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  1. There's a toll free number for Centrelink. You get though pretty quickly.
  2. Yeah, I am in the same boat, I have a 5-bedroom home with 2 Rai land in Hang Dong, 25 minutes from Chiang Mai airport. 6.5 M. We have had it for sale for nearly 4 years, dropping the price every 6 months. Still waiting.
  3. Great, keep up the good work. Watched it happen, Chairs, cones, tyres, signs and even pot plants all thrown on the back of the truck.
  4. Insurance comes to mind.
  5. Can you do it by post in Pattaya, I would love to know.
  6. Geez, the poor gate. Did it cry.
  7. I have kidney problems, my doctor told me to drink at least 2 litres of water a day also don't eat any food with potassium. I love banana's, but they are high in potassium.
  8. For a sore throat gargle some apple cider vinegar, fixes my my sore throat, its great.
  9. Me too, and the rate is not too bad at the moment with Bangkok Bank.
  10. If you have a prescription with your eye measurements, buy them from Zenni online. https://www.zennioptical.com/ . They are great and half the price. Delivery is about 2 weeks.
  11. kinyara. Please let us know how you get on. It would be good to see your result. Cheers
  12. I have always done mine online. But unfortunately i went to Australia for a month, got back on 27th August, so my 90days was ready to do. Got online this morning and tried to do it online, rejected. I had to go in, with all the new paperwork, and submit it. So if you leave Thailand and return you have to go in to do it. This is Pattaya Immigration. If you dont leave, no problem, can do online. When i have to it next time, no problem doing online.

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