This is all old news and anyone now reacting with shock&horror only just now must have had their heads buried in sand for the past12 months...
Anyway being forewarned we in Jan24 bought our condo, with certain intention of only every doing our twice 6odays visits to LOS to our new holiday home.
Being prepared, the entire purchase was done with 1.8M the cash in our little shopping bag at the real estate office.
Never doing any form of international banking transfers from OZ. No Wise...nothing like that...
Mrs knows she is equally affected and happy to also only do the <180 days in LOS...
Anybody else who read all the warnings that started filtering down from News Gazettes approx back in aug23 have also had that whole 12+months to get themselves organised...
On every flight up to LOS we are carrying Max allowable Cash, and have all the CreditCards 'extra'topped up and spilling over with all those extra invisible funds for spending... feels good using a credit card as a savingsdebitcard
To further isolate from any chance of copping thai taxes, we won't ever rent our most-of-the-year-empty condo either...
Any/every time we send $ to our los bank account it is only done via our local thai grocery in Melb OZ... a very simple system where we hand the 1000s over to him, that simply goes into his own account in OZ... he sms's a photo of our los bank acct and the money amount details; and his daily counterparts in Bangkok simply domestically transfers the thb across to our SCBacct from his thaibank accouht 😀 No money actually moves across country borders