 1 of these people that like to through your money around. great can u through some at me. are u one of these people who order champagne for 100 pounds a bottle at niki beach to show off how much money u have.

    up to u. we need people like u on this island keeps our local businesses alive

    You'd need to go to the ATM again me thinks..

    Only 5k? I keep 100 times that much at my gaff in x/y moo z lamui.

    Unfortunately I'm out and about tonight so can't give an exact figure....

    That would be a good deal indeed, I thought they sell at around 8,500 at Nikki. It is not the money in my case, it is the temperature that makes the stuff warm once it hits the glass......like driniking beer in the sauna..... :bah:

  8. If the timeshare guys are booted out just think of the amount of lost business for local business....all the workers pay rent each month, eat and drink in local businesses and generally spend all their wages in the local community......yeah why not get rid of them, great idea when many are suffering from the downturn already.


    That was ABSOLUTE hilarious!

    Scratching my head too! :lol:

  9. Last time I did is a while ago, fee I believe is 85 Singapore dollar, apply in morning 9.00am and pick up next day by 2.00pm, enough time to catch PG flight back to Samui. Embassy is next to Orchard Towers, stay at Hilton or Pan Pacific, Orchard Towers etc. (all within walking distance). Actually all very easy, provided all your papers are in order. Good luck lah:)

  10. I think what we, as people who live here, look for in a bar is quite different to what attracts visitors. This hit me last year when my daughter came here to get married and brought 19 other people with her. Witness 1 resident and 21 tourists in the Soi Green Mango .....

    All of them were universally drawn to bars that looked lively, friendly and fun in the first instance. Bars that were quiet and almost empty weren't even considered. The second factor was somewhere where they could hear each other speak. (There is a Thai line of thought that goes: the LOUDER your bar is the more it attracts custom - for some curious reason. Even if it's screeching with distortion ... which the Thais are totally oblivious to.) It's noisy enough in the street without having your ear drums bashed where you actually sit down, too. Thus, after a wander about for a while the group consensus was that (am I allowed to use names here? Better play safe) was that the African-style bar was the best. It was wide, allowing a good street view throughout, it was full of interesting people to peer at inside, the girls were attractive and bouncy and it also had tables outside - not too noisy and easy to watch the fun on the street.

    (It's also worth mentioning that visiting females like to see bargirls strutting around and showing off. They can tut-tut to each other about how terrible Thailand is whilst comparing themselves/looks/make-up/dress-sense to the girls on the quiet, and then moralise about their shameless behaviour while still being fascinated by it all.)

    After several visits over 3 weeks by several combinations of the group - a couple of pairs of older people, 8 or 9 in their 20s - there were just 2 bars that got used. The one already mentioned and the another one more "soulful" near the Green Mango (simply cos it was quieter earlier on and looked hip). The over 40s hated the whole street and found one of the nearby sports bars/pubs on the main road much more to their liking. Nowhere, at any time at all, did the subject of prices crop up, other than to mention how cheap everything was. They couldn't have cared less whether rum and coke was 80 baht a glass or 200 baht - it was still pennies to them.

    But people who live here have a totally different measuring stick. My own personal demands are a)music - it has to play the sort of music I like and if the Issan staff suddenly start playing pong lang, hooting and doing that thing with their fingers like they're combing a goat then I drink up and move on. If I want that I'll go to Udon. (Although I have to say that visitors who have never seen this before find it ethnic and interesting and like to see it.) b)An open and genuinely friendly owner (any nationality)and not one who is just being a 'host'. (Along with that, other regulars who are also the same and I can look forward to seeing again.) c) Low prices. I don't care about 10B or so over the odds but there's no way I'd regularly hang out where the beers are 100 baht a bottle etc.

    I might also add that there have been several out-of-town bars in Bang Rak and Mae Nam that I've been attracted to the look of, but found that when I've sat down there were little cliques of obvious regulars in groups who totally ignored me with not even a nod. The rest was fine, but that kind of welcome for someone on their own (ie not in company or a group) I find verging on hostile. <_<


    Value for money is surely a big plus, also atmosphere, cleanliness and friendlinss of staff/owner plays a vital role. Even if there are not enough customers around, I am pretty sure I could get them into my place. You need to look long-term....make them happy this time, they tell their friens and if they come back next year, they will visit you again. I guess service is the key word, same as most other businesses.

  11. the company i'm referring to specifically is "not a very minor group", owning hotels all over samui in addition to a number of restaurant chains etc.

    they probably own at least one property here for each of the 4 seasons, climatically speaking ;) and now they are branching out to phangan.

    You are absolutely right, I forgot the FS one....how could I......?? :whistling:

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