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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Sure they do, but do it in a more private way. Loads of Chinese businessmen order 3 girls to their room when in BK.
  2. Why do the ones that allegedly love you avoid having sex with you?
  3. More like $30 women and $250 rooms ...... when I was there in 2020. But plenty of places with 50c beers and $1 cocktails. Here's one of me by the pool at Garden Village Guesthouse and Pool bar SR.
  4. You could try a swinging fan on a timer to give some air circulation.
  5. This seems cheap enough, don't know what it's like .......... 10gm = 500bht, 100gm = 3000bht. OG BKK on facebook Triple G Dodidos Kush Mint Bruce Banner Lava Freeze
  6. The park I visit is free for over 60s so that change has made it cheaper for me. The misses and kid still have to pay 20bht each.
  7. You think too mut! Live for the day, and enjoy it. Tomorrow may never come.
  8. Can't say I've seen any extra gouging of foreigners since 2009. Certainly things have gone up less than back in the UK. What changes were you thinking of?
  9. We did try and take in a 13yo girl, but she skipped school, and went out all night so was returned after a year (her choice). No point in my paying for high school and University if she doesn't want to go. Back in the village now causing trouble for her grandma. Unlike many other posters, I have no problems looking after other people's kids, but I do expect reasonable levels of behaviour if I'm providing for them.
  10. I used to walk from the airport to Pasay bus station through the barrio in the early hours of the morning. Never any trouble, never felt there would be any trouble. Lots of old local guys sitting outside their shacks all night, they all used to shout "hello" or "enjoy your stay" as I walked past. Very friendly outgoing people (compared to Thais).
  11. Been here since 2009, and still enjoying it. Still find my wife attractive. If I didn't like it I'd move somewhere else.
  12. Why worry about the future? Cambodia, Philippines and Vietnam are also nice. Or you might be dead by then.
  13. Inexpensive accomodation, utils and vehicles, warm weather all year round.
  14. Do you really need underwater lights? How about surrounding the pool with LED spots?
  15. I found accommodation a lot more expensive than Thailand. But if you're a heavy drinker alcohol is a fraction of the Thai price. Less violence against foreigners, they actually seem to like us. Much nicer beaches than Thailand. Lots of German/Brit/Mexican food. I liked it there, but internet was a lot slower, and more expensive, and power cuts every day for an hour or more.
  16. You do realise you can just roll up with no VISA and stay for 3 years?
  17. Better than her calling you 'the farang'.
  18. I thought yours looked like a sack of potatoes and you had separate bedrooms?
  19. I prefer the Thai way. At least here you know it's hers from the get go, in the UK some men think it's theirs.
  20. i thought you had me on ignore? Topic is "How much salary ......"
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