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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Amazing Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines. To be honest I blame welfare, when a government provides all, women don't need men for anything.
  2. Same everywhere in the west (excluding France).
  3. "They found that the couples – who had been together for a minimum of 10 years – had sex seven times a month on average." Sounds like a lot of liars in that survey (or they didn't specify who the sex was with). Back in the UK I didn't know any married men (of 2 years or more) having sex with their wife more than 2x a month, many were only allowed sex 2x a year. The old joke, when first dating a girl get a jar and put a marble in every time you have sex with her, after marriage take a marble out after sex ......... your jar will never empty. That is so true!
  4. You're right! Back to the OP, I wouldn't have asked for a change/refund, I'd have found some use for the bin bags.
  5. Chiang Mai isn't that different. The western food availability (10 years back) used to be the big difference. But now you can buy it all cheaper online and have it delivered anywhere in Thailand.
  6. Me too! (67 years old) For some reason I thought you were much younger than me.
  7. Historically 80 percent of men were just cannon fodder and lived short brutal diseased lives. I prefer civilisation and progress.
  8. Given the choice , 1. man working for 40 years @ 40+hrs/week and being either asset stripped or living alone. 2. woman, pop two babies and have the rest of your life free from working. I'd go with being a woman. The peeing, pooping baby only lasts for 2 years, and that's only if you don't hire a nanny to do it all for you.
  9. Plenty of bullies and stalkers on this forum. Can't even post a thread on 'cook in sauces' without suffering frequent personal attacks from the 'haters'.
  10. How is their (possible future) health your concern?
  11. Would point out many Cambodian banks have USD accounts and pay interest in USD. No need to convert anything.
  12. Many old people end up in a care home. Many more occupy 1 room in a big empty decaying house they can't afford to heat or maintain. I used to visit a 'drop-in' center for old folks on a Friday when living back in the UK, they went there to keep warm and as a respite from their single lonely, cold existences. An affordable condo in the tropics with a swimming pool and maintained gardens would be luxury for the majority of old folk in the west.
  13. Would point out the west also has its problems. I'll including mass homelessness, rampant petty crime everywhere and out of control inflation. I prefer it here.
  14. Would point out 7-11 chain is as big as can be.
  15. Yes, I quoted you in error and couldn't change or delete the quote. My bad!
  16. I'm with Marx on this one ...... "I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."
  17. Can't think of any retail problems I've had since stopping buying Samsung products.
  18. I've never been that keen on wine, they all tasted like vinegar to me. Obviously that can be changed by adding a spoon or two of sugar. But I'm OK just drinking wine coolers at 26bht/bottle.
  19. I can't fix it, so I don't worry about it.
  20. I always had big houses and big gardens back in the UK. But the sad reality is I'm just too old to bother with the upkeep these days. Condo with swimming pool and nice gardens would be fine for me now.
  21. Error
  22. You've put me off now! And I was gonna bring the cannabis.
  23. Agree, So many people want to control us, but why? No smoking, no drinking, no sex, no sugar, no ICE, you gotta have smart electricity that the government can turn off.
  24. I drink at least 1ltr of pepsi a day, chocolate, supermarket bread, bacon, mash, chips, burgers .......... and my weight never increases. If anything I have a weight loss problem. Cycle 50Km a week if it's not raining.

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