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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Not much point in owning a handgun unless it's loaded and near your hand.
  2. My woman owed 500kbht on a car loan (car disappeared). I used to read the letter every year, the week after the time limit expired she got a 1.5Mbht mortgage loan, no more letters asking for the 500k either.
  3. If she has no land/vehicle/savings they will do nothing beyond a letter to her registered address every year for 5 years asking for the money+ credit blacklist. After 5 years the debt will be written off and she can get credit as normal again. It used to be 10 years but they reduced that to 5 years around 3 years back.
  4. All Thailand cities are 15 minute cities ........ the government hasn't gutted town centers like the west has done.
  5. Fake news .......... applies only to commercial installs. "the bill applies to facilities with a capacity of 10 megawatts or higher to connect “with a transmission facility.” "
  6. Do you consider Leveticus evil? The Torah seems to agree with DeSantis.
  7. What about protecting me from seeing guys with their butt cheeks hanging out of leather s&m outfits. No hetero male should be subjected to those sights!
  8. I didn't think they were coming for anyone. Just cleaning up public parades.
  9. Married a girl, my age, I met at university, I was doing a B.Sc, she was doing a B.Ed. So I wasn't available between age 22 and 52. When she was divorcing me I had a gf aged 23 in my bed, another age 60 who wanted to be in my bed and was flirting/dating my local pub owner age 40. But none of the women in my life were ladies I really desired, I just took what was available. Thailand was a total shock to me, where I could pick and choose from many I found really desirable. Was happy to pay/support/educate any and all of the women around me. I'm not short of money, so why wouldn't I share?
  10. Too wet and cold to drive a scooter in the UK. In Thailand it's always warm, and a scooter can easily get through traffic and you can park anywhere.
  11. I always ask 'Sa-kan' If they want Promptpay they usually reply 'PromptPay' No real communication skills required.
  12. I didn't see any of my 4 kids in the UK grow up, I was too busy working to support them. My 2 in Thailand I was with all the time, being a retired person.
  13. The western world actually has less sex now than in the past. Which is why we all moved to Thailand.
  14. if I had my time over in the UK again, I'd rent not buy. As a man it's just too easy to lose an asset that everyone can see, and can't be easily liquidated.
  15. I don't see her as 'innocent'. A man's home is his castle, best not to bother him.
  16. Read the link, woman inexperienced and married in her 20s ......... now confident and divorced. That sounds about right to me!
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